- Sabbath (4)
- Passover (14)
- Passover Demonstration 2024
- Discoveries from Israel
- Prophetic Power of Passover
- Rabbi Glick & Jim Staley - Let's Talk About Passover
- Easter vs Passover
- Passover - Part 1
- Passover - Part 2
- Passover - Part 3
- How To Celebrate Passover
- Passover - The Historical Account
- Passover Seder - 2012
- Passover Seder - 2014
- Passover Seder - 2015
- Passover Seder Celebration 2021
- Unleavened Bread (7)
- First Fruits (2)
- Pentecost (7)
- 2021 ELUL Daily Prayer (29)
- 2021 Elul - Day1
- 2021 Elul - Day 2
- 2021 Elul - Day 3
- 2021 Elul - Day 4
- 2021 Elul - Day 5
- 2021 Elul - Day 6
- 2021 Elul - Day 7
- 2021 Elul - Day 8
- 2021 Elul - Day 9
- 2021 Elul - Day 10
- 2021 Elul - Day 11
- 2021 Elul - Day 12
- 2021 Elul - Day 13
- 2021 Elul - Day 14
- 2021 Elul - Day 15
- 2021 Elul - Day 16
- 2021 Elul - Day 17
- 2021 Elul - Day 18
- 2021 - Elul Day 19
- 2021 - Elul Day 20
- 2021 - Elul Day 21
- 2021 - Elul Day 22
- 2021 - Elul Day 23
- 2021 - Elul Day 24
- 2021 - Elul Day 25
- 2021 - Elul Day 26
- 2021 Elul Day 27
- 2021 Elul Day 28
- 2021 Elul Day 29
- Feast Of Trumpets (8)
- Day Of Atonement (6)
- Feast Of Tabernacles (19)
- All About Tabernacles 2023
- Day 1 - Tabernacles 2023
- Day 2 Morning - Tabernacles 2023
- Day 2 Evening - Tabernacles 2023
- Day 3 Morning - Tabernacles 2023
- Day 3 Evening - Tabernacles 2023
- Day 4 Morning- Tabernacles 2023
- Day 4 Evening - Tabernacles 2023
- Day 5 Morning - Tabernacles 2023
- Day 5 Evening - Tabernacles 2023
- Day 7 Morning - Tabernacles 2023
- Day 7 Evening - Tabernacles 2023
- Day 8 Morning - Tabernacles 2023
- Day 8 Testimony Night - Tabernacles 2023
- Day 9 - Tabernacles 2023
- Feast of Tabernacles
- The Depth of The Feast of Tabernacles
- Promo Videos - Prophetic Calendar
- Purim (4)
- Hanukkah (15)
- Hanukkah for Christians
- How To Hanukkah - Day 1
- How To Hanukkah - Day 2
- How to Hanukkah - Day 3
- How To Hanukkah - Day 4
- How to Hanukkah - Day 5
- How to Hanukkah - Day 6
- How to Hanukkah - Day 7
- How to Hanukkah - Day 8
- To Hanukkah or Not to Hanukkah?
- How to Celebrate Hanukkah
- Christmas, Hanukkah & the Anti-Christ
- Hanukkah-The Power of Light
- Hanukkah - 2012
- Hanukkah - 2013
- Halloween (6)
- Christmas (10)
Defending the Sabbath - Part 1
Info about this teachingShould Christians keep the Sabbath? Jim Staley goes live today in this Part 1 of the AMA Defending the Sabbath Series. In this broadcast, he tackles the most difficult questions on the Sabbath. Should Christians keep the Sabbath today? Find out more in this broadcast! CHAPTERS: 00:00 Defending the Sabbath part 1 - Introduction 02:03 MYTH 1- We should only keep the laws repeated in the NT 11:09 MYTH 2- Acts 15 doesn’t mention the Sabbath as being a requirement for Gentiles 19:10 MYTH 3- The Sabbath can be any day 25:33 MYTH 4- The Sabbath is going under the yoke of bondage 31:31 MYTH 5- The Sabbath was only given to Israel 39:19 MYTH 6- The Sabbath was on the "first day of the week" 47:41 MYTH 7- The New Covenant is for the Gentiles 54:33 MYTH 8- Jesus broke the Sabbath when He healed a man 56:57 MYTH 9- The Sabbath was nailed to the Cross 01:08:50 MYTH 10- The "Lord’s Day" is SundayDefending the Sabbath - Part 2
Info about this teachingShould Christians keep the Sabbath? Does God expect us to keep the Ten Commandments? Is it really true that God took away from all mankind one of the largest blessings that was given to us in creation, a blessing that was specifially “made for man?” In Part 2 of this series, Jim continues to answer the critiques and bring new light to seemingly difficult verses, which then changes the entire end result of the debate. Understanding scripture from the original author’s Hebraic perspective is the key to unlocking the answer to the age-old question of ‘Should Christians Keep the Sabbath?’ 00:00 Defending the Sabbath - Introduction 07:30 Myth 1- Jesus is our rest, so we don’t need the Sabbath 14:35 Myth 2- The Sabbath was given to the Jews 18:20 Myth 3- The Sabbath is the only commandment not found in the NT 24:34 Myth 4- The Sabbath in the New Testament 42:12 Truth- Over 30 nations named their 7th day from the Hebrew word "Shabbat" 45:27 Truth- There is a real historical transition from Saturday to Sunday Sabbath 53:21 Myth 5- The Gregorian Calendar lost track of the Sabbath day 58:55 Myth 6- We should follow the Lunar SabbathDefending the Sabbath - Part 3
Info about this teachingJoin us for the latest installment in our series: "Defending the Sabbath Part 3." Do you know when the Sabbath actually begins? Do you know how to explain why you believe what you believe? There is a growing belief that the Sabbath begins at dawn and Saturday and ends in the evening that day. Could this be the case? Has Judaism for thousands of years calculated the Sabbath incorrectly? Pastor Jim will address the intricate question of when the Sabbath truly begins, exploring notions such as the timing—morning or evening—and at the "end of the day" will put this issue to rest once and for all. OTHER TEACHINGS YOU MIGHT LIKE Part 1-Ten Myths About the Sabbath-Exposed!- https://youtube.com/live/FF45cMglsC8 Part 2- Addressing Critics About the Sabbath- https://youtube.com/live/djRITLGxFLQDefending the Sabbath - Part 4
