End of Age - Babylon Destroyed - The Beast of Revelation
Pastor Jim Staley teaches part 3 of his End Of The Age series. What does the Bible mean when it talks about heads, beasts, horns, and mountains? Where does the Anti-Christ come from? How does the chaos in the middle east today relate to the pictures given in Biblical prophecy? Is all of this talk about an “Islamic Caliphate” relevant to the end times? In this new full-length teaching, Pastor Jim Staley discusses these topics and more! You’ll see Biblical prophecy come alive as you learn all about the destruction of Babylon, the Best of Revelation, and the “King of the North.” It’s vital that we understand these topics in the correct context to know where we stand during the End of the Age! Published on Sep 24, 2014
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Pastor Jim Staley teaches part 3 of his End Of The Age series. What does the Bible mean when it talks about heads, beasts, horns, and mountains? Where does the Anti-Christ come from? How does the chaos in the middle east today relate to the pictures given in Biblical prophecy? Is all of this talk about an “Islamic Caliphate” relevant to the end times? In this new full-length teaching, Pastor Jim Staley discusses these topics and more! You’ll see Biblical prophecy come alive as you learn all about the destruction of Babylon, the Best of Revelation, and the “King of the North.” It’s vital that we understand these topics in the correct context to know where we stand during the End of the Age! Published on Sep 24, 2014
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