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Don’t Disqualify Yourself!

In chapter 23 of this week’s Torah portion, Emor, which means “say,” we have the main instructions for the Feasts of the LORD. But because that topic has been covered extensively by both me and many other teachers, I’m going to take time to unpack the part of the parsha that deals with the regulations […]

My Second Prison Passover

Well, we finished our second Passover Seder here in my current home at the Marion Federal Prison Camp. The Bureau of Prisons provides us with a cheap plastic Seder plate complete with shot-glass-sized plastic dishes filled with all the necessary components of a Seder. We also had a 1-2 inch-long shank bone. I didn’t know […]

Tradition or No Tradition?

It seems every year when holidays come around, there’s this cloud of controversy as to whether today’s believers today should celebrate them or not. In this short article, I hope to provide you with a real standard to help you discern between something that should be celebrated and something that shouldn’t. To determine the answer, […]

Obtaining A Sound Mind

Preparation If we ever need to do something, normally one will prepare for it. Sometimes we need to physically prepare and other times we may need to prepare emotionally, spiritually, or mentally. In either instance, it is important to start off with preparation. Without it, in most cases, nothing will happen! Spiritually speaking, however, it […]

Necessary Praise

Psalm 145:18-19 says, “The Lord is near all who call out to Him, all who call out to Him with integrity. He fulfills the desires of those who fear Him; He hears their cry for help and saves them.”

Yeast In the Soul

During this feast of Unleavened Bread, we take the time to truly reflect on the depth and meaning that goes into why we observe it. We have a full week to reflect. A full week of not eating any leaven. Why? “You must not eat leavened bread with it. For seven days you are to […]

Stay True

This week’s Torah portion is full of regulations and commands that were given to Moses to be given to the people of Israel. They were additional laws, aside from the Ten Commandments. However, there are some Jewish rabbis that believe these laws were initially given to the 70 nations. Most every nation did not accept […]

The Secret to Victory

Have you ever felt like you are in the middle of a boxing ring and you just continue to get pounded by your enemy with jabs and hooks to the point where you would rather just stay down on the canvas than to get back up and go another round? I sure know that feeling. […]

No Pain, No Gain

I have really been pressing into the Lord and doing a lot more praying and fasting than normal over this past winter. Apparently, a bit too much as I didn’t realize that I’ve lost almost 15 pounds and am back to my high school weight. I felt like before I turned into a prune completely, […]

The Azazel Goat and the Leader of the Demons

As we move into Leviticus 16 and following, we start to transition to a different flow as far as what Yahweh is conveying to His people. He has given great detail on how to build His house, how to operate and minister before Him, and has given specific instructions on how His people are to […]
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