Info about this teachingGet ready for our next episode in the 'Defending The Sabbath Series'! Jim will be delving into the intriguing topic of the Lunar Sabbath. In this session, we'll explore the intricate facts surrounding the belief advocating Shabbat observance according to the lunar calendar, counting the seven-day week after each new moon. We'll dive deep into whether this theory holds up from Biblical and historical perspectives. If you're curious about this thought-provoking aspect of Sabbath practice, this episode is perfect for you!
Passover Demonstration 2024
Info about this teachingGather around the table for a transformative Passover Seder demonstration by Jim Staley, where the ancient traditions of the festival converge with profound spiritual insights, enriching the lives of families in ways they never imagined. Through engaging storytelling and thoughtful reflection, the demonstration highlights how Jesus (Yeshua), the ultimate Passover Lamb, fulfilled the ancient prophecies and ushered in a new covenant of salvation and freedom. His life, death, and resurrection take on new meaning as participants connect the dots between the Old Testament foreshadowings and the New Testament fulfillment!Discoveries from Israel
Info about this teachingStep into the captivating world of archaeology with Eli Shukron, a distinguished figure in the realm of Israeli archaeology, as he unveils the treasures of his illustrious 20-year career. Renowned for his expertise and dedication, Shukron's archaeological endeavors have unearthed some of the most awe-inspiring discoveries, offering glimpses into ancient Biblical stories and unlocking the mysteries buried beneath layers of time!Prophetic Power of Passover
Info about this teachingDiscover the POWER of Passover like never before during the opening night from our live conference, "Passion For Passover," with Pastor Jim Staley. Prepare to uncover the profound prophetic connections embedded within this ancient feast and our Messiah Yeshua. From the Exodus to the Last Supper, discover how every element of Passover holds a rich tapestry of meaning that transcends time and connects events that will be reflected in God’s Salvation plan for mankind!Rabbi Glick & Jim Staley - Let's Talk About Passover
Info about this teachingJoin Jim Staley as he interviews Rabbi Yehudah Glick of the Shalom Jerusalem Foundation about the biblical Passover and how it still blesses us today. Rabbi Glick shares his passion for Passover and the call to all people to make Jerusalem the House of Prayer for all nations! This is the heart of God's calling during this Passover season for all of us to stand in the gap and support our brother Judah and to pray for the peace of Jerusalem!Easter vs Passover
Info about this teachingWhy have we been celebrating Easter and not Passover if Jesus told us at the Last Supper, which was a Passover meal, to "Do THIS (Passover) in remembrance of [Him]?" In this short video, we explore the fact that not only did the Messiah instruct us to keep it, but the apostle Paul did as well. And if that was not enough, we also have records showing how the early, authentic Christian churches all kept Passover until it was outlawed by the Roman church in both 193 AD and for all time in 325 AD. This video will leave you gripped with the question 'Why don't we celebrate Passover instead of Easter?" There are millions of people around the world that have made the transition of doing Bible things in Bible ways and have never been the same since they did. Will you be one of the End Times remnants that starts the second exodus back to just following Scripture and honoring God the way our ancestors did? To find out more about Passover and all the Prophetic Feast Days of the Bible, visit https://passionfortruth.com/holidays/Passover - Part 1
Info about this teachingHow and why do we still celebrate Passover after Yeshua's (Jesus's) resurrection? The reality is Passover, and all the Spring Feasts, point directly TO Yeshua's death, burial, and resurrection! Pastor Jim Staley's teaching on Passover goes over some basics about the Passover meal and gets into the deeper significance of this Biblical feast as well, including scientific analysis of when Yeshua actually dies on the cross. Understanding how this Feast Day fits into God's prophetic calendar will help every Christian connect to the roots of their faith like never before! Published Apr 18, 2014Passover - Part 2
Info about this teachingHow and why do we still celebrate Passover after Yeshua's (Jesus's) resurrection? The reality is Passover, and all the Spring Feasts, point directly TO Yeshua's death, burial, and resurrection! Pastor Jim Staley's teaching on Passover goes over some basics about the Passover meal and gets into the deeper significance of this Biblical feast as well, including scientific analysis of when Yeshua actually dies on the cross. Understanding how this Feast Day fits into God's prophetic calendar will help every Christian connect to the roots of their faith like never before! Published Apr 23, 2014Passover - Part 3
