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  • About PFT

Who We are

Passion For Truth is a unique ministry that was birthed out of a personal desire to know the truth of the Scriptures from the perspectives of the authors who wrote them. We are devoted to doing Bible things in Bible ways and getting back to the roots of our Christian faith. It is not only our passion to understand God’s Word within its historical and cultural framework, but also to apply what He teaches us through the Spirit and love of Messiah Yeshua (Jesus).


Passion For Truth is a ministry devoted to doing Bible things in Bible ways by going beyond the traditions and doctrines of men and getting back to the roots of our Christian faith. We do this in part by looking at the scriptures from the original authors’ perspective. To find our true identity in the Messiah we take seriously the study of His Word, rightly dividing it in its original context, and living out His truth in the faith and love of Yeshua (Jesus) through establishing strong, healthy individuals, families, and ultimately communities.


Passion For Truth intends to equip the body of Christ to be a light to the Nations by bringing them back to the roots of their Christian faith. This is accomplished through the Power of His Torah and the Spirit of Yeshua (Jesus) being taught in their own language through weekly live streamed teachings, radio and television broadcasts, the social media town square, written blog material, and other various PFT resources.

We will be a bridge for the lost Sheep of the House of Israel to come back to the roots of their faith by teaching them their identity, their instructions, and therefore their purpose with a foundation established in love.

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