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  • TOP 40

Top 40

  • Identity Crisis

    Identity Crisis

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    Did Yeshua (Jesus) come to start a new religion? Did God replace His chosen people, Israel, with a new group called “The Church?” What did the Messiah mean when He said that He only came for the “lost sheep of the House of Israel”? Pastor Jim Staley addresses these questions and more in this insightful and in-depth teaching on our identity in Christ.

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  • Truth or Tradition

    Truth or Tradition

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    This is the original video "Truth or Tradition" Pastor Jim Staley teaches on Truth or Tradition. Should Christians celebrate Christmas and Easter? It sounds sacrilegious to even ask the question, doesn’t it? You might be surprised to find out that God actually has an opinion when you consider the origins of these holidays…and that opinion might not be what you expect! “Well, that’s not what it means to me”, most people say. But since when does it matter what it means to us! We are not the ones being worshiped!

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  • December 25th On Trial - Does Christmas Come From Pagan Roots?

    December 25th On Trial - Does Christmas Come From Pagan Roots?

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    Jim Staley takes you on a journey back in time to answer once and for all the question of 'Did Christmas come from pagan origins?' In this easy-to-watch documentary, all the evidence is laid out before you, including ancient Roman documents, Catholic bishops, and quotes from early Church writers on the subject. No stone is left unturned in December 25th on Trial as Jim reveals the real truth of what the enemy has really been trying to hide this entire time. The significance of this topic for Christianity today is the difference between wanting to worship the Lord in both Spirit AND in Truth and just worshipping Him however we please.

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  • Are The Feasts Only For Jews?

    Are The Feasts Only For Jews?

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    Who are the Feasts Really for? Are you curious about the Feast Days of the Lord, but always assumed they were only relevant to Jews? Think again! In this enlightening video, we explore the rich history and significance of the Feast Days of the Lord and their relevance to all believers. From #passover to the Feast of #tabernacles, we delve into the origins of each festival and the biblical significance behind them. You'll discover how these holy days foreshadowed the coming of Jesus Christ and how they continue to hold great spiritual significance for #christians today. Join us as we journey through the feasts and uncover their hidden meanings and powerful messages. Whether you're a long-time believer or new to the faith, this video will deepen your understanding of the Feast Days of the Lord and inspire you to embrace their rich symbolism and spiritual significance. Please consider partnering with us and paying it forward to others by donating at or texting PayitForward to 801801

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  • The Red Heifer

    The Red Heifer

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    The strange commandment to sacrifice a perfect red heifer for the cleansing of the Israeli people is one of the most incredible examples of the death, burial, and resurrection of our Messiah and will be one of the most important parts of End Time prophecy! The Red Heifer had to be perfect and unblemished. Yeshua was perfect and unblemished. It had to be burned with cedarwood, hyssop, and scarlet wool. Yeshua was crucified on a cedar crossbeam, was given a gall on hyssop, and was wrapped in a scarlet robe. And those are only a couple of the incredible connections revealed in this sacrifice!

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  • Tear Down The High Places

    Tear Down The High Places

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    It’s time to tear down the high places in our lives. It’s time that we stop settling for a second best, and start pursuing His best. Are you tired of struggling with the same old sins? It just might be because you are visiting the high places. In this week's message, Jim is led by the Spirit to Deuteronomy 11-12 to explain how the ancients watered their land by foot and how God would deliver them to a place where He would water the land for them from above. Understanding how that redemption process relates to our own “land” is a powerful lesson for us to learn. He then reveals how a 2500-year-old artifact that was used on the wall in Jerusalem has a radical connection to the life of a believer today. This powerful and very emotional message will leave you convicted and inspired to tear down the high places in your own life. Immediately.