Info about this teachingHow and why do we still celebrate Passover after Yeshua's (Jesus's) resurrection? The reality is Passover, and all the Spring Feasts, point directly TO Yeshua's death, burial, and resurrection! Pastor Jim Staley's teaching on Passover goes over some basics about the Passover meal and gets into the deeper significance of this Biblical feast as well, including scientific analysis of when Yeshua actually dies on the cross. Understanding how this Feast Day fits into God's prophetic calendar will help every Christian connect to the roots of their faith like never before! Published Apr 30, 2014How To Celebrate Passover
Info about this teachingWhen in history was Passover outlawed and Easter was adopted to take it's place? Why did the blood of the lamb have to be placed only at the threshold? What day did the Messiah actually die and rise from the dead? What is the connection with the red heifer, the kinsman redeemer, the redemption of the first born? Pastor Jim walks you through all of these questions in All About Passover. Published Mar 13, 2015
Unleavened Bread
Unleavened Bread
Info about this teachingPastor Jim Staley teaches on leaven and the Feast days. Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread have huge prophetic meaning for modern Christianity...so we better understand what "leaven" is and what it isn't, both physically and spiritually. This teaching gives definition and practical application for how all of God's people can honor these amazing Feasts of our Lord! Published Apr 8, 2014What is Leaven – Real Yeast
Info about this teachingExcerpt from "What is Leaven". Watch the full teaching here: https://youtu.be/Nndh5qFiVX4 Published May 22, 2014Does God Knead You?
Info about this teachingExcerpt from "What is Leaven". Watch the full teaching here: https://youtu.be/Nndh5qFiVX4 Published May 22, 2014What is Leaven?
Info about this teachingPastor Jim Staley teaches on leaven and the Feast days. Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread have huge prophetic meaning for modern Christianity...so we better understand what "leaven" is and what it isn't, both physically and spiritually. This teaching gives definition and practical application for how all of God's people can honor these amazing Feasts of our Lord! Published Apr 8, 2014Passion Points - The Opposite of Leaven
Info about this teachingPastor Jim's discusses leaven and humility. Watch the full teaching here: https://youtu.be/Nndh5qFiVX4 Published May 22, 2014Passion Points - Unauthorized Rising
Info about this teachingExcerpt from "What is Leaven". Watch the full teaching here: https://youtu.be/Nndh5qFiVX4 Published May 22, 2014
First Fruits
All About Shavuot
Info about this teachingShavuot is a multifaceted appointed Feast Day that blends historical remembrance, agricultural celebrations, and deep religious significance to all believers in the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Join Pastor Jim as he delves into the various customs and traditions surrounding this Feast Day; from all-night Torah study, reading the Book of Ruth, and enjoying dairy foods, to the deep spiritual significance in the giving of the Torah at Mt. Sinai to the indwelling of the Holy Spirit to believers in the first century.Shavuot 2012
Info about this teachingThis message will revolutionize the lives of some of you. Abba changes our spiritual state through the physical, and He changes our physical state through the spiritual. The Torah without the Spirit leads to "legalism," and the Spirit without the Torah leads to "emotionalism." Do you want the Holy Spirit to come down? His only job is to "balance" you, because you can not be effective until you are completely "balanced" in Ruach - both by Truth and Spirit. This is what He is looking for from His followers. Published Aug 2, 2012All About A Mikvah (Baptism)
Info about this teachingPastor Jim Staley explains in detail the significance of a “Mikvah” (Baptism) in the scriptures. Baptism is a powerful thing and it comes right out of the Torah. This video blog goes over the significance of it in the New Testament and why it was such a big deal. Published on May 14, 2013
2021 ELUL Daily Prayer
2021 Elul - Day1
Info about this teachingThis is the first day of a 29-day live broadcast where Jim Staley breaks down what Teshuvah (repentance/returning) is all about. Learn how the word "repentance" is etymologically connected to the word "give" and how we as believers need to learn more about how to prepare to meet our King by taking an audit of our own lives and making changes that will impact the Kingdom.2021 Elul - Day 3
Info about this teachingHave you ever struggled with getting over your past and dealing with all the hurts from yesterday? In this third episode in our preparation for the high holy days of the fall, Jim Staley will present a formula straight from the life of Abraham on how to move from your past to the "land that He will show you."2021 Elul - Day 4
