Stay True
Stay True
This week’s Torah portion is full of regulations and commands that were given to Moses to be given to the people of Israel. They were additional laws, aside from the Ten Commandments. However, there are some Jewish rabbis that believe these laws were initially given to the 70 nations. Most every nation did not accept the laws and regulations, somehow finding a way out, or perhaps it didn’t agree with their standards. So they chose not to follow certain laws, and choose what was right and what was wrong. However, when the laws were presented to Israel, before even hearing of its content, they all said together, “All the people answered together and said, ‘All that the Lord has spoken we will do.’” (Ex. 19:8) They trusted the Word of God, and agreed to follow all the laws and commands, knowing that He is a good Father, true to His Word. Now if this is true what they say, then think about it!
How often do we deny and possibly unintentionally disobey a command from God? Or how often do we look past what He has already written and said? Our hearts should be in the place of acceptance and have the humility to willfully say, “All that the Lord has spoken we will do”. Take, for example, His promises. I know in my personal walk, there have been times when I have doubted in certain moments His promises. His Word is written and so true. How could I doubt it? God does not lie!
They are not meant for us to question or doubt! Look at a child and his parent. A parent may instruct his child to hold his hand while crossing the street, but he does not have to explain the why. It is simply for the child’s safety. This is the same concept with our Heavenly Father. When He gives an instruction or promise, it is not our job to make an excuse to dismiss or doubt it, but rather, to stand FIRM on what He says. Those laws and commands are there to protect us from harm and to help us grow and learn. If we fail, thank God, because He also gives us the free gift of grace and forgiveness. Sometimes it’s just a trial and error process. If you take anything from this short article, please glean this: if the Lord gives an instruction, command, or promise, don’t be sure to neglect, forget, or abandon it! Stand firm on the Word of God and trust what it says! It is sure to come to pass if you believe. Allow yourself to believe and trust without having to see what it all entails. Be willing to accept what comes at you without knowing everything that comes with it. It is worth it. He is worth it.
Jim Staley