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  • The Gift of Tongues and the High Priest

    The Gift of Tongues and the High Priest

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    What do the High Priest, the book of Enoch, and the first-century historian Philo all have in common? Tongues of fire! In this short teaching, taken from the full teaching below, you will discover the true history behind the gift of tongues!
    Please consider partnering with us and paying it forward to others by donating at PassionForTruth or texting PayitForward to 801801

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  • The Truth About Tongues

    The Truth About Tongues

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    Did you know that the Dead Sea Scrolls talk about the same tongues of fire that are mentioned in Acts chapter 2? Did you know that Enoch and Philo mention them as well? If you’ve ever wondered whether or not the gift of tongues is for today, then this teaching is definitely for you! This very in-depth teaching covers virtually every single verse on the topic and will finally bring us to the Truth About Tongues!

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  • The Prophetic Call of Manasseh

    The Prophetic Call of Manasseh

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    Jim Staley brings forth a POWERFUL and prophetic connection of how Manasseh and Ephraim relate to the End Days Revival. Understanding the REAL reason why Jacob crossed his hands when he blessed the two sons of Joseph and how that blessing is still being fulfilled today, is the key to comprehending why Christians worldwide are drawn to Israel. This short message from Torah portion Vayechi will excite you to look deeper into the Word of God in these last days!

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  • Trinity On Trial - Pt 1

    Trinity On Trial - Pt 1

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    Pastor Jim Staley teaches on the Trinity. How exactly does the Bible describe the nature of God, the nature of Messiah, the Holy Spirit, and the "Word"? Join Pastor Jim Staley as he takes an in-depth look at this topic by going verse-by-verse through the Hebrew Scriptures and defining the Biblical framework from which the New Testament authors understood these concepts. Published on Oct 22, 2013

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  • Trinity On Trial - Pt 2

    Trinity On Trial - Pt 2

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    In part two of his teaching series, "Trinity on Trial", Pastor Jim Staley continues to unravel the mystery of the God-head by exploring the plurality of God shown throughout the Bible, as well as extremely compelling information from extra-biblical literature that provides a tremendous revelation that you may have never heard before! Published on Dec 13, 2013

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  • Trinity On Trial - Pt 3

    Trinity On Trial - Pt 3

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    In part three of his teaching series, "Trinity on Trial", Pastor Jim Staley continues to unravel the mystery of the God-head by exploring the plurality of God shown throughout the Bible, as well as extremely compelling information from extra-biblical literature that provides a tremendous revelation that you may have never heard before! Published on Nov 19, 2013

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  • Trinity On Trial - Pt 4

    Trinity On Trial - Pt 4

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    The conclusion to the Trinity On Trial series.

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  • The Organizational Structure of the 1st Century Church ─ Part 1

    The Organizational Structure of the 1st Century Church ─ Part 1

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    Pastor Jim talks about the organizational structure of the 1st Century Church and the role of women. This message was recorded at PFT Fellowship on Nov 5, 2011.

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  • The Organizational Structure of the 1st Century Church ─ Part 2

    The Organizational Structure of the 1st Century Church ─ Part 2

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    Pastor Jim continues his message on the organizational structure of the 1st Century Church. This message was recorded at PFT Fellowship in Nov 2011.

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  • The Organizational Structure of the 1st Century Church ─ Part 3

    The Organizational Structure of the 1st Century Church ─ Part 3

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    Pastor Jim continues his message on the organizational structure of the 1st Centu

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  • The Organizational Structure of the 1st Century Church ─ Part 4

    The Organizational Structure of the 1st Century Church ─ Part 4

    Info about this teaching
    Pastor Jim continues his message on the organizational structure of the 1st Century Church. This message was recorded at PFT Fellowship in Nov 2011.

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  • The Organizational Structure of the 1st Century Church - Part 5

    The Organizational Structure of the 1st Century Church - Part 5

    Info about this teaching
    Pastor Jim continues his message on the organizational structure of the 1st Century Church. This message was recorded at PFT Fellowship in Nov 2011.