Info about this teachingJoin Jim Staley as he continues discussing how to be set free from your past so you can maximize your full potential in Him! This episode is day 4 in a 29 day series on the Hebrew month of Elul and the power of Teshuva (returning) to our King and preparing for His Second Coming.2021 Elul - Day 5
Info about this teachingHave you ever wondered how to truly let go and let God? During this 29 day series on repentance and the month of Elul, Jim dives into Genesis 22 and explains how the binding of Isaac is very similar to how we are to let go of what is holding us back as well.2021 Elul - Day 7
Info about this teachingOn Day 7 of Pastor Jim's month of Elul teaching, he continues to unpack for us the concept of Empathy and letting the scriptures teach us exactly what it looks like. As we move forward with our journey toward "the Land that He will show us," it is critical to understand exactly how to get there. And understanding and feeling the pain of others is one of the keys to open the door to that land.2021 Elul - Day 8
Info about this teachingJoin Pastor Jim Staley as he continues this in-depth teaching series during the last Hebrew month of the year, Elul. In this episode, Jim opens up his notebook from prison and goes through some very deep concepts of receiving and giving and what it means to live above reason.2021 Elul - Day 9
Info about this teachingIn today's episode, Pastor Jim goes a bit deeper into the pool of repentance by discussing the concept of "bestowing to others" the knowledge that we have been given. What happens when you try to share your faith but you do so in order to stay in the superior position? This episode will definitely challenge you in many areas of your walk.2021 Elul - Day 10
Info about this teachingIn this episode, Pastor Jim talks about how to share your faith with someone else with respect while allowing them to maintain the dignity that they see themselves in their own mind. It is critical that we share our beliefs with others, but we need to do so from a humble position, removing any and all attitudes of being in the superior position.2021 Elul - Day 11
Info about this teachingJim continues his 29 days Elul journey with Day 11. In this episode he continues the concept of living above reason and drills down into why the Creator allows us to descend at times in our lives and just how He uses those times to catapult us into our true destinies.2021 Elul - Day 12
Info about this teachingIn this broadcast Pastor Jim discusses what it means to be clothed by the glory of the Creator and how faith is the conduit to make that happen. He breaks down for us what it means to annul the will to receive so that it can set us up to properly display the image of God!2021 Elul - Day 14
Info about this teachingJoin Pastor Jim Staley as he continues his 29 days nightly broadcast on the month of Elul. In this broadcast, he throws out a challenge that quite possibly might be the most difficult challenge you have ever faced on this topic of annulling the will to receive and only operating in the will to bestow.2021 - Elul Day 22
Info about this teachingTonight is the 22nd night of Elul and Pastor Jim breaks down one of the most important words when it comes to relationships: Respect. Although you might think you know what it means, you will no doubt be surprised when you find out just how amazing this word actually is in the original Hebrew language.2021 - Elul Day 23
Info about this teachingIn this evening's broadcast, Pastor Jim continues his series on Teshuvah (returning) and preparing to meet the Lord by focusing on one of the fruits of the Spirit-gentleness. So open up your Bible to Philippians chapter 4 and hear what the Spirit has to say!2021 - Elul Day 24
Info about this teachingJim Staley brings in the 24th night of Elul by continuing through the fourth chapter of Philippians. While the conversation last night revolved around being gentle, tonight the Holy Spirit highlighted the word "anxiety." How do we be less anxious and what does it actually mean in the original language?2021 - Elul Day 26
Info about this teachingAs we count down the 29 days of Elul each night, the Spirit chose to zoom in on the word humility tonight. Follow along with Pastor Jim as he explains from the Hebraic perspective exactly what the word humility means in the original language and how to apply it to our lives today.2021 Elul Day 28
Info about this teachingAs we come to the Second to last night of this Elul journey, Pastor Jim opens up Joshua chapter 3 and makes an emotional plea to cross your own Jordan River and leave the stone of offense and the weight of your burden in the river behind you. We all have struggles, frustrations, and things we have been carrying with us for years. This short teaching will show you how to leave them all behind as you intentionally walk into your destined Promised Land.
Feast Of Trumpets
All About The Feast Of Trumpets
Info about this teachingThe Feast of Trumpets is the holy day on God’s prophetic calendar when the Messiah is prophesied to return for his bride. It is the first of the fall feast days of the Lord and prophetically it marks the beginning of the end of time. So join Jim Staley as he unpacks for you the history, the traditions, and the power of the Feast of Trumpets. And learn how to practically incorporate this feast day into your own life and family along the way. At 11:20 there is a typo. The correct word is "Blowing". Unfortunately, it's not possible to fix it after posting the video. Thank you for understanding.Who Are The Two Witnesses?
Info about this teachingHave you ever wondered who the two witnesses are in the Book of Revelation? In Revelation 11:3 God states: “I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophecy 1260 days, clothed in sackcloth.” Who are these two witnesses? And what is the real symbol of Israel that comes out of Zechariah 4? How is the Feast of Trumpets connected to all of this? There has been much speculation throughout the centuries on all of this. Let’s review the scriptures with Jim Staley, as he leaves no stone unturned! You will not only learn a bit more about who the two witnesses are but you will be challenged with a powerful prophetic statement at the very end! Version en español: https://youtu.be/huoBEar2OCc
Day Of Atonement
Jesus Judgement and Yom Kippur
Info about this teachingIs Judgement Day approaching? Are we living in the final days as the End of the Age draws near? Many believe the signs and events we witness today are pointing to the imminent return of Christ. Understanding the significance of Yom Kippur—the Feast of Atonement—is crucial in grasping God's divine timeline for humanity and its connection to the end times. In this powerful teaching, Pastor Jim will break down every detail of the Feast of Atonement and how it relates to Jesus' return, when He will come in the clouds and be crowned King on Earth. What is the Great White Throne Judgement, and how will each of us stand before God on that day? What are the Book of Life and the Book of Works mentioned in Revelation? Do our actions in this life count, and if so, how can we ensure we are storing up treasures in Heaven?
Feast Of Tabernacles
All About Tabernacles 2023
Info about this teachingThe Feast of Sukkot, better known as the Feast of Tabernacles. What is it? Where did it come from? And how does it apply to us today as believers in Jesus/Yeshua? This eight-day holiday is many people’s favorite. It’s a time of celebration, remembrance, feasting, and extended fellowship. Where traditional, modern-day Christians get excited about celebrating a single holiday or two during the year, early believers were accustomed to celebrating seven holidays consisting of almost twenty days of unparalleled joy, feasting, remembrance, and reflection toward the King of kings and Lord of lords. This is a feast with prophetic power and points to the Second Coming of the Messiah. Watch full video here;Feast of Tabernacles
Info about this teachingJoin Pastor Jim Staley as he teaches on the depth of the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot). Every year we go out camping in the "wilderness" for eight days to honor this amazing Season of Joy. In this message, you will discover the depth of the Lulav and Etrog tradition, the Sukkah, and the Water Libation Ceremony. We hope you're blessed! Published Oct 10, 2015The Depth of The Feast of Tabernacles
Info about this teachingPastor Jim Staley teaches on the depth of the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot). Every year we go out camping in the "wilderness" for eight days to honor this amazing Season of Joy. In this message, you will discover the depth of the Lulav and Etrog tradition, the Sukkah, and the Water Libation Ceremony. We hope you're blessed!