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  • The Organizational Structure of the First Century Church - Part 6

    The Organizational Structure of the First Century Church - Part 6

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    “Chet”. In this teaching, you will not only learn that a fence both separates and connects, but Jim shows how this letter is really the foundation of understanding the structure of the first-century church. Separation and connection are the foundation of a healthy body of believers. Without the proper understanding of this letter as it relates to a local congregation, we will no doubt be “shooting in the dark” as we all do our best to follow His ways. Discover the Depth of the Hebrew Alphabet It would be an understatement to say that the depth of God’s Word is incredible. In fact, it is life-changing. Every letter of every Hebrew word is not only a picture in the ancient language, but is designed by the Creator to teach us how to live and how to truly connect with The Father. This fifteen-hour teaching series will open your eyes like never before to the depth of God’s language. You will learn each letter of the Hebrew Aleph-Bet in its modern and ancient Paleo picture and meaning. You will also discover the significance of the number to which each letter correlates and how it can radically affect your understanding of the scriptures. If you want to go deeper into the scriptures, this series is definitely for you! Example 1: The Torah is spelled with a Tav (ת), a Vav (ו), a Resh (ר), and a Heh (ה). Tav (ת) means “covenant,” Vav (ו) represents a nail, Resh (ר) means “the head or beginning of,” and Heh (ה) means “revealed or revelation.” So in its original pictograph form, the word “Torah” (הרות) means “The covenant of the nail is the beginning of revelation”! Said backwards it is “Revealed is the head of the nail covenant”. Example 2: The first two letters of the Hebrew aleph-bet are Aleph (א) and Bet (ב). Aleph means “strength, power, leader” and Bet means “house”. Together, those two letters mean “the strength of the house”. Furthermore, together, Aleph and Bet also spell the Hebrew word “Av,” which means Father! Our Father is the “Strength of our House”! Published on Oct 31, 2011 This teaching is also Part 6 of the series "The Organizational Structure of the 1st Century Church"

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  • The Covenant Between The Shoulders

    The Covenant Between The Shoulders

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    Jim Staley unpacks how the ancient city of Shechem points to how we can all exemplify the true image of God. What is your spiritual goal in life? What are you trying to accomplish? While millions of believers start to come back into a deeper covenant with the Messiah, Pastor Jim reminds us just what exactly true Covenant is all about. This is a deep and profound look at the ancient city of Shechem, the altar and sacrificial system that took place there, how the bones of Joseph are involved, what the image of God actually is, and how a deeper understanding of the Covenant Between the Shoulders can truly impact how you live your daily life. This message will challenge you and excite you all at the same time.

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  • The Power Of The Third Day

    The Power Of The Third Day

    Info about this teaching
    Why did the Messiah have to raise from the dead on the third day? Why not the first, second, or fourth day? In this teaching, we will explore the incredible depth of all the scriptures that surround this topic. In the process, we will discover the amazing prophetic nature of how every story that talks about the third day is pointing to the Power of THE third day!

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  • Top 10 Myths about Tongues

    Top 10 Myths about Tongues

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    There are not too many topics out there more controversial than the gift of tongues. In this teaching, Jim Staley pulls out the Top Ten Myths About Tongues and explains how this topic has been massively misunderstood on both sides of the aisle. While there is no doubt that this gift has been abused and counterfeited by the enemy over the last few decades, it doesn't take away from the fact that it was a powerful gift to spread the gospel in the first century, and is promised in Joel to once again be poured out on His people in the last days. This is one of several major teachings that Jim will be doing on this subject in an effort to bring the proper balance of the Truth and the Spirit!

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  • The Power of Patience Teaching

    The Power of Patience Teaching

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    Did you know that the Bible says there is one single attribute that if practiced will allow a person to have complete control over every single member of his body? And according to Luke 21:19 that attribute is patience. If you struggle with patience this teaching is for you. Join Pastor Jim Staley as he unpacks the deeper Hebrew meaning of this concept and how we can apply it to our lives today.

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  • The Five Ancient Sacrifices Of the Bible

    The Five Ancient Sacrifices Of the Bible

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    Believers and Sacrifice Pastor Jim teaches on the 5 main sacrifices of the Old Testament and how you can apply them today in your life! Discover how Yeshua fulfilled all of them and how, in principle, we as believers can do the same. This teaching will challenge you to look at how you sacrificed in a whole new way.