Watch the full teaching here:
Promo Videos - Prophetic Calendar
Info about this teachingSpring Feasts: When Paul wrote 1 Thessalonians, he knew all about the incredible prophetic value of the Feast Days of the Lord. He knew that the Hebrew word for “seasons” was “moedim,” which means “appointed times or feast days.” He knew that Messiah died on Passover, was buried during the Feast of Unleavened Bread, rose on the Feast of First Fruits and the Holy Spirit came down on the Feast of Shavuot (Pentecost). He knew very well that these were and still are the Spring Feasts of the Lord and that all of the feast days on God’s calendar are all about the Messiah’s first and second coming. he knew that if one did not understand these feasts as it relates to the prophesied Messiah, they would truly be weakling in darkness concerning His return. In this series, Jim dives deep into each spring feast day uncovering the incredible hidden truths that connect each feast to the first coming of Yeshua (Jesus). Your walk will deepen and your hunger for the scriptures will grow as you learn and walk in the Feasts of the Lord. (4 Video DVDs) Fall Feasts: Matthew 24:30-31 - "And then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky with power and great glory. And He will send forth His angels with a great trumpet and they will gather together His elect from the four winds, from one end of the sky to the other." When Yeshua (Jesus) said this, he was looking forward to the events prophesied in the Bible about the things that He would fulfill upon His return to the earth as conquering King. Join Pastor Jim Staley as he dives deep into the fall feasts, uncovering incredible hidden truths. Jim shows how each of the Fall Feasts connects with, and points toward, the second coming of Yeshua (Jesus). Understanding the Feasts Days of the LORD is critical for every believer. In this series, Jim will show how Yom Teruah (Feast of Trumpets), Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement), and Sukkot (Tabernacles) all point to Messiah and His triumphant return. Jim Staley goes deep into the prophetic meaning of the Fall Feasts and the incredible relevance and meaning they hold for us today. Your spiritual walk will never be the same as you learn to walk in the Feasts of the LORD. (3 Video DVDs) Published Sep 28, 2012
Purim Teaching 2014
Info about this teachingPastor Jim Staley delivers a wealth of information on the book of Esther and the observance of Purim and makes it real and pertinent to our Christian walk. Purim is all about a king choosing His bride, a bride approaching her King, knowing when to submit to authority…and when to defy it. Purim is about identity and knowing who you are, and helping the people around you more than yourself. Esther is the only book of the Bible without the written name of YHVH (God), but His character is found on every page! Published March 19, 2014Purim and Passover Parallels
Info about this teachingPastor Jim Staley expounds on the connection between the Biblical feast day of Passover and the "minor" holiday of Purim. Published Feb 28, 2013. Watch the full teaching here: https://youtu.be/UMkhSqwr3mA
Hanukkah for Christians
Info about this teachingHave you ever wondered if Hanukkah is just a Jewish tradition, or if it holds deeper meaning for followers of Yeshua (Jesus)? In this eye-opening video, we explore the beautiful connection between Hanukkah, the “Feast of Dedication,” and Yeshua, the Light of the World. Discover how this biblical celebration points to Him and how its themes of light, rededication, and the cleansing of the Temple apply to us as the living temples of the Holy Spirit today. In this teaching, Pastor Jim dives deep into the historical and spiritual significance of Hanukkah, unveiling profound truths that inspire us to rededicate our hearts to God. Through scripture and historical context, he reveals how this ancient feast is a powerful reminder of God’s faithfulness and our role as His vessels of light in the world.How To Hanukkah - Day 1
Info about this teachingHow to Hanukkah - Day 1Are you looking for how to celebrate Hanukkah with your family? This short series is designed to help give you ideas on how you and your family can incorporate this amazing Feast of Dedication into your home this year. Each night we will learn what each candle represents as we walk through the Bible over the next eight days to discover the power of the true Light! Tonight we will discuss the light of creation, the history of the holiday, and some traditions that you can do with you and your family!How To Hanukkah - Day 2
Info about this teachingHow to Hanukkah-Day 2 Tonight we will continue our journey as we learn how the light was passed down to Noah and his family. In this short How-To video, you will learn what this night is all about, which scriptures to talk about and how to make this night fun for the whole family! Join us as we investigate the significance of Hanukkah for us as followers of Messiah. Today we study the special meaning behind the second light, the light of Noah, a man that was perfect in the sight of God, more than anyone else in his generation. But what does being perfect mean and how can we apply this to our lives? Let's teach our families the story of how a man, with his family, rededicated the entire earth to God, when His light came to them. We hope you have a wonderful second day of Hanukkah!How to Hanukkah - Day 3
Info about this teachingAre you getting ready for night number 3? Today we are going to talk about the light that was introduced to Abraham and how Abraham's decision to put God first preserved this light for countless generations. Learn with us what the third light means in this short message that you can adapt and share with your family.How To Hanukkah - Day 4
Info about this teachingGather your family and invite your friends! We are getting ready for day 4 of this wonderful Feast of Lights. Start creating your own family traditions so the importance of the Word of God stays in your children through fun memories together. From my house to yours, we wish you a Happy Hanukkah! I have also prepared an Ebook with instructions on how to celebrate Hanukkah as a Christian that you need to check out! If you are new to this feast, here you have some resources to learn from:How to Hanukkah - Day 5
Info about this teachingWe are one day closer to the end of this holiday and I hope you are having an amazing time with your family. If this is the first time you've heard of it, don't wait any longer! Today is the day to start rededicating your temple, so the Father can dwell in it. It is traditions like these that bring us closer to our families and reinforce our communion with the God. There is no better way to spend this time of year than by teaching our children about the importance of God's Word in our lives. Dare to do something different today and add dynamic activities to the fifth day of the festival of lights. From our house to yours, Happy Hanukkah! 🕎How to Hanukkah - Day 6
Info about this teachingTonight we will continue our journey as we learn how the light of God was passed down to the Gentiles through the disciples. In this short How-To video, you will learn what this night is all about, which scriptures to talk about and how to be patient with others, as God is patient with us in the areas where we still need His light. Let's be the light by reflecting the love and humility of our Messiah Yeshua. I encourage you today to examine the way you see those who disagree with you and how you act towards those who think differently. Be the light, share the light! From our house to yours, we wish you a Happy Hanukkah! 🕎How to Hanukkah - Day 7
Info about this teachingWelcome back to our 'How to Hanukkah' Series, tonight is night Seven! I pray that this year's Hanukkah whether this is your first or your 10th, that you're getting some ideas from the Staley house and the Traditions that we do. If you have your own traditions and ideas that you've come up with, please share them with us in the comments! Other people might benefit from your creativity for Hanukkah too. I pray that you will be blessed this night and from our house to yours Happy Hanukkah! 🕎How to Hanukkah - Day 8
Info about this teachingJoin us as we prepare for the last night of this beautiful feast! In this last video we will study the light of the Millennium. I hope it has been a very blessed time and that God has revealed to you which areas in your life need to be rededicated so that God can make your heart the place where His light can dwell all year long! We hope this video series has been helpful to you and your family. May this day be full of blessings. Tell us your favorite hanukkah moments from this year in the comments! From our house to yours, Happy Hanukkah!To Hanukkah or Not to Hanukkah?
Info about this teachingIs Hanukkah pagan? Is it Jewish? Should Christians celebrate it? In this teaching, Pastor Jim settles this question once and for all. As people begin to come into the Christian Roots of their faith, inevitably they are faced with whether or not they should celebrate Hanukkah instead of Christmas and whether or not they should celebrate it at all. In this short teaching, Jim Staley tackles this topic and proves without a shadow of a doubt that Hanukkah is absolutely a great tradition to celebrate and in no way. comes from any pagan origins. Published Nov 26, 2021How to Celebrate Hanukkah
Info about this teachingWhy do we celebrate Hanukkah? How is Hanukkah celebrated? What are the traditional Hanukkah foods? Should we give gifts during Hanukkah? How do you play the Dreidel game? What are the traditions regarding the Hanukkiyah? This step-by-step instructional guide will answer all these questions and more to help you make this amazing celebration part of your life!Hanukkah-The Power of Light
Info about this teachingPastor Jim Staley teaches on the Power of Light. Have you ever wondered how light existed before God created the sun, moon, and stars on the fourth day of creation? What does it really mean to be a “light” to the nations as disciples of Yeshua (Jesus)? Does science give us insight into the Biblical concept of light? How will understanding what the Bible truly says about light help bring people closer to God?
Should Christians Celebrate Halloween
Info about this teachingDive with us as we explore the dark origins and meaning behind Halloween in our teaching: "Should Christians Celebrate Halloween?" We shed light on the unsettling, demonic background of this festivity and delve into why believers in Christ may find it important to refrain from engaging in any form of its celebration. 🙏 As followers of Christ, understanding the spiritual implications of our choices is vital. Halloween's roots lie in practices that stand contrary to our faith and values. In this teaching, we present a compelling case for why it's crucial for Christians to steer clear of this holiday and seek alternative ways to honor our beliefs while upholding love, light, and purity. 💡 Let's embark on this educational journey together, seeking discernment and aligning our actions with the teachings of Christ. Watch the video and share your thoughts as we contemplate how to navigate this season in a way that honors our faith and reflects the love of our Savior.Can We Redeem Pagan Holidays
Info about this teachingFrom “Truth or Tradition”. Watch the full teaching here: https://youtu.be/pwg11nFNT68Did early Christians celebrate Halloween as a way to mock death?