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  • The Cleansing of the Leper - Tazria/Metzorah

    The Cleansing of the Leper - Tazria/Metzorah

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    How do we become clean before our Maker? What does it mean to be set free from sin? The Scriptures state in Leviticus 14 that we are to take two birds and kill one over running water. Then wrap the other one in scarlet, cedar, and hyssop and dip it into the blood and water of the bird that was just killed. Really? Join Jim as he uncovers one of the most incredible parallels to the gospel in all of Scripture! This teaching is also connected to Lesson 3 of the L.E.A.D. Training program. If you're not sure what that is, Click HERE for the L.E.A.D. Program on "The Cleansing of the Leper"

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  • The Connection of Passover to Pentecost

    The Connection of Passover to Pentecost

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    Join Pastor Jim Staley as he uncovers the hidden connection between the Unleavened Bread of Passover and the leavened loaves of Pentecost. You will discover in this teaching how the entire process of counting the Omer leading up to Shavuot/Pentecost is all about how to make bread. And WE are the bread! This teaching will definitely leave you inspired and hungry for more of HIS bread! Make sure you stick around till the end as the Holy Spirit definitely shows up near the close of this message!

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  • The Power of Eight

    The Power of Eight

    Info about this teaching
    Have you always wondered why the number eight is so important in the Bible? Did you know that in Hebrew the number eight is connected to new beginnings? Have you been waiting for YOUR new beginning but just haven't been able to grasp what God has in store for you? Then this message is for you!! Join Pastor Jim as he explains the significance of the number 8 in scripture. All through the Bible, and even science, we see the tremendous emphasis and importance of this number. From the eight people on Noah’s boat to being circumcised on the eighth day, to Yeshua raising on the eighth day of the week, to a new heaven and earth being created at the beginning of the eighth millennium, there is something special about this number that YHWH is trying to convey. So join Pastor Jim as he teaches you how to apply the Power of 8 to your life!

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  • Begin to Possess Your Land!

    Begin to Possess Your Land!

    Info about this teaching
    Do you ever feel like your heart is filled with holes from all the things that have happened to you over the years? Do you sometimes feel like people continue to bore holes into you like a drill into a piece of wood? Then this message by Jim Staley is for you! Jim dives into the first few chapters of Deuteronomy and reveals the connection between the Israelites and us today. He shows how the Hebrew word for “begin” is connected to the idea of boring a hole in a piece of wood to make a flute. The holes might be the weakest place but they are the very place that the breath and wind of God come out of the most! So don’t despise your weakness as He is simply building a new sound of freedom in your life!

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  • To Eat or Not to Eat - Pt 1

    To Eat or Not to Eat - Pt 1

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    This is the video "To Eat or Not to Eat - Part 1 of 2"

    Does God care about what we eat? Does God really care about what we eat? If not, then where in the scriptures does it say that God changed His mind from what He told His people back in the book of Genesis? This teaching leaves no stone unturned as every single scripture used by theologians and church-goers alike concerning the subject is thoroughly examined.

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  • To Eat or Not to Eat - Pt 2

    To Eat or Not to Eat - Pt 2

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    Modern science is finally catching up to what God said in His Word thousands of years ago. Studies have presented conclusive evidence revealing the serious health risks associated with going outside of God’s dietary boundaries. It has been proven that most unclean animals carry parasites, and diseases, and are extremely high in toxicity. Did the Messiah’s work on the cross change the metabolic structure of all unclean animals?

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  • The Red Heifer and The END of The World

    The Red Heifer and The END of The World

    Info about this teaching
    For 2000 years Christians have been waiting for the return of Christ. For 2000 years the Jewish people have been waiting for the moment they can start sacrificing again. And there is one single event that must take place first in order for both to come true: the sacrificing of a pure red heifer.