Info about this teachingThis is an excerpt from the video "Should Christians Celebrate Any Version of Halloween". To watch full teaching follow this link https://youtu.be/lBwOv8bx2lg
Stay connected with Jim Staley and Passion For Truth Ministries at: Website https://PassionForTruth.com Facebook http://www.FB.com/JimStaleyOfficial Twitter https://twitter.com/JimStaleyPage
Passion Points - All Souls Day and Halloween
Info about this teachingAll Saints Day, All Souls Day, and Halloween...
"All Saints’ Day, also called All Hallows’ Day, Hallowmas, or Feast of All Saints, in the Christian church, a day commemorating all the saints of the church, both known and unknown, who have attained heaven. It is celebrated on November 1 in Western churches. In Roman Catholicism, the feast is usually a holy day of obligation. In medieval England the festival was known as All Hallows, and its eve is still known as Halloween. The period from October 31 to November 2 (All Souls’ Day) is sometimes known as Allhallowtide (Hallowmas season)." ─ From Britannica
This is an excerpt from the video "Should Christians Celebrate Any Version of Halloween". To watch full teaching follow this link https://youtu.be/lBwOv8bx2lg
Stay connected with Jim Staley and Passion For Truth Ministries at: Website https://PassionForTruth.com Facebook http://www.FB.com/JimStaleyOfficial Twitter https://twitter.com/JimStaleyPage
#ChristiansAndHalloween #OriginsOfHalloween #Trunkortreat #PaganRootsOfHalloween #HarvestFestival #JimStaley #DarkHistoryOfHalloween #AllSoulsDay #Halloween #Ancient #Paganism
History of Christmas
Info about this teachingDiscover the fascinating origins of many beloved Christmas traditions and how they trace back to ancient pagan festivals like Saturnalia and Yule. Learn how early Christians in America, including the Puritans, rejected Christmas celebrations, instead observing biblical feast days such as Passover and the Feast of Tabernacles. This deep dive into history and faith unravels the journey of how Christmas transformed over centuries, blending cultural practices and religious traditions. Why did early Christians avoid Christmas? What do the Bible’s feast days teach us about worship? Join us as we explore the rich tapestry of Christmas history and uncover truths that may surprise you!December 25th On Trial - Does Christmas Come From Pagan Roots?
Info about this teachingJim Staley takes you on a journey back in time to answer once and for all the question of 'Did Christmas come from pagan origins?' In this easy-to-watch documentary, all the evidence is laid out before you, including ancient Roman documents, Catholic bishops, and quotes from early Church writers on the subject. No stone is left unturned in December 25th on Trial as Jim reveals the real truth of what the enemy has really been trying to hide this entire time. The significance of this topic for Christianity today is the difference between wanting to worship the Lord in both Spirit AND in Truth and just worshipping Him however we please.December 25th on Trial
When Was Jesus Really Born?
Info about this teachingIt's time to tackle the intriguing question of "When Was Jesus Really Born?" This immersive discussion will explore biblical, historical, and extra-biblical evidence to uncover the truth behind Jesus' birth. Determining the precise moment of Jesus' birth is a captivating quest. Pastor Jim will guide us through an array of sources, navigating biblical texts, historical records, and extra-biblical evidence to unravel this intriguing topic. Brace yourself as we explore the different theories, the evidence and get to the conclusion of when was Jesus really born.Pastors Who Don't Celebrate Christmas
Info about this teachingMany years ago, our family arrived at a pivotal decision—a decision that seemed unthinkable at the time. Despite the significance of Christmas in our family's tradition, we made a choice to step away from its celebration. It was a momentous shift, one that stirred up emotions and challenged the very core of our beliefs. In our upcoming teaching, we will share our family's remarkable journey of ceasing to celebrate Christmas. We'll delve into the profound reasons that led us to this transformative decision, the hurdles we faced, and the deep insights that shaped our perspective, understanding the pagan roots behind the feast.Truth or Tradition
Info about this teachingThis is the original video "Truth or Tradition" Pastor Jim Staley teaches on Truth or Tradition. Should Christians celebrate Christmas and Easter? It sounds sacrilegious to even ask the question, doesn’t it? You might be surprised to find out that God actually has an opinion when you consider the origins of these holidays…and that opinion might not be what you expect! “Well, that’s not what it means to me”, most people say. But since when does it matter what it means to us! We are not the ones being worshiped!Why Do We Have Christmas Tree
Info about this teachingFrom “Truth or Tradition”. Watch the full teaching here: https://youtu.be/pwg11nFNT68Why Is Christmas on December 25
Info about this teachingFrom “Truth or Tradition”. Watch the full teaching here: https://youtu.be/pwg11nFNT68