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  • The Great Deception - Pt 1

    The Great Deception - Pt 1

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    **REVISED AND EXPANDED INTO A TWO-PART TEACHING!** We’ve all said, “God speaks to me.” But when was the last time you acknowledged and admitted when the Enemy was speaking to you? In this remarkable new teaching, Pastor Jim Staley explains that the Enemy speaks to us just as much as Yahweh does…and here’s the problem: if you don’t know how to recognize the voice of the Enemy, it is VERY possible that you might interpret his voice as your own thoughts…or worse, the voice of God Himself. You’ve heard the old saying, “The greatest trick Satan ever played was convincing people he didn’t exist.” That saying is truer than many Christians want to believe. 2 Corinthians 4 refers to this as being blinded by the “god of this age (HaSatan)”. Ever wonder why Paul tells the church at Thessalonica to “rejoice always and pray continually” (1 Thes. 5:16-18)? It is because we are continually being attacked in the spiritual realm and many of us don’t even know it! If we are to rejoice always, even in the face of spiritual attacks, we need to know how to be “spiritually equipped.” In this DVD, Pastor Jim Staley exposes the Enemy’s plan by explaining how to Recognize the frequency of the Enemy, Reject his voice, Rebuke him, Repent for submitting to that voice, Retaliate through prayer, and ultimately Restore our temples! Published Jul 26, 2012

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  • The Great Deception - Pt 2

    The Great Deception - Pt 2

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    We’ve all said, “God speaks to me.” But when was the last time you acknowledged and admitted when the Enemy was speaking to you? In this remarkable new teaching, Pastor Jim Staley explains that the Enemy speaks to us just as much as Yahweh does…and here’s the problem: if you don’t know how to recognize the voice of the Enemy, it is VERY possible that you might interpret his voice as your own thoughts…or worse, the voice of God Himself. You’ve heard the old saying, “The greatest trick Satan ever played was convincing people he didn’t exist.” That saying is truer than many Christians want to believe. 2 Corinthians 4 refers to this as being blinded by the “god of this age (HaSatan)”. Ever wonder why Paul tells the church at Thessalonica to “rejoice always and pray continually” (1 Thes. 5:16-18)? It is because we are continually being attacked in the spiritual realm and many of us don’t even know it! If we are to rejoice always, even in the face of spiritual attacks, we need to know how to be “spiritually equipped”. In this DVD, Pastor Jim Staley exposes the Enemy’s plan by explaining how to Recognize the frequency of the Enemy, Reject his voice, Rebuke him, Repent for submitting to that voice, Retaliate through prayer, and ultimately Restore our temples! Published Jul 26, 2012

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  • End of Age - What is the Millennial Kingdom

    End of Age - What is the Millennial Kingdom

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    Pastor Jim Staley teaches part 6 of his End of the Age series, “What is the Millennial Kingdom?” In all of Biblical prophecy, few topics are more misunderstood and controversial than the Millennial Kingdom. Will the Messiah, Yeshua (Jesus), literally reign on earth for a thousand years immediately after His Second Coming? Is the Millennial Kingdom spoken of in the Book of Revelation metaphorical? When does the Millennial Kingdom take place? Is it already here? In this sixth part of our end-times prophecy series, End of the Age, Pastor Jim Staley discusses the three main viewpoints concerning the Millennial Kingdom. You will learn all about when this event occurs on God’s prophetic timeline, how the Bible describes this incredible Messianic era, who will be part of this Kingdom, and much more! Knowing what the Bible teaches about the Millennial Kingdom is vital to understanding Biblical prophecy, but you’ll also be amazed to discover just how much this subject impacts your own life! Published September 16, 2015

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  • End of Age - What Happens After Death

    End of Age - What Happens After Death

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    "In this world, nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes" - Benjamin Franklin. Will we be judged immediately after death? Are people burning in hell right now? What do we do with all these “near-death experience” stories in which people claim to have gone to heaven or hell? Among the thousands of theological issues on which Christians debate and argue today, this question is perhaps one of the most important. In fact, even the writer to the Hebrews calls it a “foundational” doctrine. Are you sure your current beliefs about this issue are biblical?

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  • End of Age - Babylon Destroyed - The Beast of Revelation

    End of Age - Babylon Destroyed - The Beast of Revelation

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    Pastor Jim Staley teaches part 3 of his End Of The Age series. What does the Bible mean when it talks about heads, beasts, horns, and mountains? Where does the Anti-Christ come from? How does the chaos in the middle east today relate to the pictures given in Biblical prophecy? Is all of this talk about an “Islamic Caliphate” relevant to the end times? In this new full-length teaching, Pastor Jim Staley discusses these topics and more! You’ll see Biblical prophecy come alive as you learn all about the destruction of Babylon, the Best of Revelation, and the “King of the North.” It’s vital that we understand these topics in the correct context to know where we stand during the End of the Age! Published on Sep 24, 2014

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  • End of Age - The Truth About the Rapture

    End of Age - The Truth About the Rapture

    Info about this teaching
    Pastor Jim Staley teaches part 4 of his End Of The Age series. Did you know that the Second Coming of Christ is mentioned over 300 times in the 260 chapters in the New Testament? (That is 1 out of every 25 verses!) Indeed, the Second Coming of Christ is the single most important future event mentioned in the entire Bible. The various doctrines surrounding this event (where, when, and how?) also make it one of the most controversial subjects in all of Christianity. In this fourth part of our end-times prophecy series, “End of the Age,” Pastor Jim Staley discusses the four main viewpoints concerning the “Rapture.” Knowing what the Bible teaches about the Rapture is vital to understanding Biblical prophecy, but you’ll also be amazed to discover just how much this subject impacts your own life! Therefore, we hope you’ll join us as we seek to understand this important subject in the correct context to know where we stand during the “End of the Age!” Published on Oct 1, 2014

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  • End of the Age - Islam, the Anti-Christ and Mystery Babylon

    End of the Age - Islam, the Anti-Christ and Mystery Babylon

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    In this second part of Pastor Jim Staley’s end-times prophecy series, “End of the Age,” we see the origins of the most dangerous threat in the world today: Islam. Why is Mecca the center of Islamic worship? Why are the crescent moon and star so widely associated with Islam? What is the difference between Babylon and “mystery” Babylon of prophecy, and how does each factor into the end-times? It’s vital that you understand these topics in the correct context to know where we stand during the “End of the Age”! Aug 21, 2014

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  • Passover - The Historical Account

    Passover - The Historical Account

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    Pastor Jim discusses the historical account of Passover, who it was given to, the message hidden in the details, the gospel account, and the value of celebrating it today. Published Apr 10, 2012

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  • Shalom to the Home - Pt 1

    Shalom to the Home - Pt 1

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    Countless marriages have been encouraged, restored, and, in some cases, completely rebuilt from separation and divorce as a result of this series. This powerful teaching will revolutionize your marriage on every level and is the answer to what you have been praying for! Nothing is more powerful and satisfying in life than having shalom (peace) in your home, and nothing is more miserable than the opposite. This series cuts right to the heart of the problems that you are facing in your marriage and gives you the true, Biblical solutions to restore what the locusts have eaten. All marriages can be restored; we simply need to retrieve the tools that are lacking to rebuild the house! One small hole in a water pipe can flood an entire house. When you find the hole and fix it, the entire house can be saved. This life-changing series reveals both the problem and the solution in an articulate, Biblical, and humorous way and will leave you with what you truly desire — Shalom in the Home! Published Nov 14, 2012

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  • Shalom in the Home - Pt 2

    Shalom in the Home - Pt 2

    Info about this teaching
    Countless marriages have been encouraged, restored, and, in some cases, completely rebuilt from separation and divorce as a result of this series. This powerful teaching will revolutionize your marriage on every level and is the answer to what you have been praying for! Nothing is more powerful and satisfying in life than having shalom (peace) in your home, and nothing is more miserable than the opposite. This series cuts right to the heart of the problems that you are facing in your marriage and gives you the true, Biblical solutions to restore what the locusts have eaten. All marriages can be restored; we simply need to retrieve the tools that are lacking to rebuild the house! One small hole in a water pipe can flood an entire house. When you find the hole and fix it, the entire house can be saved. This life-changing series reveals both the problem and the solution in an articulate, Biblical, and humorous way and will leave you with what you truly desire — Shalom in the Home! Published Nov 14, 2012

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  • Shalom in the Home - Pt 3

    Shalom in the Home - Pt 3

    Info about this teaching
    Countless marriages have been encouraged, restored, and, in some cases, completely rebuilt from separation and divorce as a result of this series. This powerful teaching will revolutionize your marriage on every level and is the answer to what you have been praying for! Nothing is more powerful and satisfying in life than having shalom (peace) in your home, and nothing is more miserable than the opposite. This series cuts right to the heart of the problems that you are facing in your marriage and gives you the true, Biblical solutions to restore what the locusts have eaten. All marriages can be restored; we simply need to retrieve the tools that are lacking to rebuild the house! One small hole in a water pipe can flood an entire house. When you find the hole and fix it, the entire house can be saved. This life-changing series reveals both the problem and the solution in an articulate, Biblical, and humorous way and will leave you with what you truly desire — Shalom in the Home! Published Nov 14, 2012

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  • The Color Blue

    The Color Blue

    Info about this teaching
    In this message, Pastor Jim Staley teaches on the significance of the color blue and draws some very interesting parallels between what science tells us about light/color and the role of God’s people on earth. He also discusses an amazing biblical prophecy fulfilled in Yeshua during His encounter with the woman who had an issue of blood and why believers today would highly benefit from applying God’s command to wear tzitziyot (tassels). We hope you’re blessed! Published Jul 15, 2014

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  • Ten Ancient Principles for Conflict Resolution

    Ten Ancient Principles for Conflict Resolution

    Info about this teaching
    This teaching from Pastor Jim Staley is one of the most practical and “useable” messages we’ve ever heard at PFT! YHVH (God) wants His people to succeed in every relationship, from marriages to business partnerships. Applying these simple Biblical principles to your everyday life will revolutionize how you interact with friends, family, neighbors, and co-workers. Pull out the notepad and study this teaching…and get ready for YHVH to reveal himself in your relationships like never before! Published on Jan 14, 2014

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  • Great Church Audit Part 1

    Great Church Audit Part 1

    Info about this teaching
    What is the Definition of “Sin”? The question might sound simple, but the answer might just surprise you! This series is one of the most popular teachings Jim has ever done! This is an in-depth 5-hour teaching that starts with an exhaustive definition of sin. Then, a full explanation of all the covenants in the Old Testament and how they affect the New Covenant. Then, he ends the series by going through virtually every single verse in the New Testament that has been misunderstood concerning Paul, Jesus, and the Law of God. This is a MUST for every serious student of the bible. If you know someone that has a hard time believing that the Torah is for today, THIS is the series for them as it is a very methodical, apologetic look at the entire Bible from the Hebraic perspective. Published on Jul 13, 2012. What if the citizens of the United States were somehow deceived into believing that the Constitution is no longer relevant in today’s society and needed to be abolished? Imagine if the tried and true principles, laws, and ordinances that were once established for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness no longer had a place in our fast-paced, secular, progressive society? The answer is simple: Every man would begin to determine what is right in his own eyes and the people in the highest places would create new laws, which would ultimately bring death, bondage, and injustice for all. In the same way, the enemy knows that in order to destroy God’s people, all he needs to do is destroy the “Constitution” of God — His Law. If he could convince the people that God’s Law, ordinances, and commandments — which were intended for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness — were no longer relevant for today, then the people would fall into bondage by creating their own laws. The enemy has crafted and executed his plan perfectly; he has convinced mankind that God’s Law is abolished and that it was even God’s idea to get rid of it! …Is the Law of God really irrelevant today? Has it really been nailed to the cross as we have been told? This in-depth DVD series goes from cover to cover in the Word in a step-by-step attempt to answer this question once and for all. We dive into a comprehensive study of the definition of sin. We then journey through the last major covenants and define them according to the scripture, including the “New Covenant.” Lastly, we spend a considerable amount of time going through virtually every single misunderstood verse in the New Testament concerning this topic. By the end of this series, the veil will be lifted, the enemy’s plan will be foiled, and we will finally be able to answer the question, “has the Torah really been abolished?”

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  • Great Church Audit Part 2

    Great Church Audit Part 2

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    What if the citizens of the United States were somehow deceived into believing that the Constitution is no longer relevant in today’s society and needed to be abolished? Imagine if the tried and true principles, laws, and ordinances that were once established for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness no longer had a place in our fast-paced, secular, progressive society? The answer is simple: Every man would begin to determine what is right in his own eyes and the people in the highest places would create new laws, which would ultimately bring death, bondage, and injustice for all. In the same way, the enemy knows that in order to destroy God’s people, all he needs to do is destroy the “Constitution” of God — His Law. If he could convince the people that God’s Law, ordinances, and commandments — which were intended for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness — were no longer relevant for today, then the people would fall into bondage by creating their own laws. The enemy has crafted and executed his plan perfectly; he has convinced mankind that God’s Law is abolished and that it was even God’s idea to get rid of it! …Is the Law of God really irrelevant today? Has it really been nailed to the cross as we have been told? This in-depth DVD series goes from cover to cover in the Word in a step-by-step attempt to answer this question once and for all. We dive into a comprehensive study of the definition of sin. We then journey through the last major covenants and define them according to the scripture, including the “New Covenant.” Lastly, we spend a considerable amount of time going through virtually every single misunderstood verse in the New Testament concerning this topic. By the end of this series, the veil will be lifted, the enemy’s plan will be foiled, and we will finally be able to answer the question, “has the Torah really been abolished?” Published on Jul 13, 2012

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  • Great Church Audit Part 3

    Great Church Audit Part 3

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    What if the citizens of the United States were somehow deceived into believing that the Constitution is no longer relevant in today’s society and needed to be abolished? Imagine if the tried and true principles, laws, and ordinances that were once established for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness no longer had a place in our fast-paced, secular, progressive society? The answer is simple: Every man would begin to determine what is right in his own eyes and the people in the highest places would create new laws, which would ultimately bring death, bondage, and injustice for all. In the same way, the enemy knows that in order to destroy God’s people, all he needs to do is destroy the “Constitution” of God — His Law. If he could convince the people that God’s Law, ordinances, and commandments — which were intended for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness — were no longer relevant for today, then the people would fall into bondage by creating their own laws. The enemy has crafted and executed his plan perfectly; he has convinced mankind that God’s Law is abolished and that it was even God’s idea to get rid of it! …Is the Law of God really irrelevant today? Has it really been nailed to the cross as we have been told? This in-depth DVD series goes from cover to cover in the Word in a step-by-step attempt to answer this question once and for all. We dive into a comprehensive study of the definition of sin. We then journey through the last major covenants and define them according to the scripture, including the “New Covenant.” Lastly, we spend a considerable amount of time going through virtually every single misunderstood verse in the New Testament concerning this topic. By the end of this series, the veil will be lifted, the enemy’s plan will be foiled, and we will finally be able to answer the question, “has the Torah really been abolished?” Published on Jul 13, 2012.

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  • Official Sabbath Debate

    Official Sabbath Debate

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    In this two-hour debate, two Christian pastors take the stage to answer one of the most important theological questions of all time: Should Christians Keep The Sabbath? This toe-to-toe debate is going to challenge everything you thought you knew about the Sabbath, as Pastor Jim Staley and Pastor Chris Rosebrough expound on dozens of relevant scriptures and extra-biblical sources to support their stances. This historic event will give you a lot to think about…and it might just change your life!

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  • The Moment Jim Staley Won the Sabbath Debate

    The Moment Jim Staley Won the Sabbath Debate

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    This is an excerpt at about an hour and 28 minutes into the full debate. More is said, but this is the moment to be believed Staley won the debate. To watch the full-length debate, please visit this link: Published on May 11, 2014

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  • Sabbath Debate Recap

    Sabbath Debate Recap

    Info about this teaching
    Pastor Jim Staley shares his thoughts on his recent debate with Pastor Chris Rosebrough. To watch the full-length debate, please visit this link: Published on May 14, 2014

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