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  • Decoding Romans - Chapter 6

    Decoding Romans - Chapter 6

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    What does “Under the Law” really mean? For centuries, the phrase “Under the Law” has been misinterpreted, leading to confusion about Paul’s true message. But what if understanding his words requires a deep dive into the Hebrew and Jewish background of the Apostle himself? In this week's episode, Pastor Jim Staley unpacks Romans 6 like never before, revealing the historical and cultural context that reshapes how we see grace, obedience, and the Torah. Are we truly free from the law, or have we misunderstood Paul’s intent? The answer might surprise you.

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  • Decoding Romans - Chapter 5

    Decoding Romans - Chapter 5

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    Is the Original Sin biblical? Are we marked by sin since we’re born? This profound concept in Romans 5 reveals how one man’s disobedience brought sin into the world, while another’s obedience brought redemption. In this teaching, Pastor Jim explores Paul’s comparison between Adam and Jesus, revealing how his message was deeply rooted in the Jewish understanding of covenant and atonement. What did Paul really mean when he called Jesus the Second Adam? And how does this impact our view of sin, grace, and salvation today? Understanding this passage is key to grasping the foundation of the gospel. Was humanity doomed from birth, or is there more to the story? Discover how Paul’s words bring hope, freedom, and a deeper revelation of God’s plan for redemption.

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  • Decoding Romans - Chapter 4

    Decoding Romans - Chapter 4

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    Did you know Abraham wasn’t originally Jewish? Before becoming the father of Israel, he was a Gentile called out by God, making his story even more powerful for both Jews and non-Jews alike. In our next teaching, Decoding Romans Chapter 4, Pastor Jim uncovers the true meaning of Paul’s words by exploring the Jewish culture of the first century and how it shapes our understanding of faith, covenant, and righteousness. Many have misunderstood Romans 4, leading to confusion about salvation and the relationship between faith and works. By looking at Abraham’s journey and Paul’s audience, we’ll break down centuries of misinterpretation and reveal the message Paul intended. Click on TEACHING RESOURCES above for transcript/article.

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  • Decoding Romans - Chapter 3

    Decoding Romans - Chapter 3

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    Do we truly grasp Paul’s perspective and beliefs regarding the law of God? Join Pastor Jim Staley in an in-depth exploration of Romans chapter 3, as he uncovers the apostle Paul’s authentic teachings on this profound topic. In this pivotal chapter, Paul concludes his initial reflections on the relationship between Gentile and Jewish believers, the role of the law, and the source of true righteousness. This scholarly yet deeply thought-provoking verse-by-verse study of the book of Romans will challenge conventional understandings and shed new light on the views of one of the most esteemed apostles regarding the Torah of God. Click on TEACHING RESOURCES above for transcript/article.

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  • Decoding Romans Chapter 2

    Decoding Romans Chapter 2

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    Can we truly be justified by the Law of God? What did Paul mean in Romans 2 when addressing this profound topic? In this episode of Decoding the Book of Romans, Pastor Jim explores the heart of Paul’s message, shedding light on the Jewish culture of the first century and its connection to the Scriptures. Get ready to uncover powerful truths that will deepen your understanding of God’s Word. Don’t miss this journey through Romans Chapter 2. Click on TEACHING RESOURCES above for transcript/article.

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  • Decoding Romans - Chapter 1

    Decoding Romans - Chapter 1

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    What does it truly mean when Paul calls himself a slave of Christ? Is it simply an expression of humility, or is there a profound, transformative truth he’s revealing? Join Pastor Jim Staley for an eye-opening, verse-by-verse journey through Romans, uncovering the original Hebraic context in which it was written. Discover the rich layers of meaning hidden in the Hebrew Scriptures and gain fresh insight into Paul’s message. This study isn’t just about knowledge—it’s about transformation. When we understand the truth Paul shares, it has the power to break the chains we didn’t even realize were holding us back. Don’t miss this opportunity to experience freedom like never before! Click Teaching Resources above for Transcripts & Article

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  • Book of Romans - Intro

    Book of Romans - Intro

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    Why is the Book of Romans one of the most misunderstood texts in the Bible? In this introduction to the series Decoding Romans: A Hebraic Perspective, Pastor Jim Staley invites you to discover the deeper meaning of Paul’s words by exploring their original context. Romans has shaped Christian theology for centuries, yet many overlook the cultural, historical, and spiritual lens through which it was written. Join us as we highlight Apostle Paul’s background as a Jew and a Pharisee, emphasizing his deep knowledge of the Torah and his unique role in bridging Jewish and Gentile believers. This episode sets the stage for a verse-by-verse journey through Romans, uncovering how Paul’s identity and education inform his teachings and message. Whether you’re new to studying the Bible or have been reading it for years, this series will provide fresh insights into the text and its application to our lives today. Click Resources for Transcripts & Article

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  • Hanukkah for Christians

    Hanukkah for Christians

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    Have you ever wondered if Hanukkah is just a Jewish tradition, or if it holds deeper meaning for followers of Yeshua (Jesus)? In this eye-opening video, we explore the beautiful connection between Hanukkah, the “Feast of Dedication,” and Yeshua, the Light of the World. Discover how this biblical celebration points to Him and how its themes of light, rededication, and the cleansing of the Temple apply to us as the living temples of the Holy Spirit today. In this teaching, Pastor Jim dives deep into the historical and spiritual significance of Hanukkah, unveiling profound truths that inspire us to rededicate our hearts to God. Through scripture and historical context, he reveals how this ancient feast is a powerful reminder of God’s faithfulness and our role as His vessels of light in the world. Click Teaching Resources above for Transcripts & Article

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  • History of Christmas

    History of Christmas

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    Discover the fascinating origins of many beloved Christmas traditions and how they trace back to ancient pagan festivals like Saturnalia and Yule. Learn how early Christians in America, including the Puritans, rejected Christmas celebrations, instead observing biblical feast days such as Passover and the Feast of Tabernacles. This deep dive into history and faith unravels the journey of how Christmas transformed over centuries, blending cultural practices and religious traditions. Why did early Christians avoid Christmas? What do the Bible’s feast days teach us about worship? Join us as we explore the rich tapestry of Christmas history and uncover truths that may surprise you! Click Teaching Resources above for Transcripts & Article

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  • The Real Story Behind Thanksgiving

    The Real Story Behind Thanksgiving

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    Is Thanksgiving pagan? What is the true history behind Thanksgiving? In this video, you will be shocked to discover the true origins of Thanksgiving. While most people are familiar with the traditional tale of the Pilgrims and Native Americans, the actual history of Thanksgiving in America goes back much further. We begin by exploring the commonly told story of the Pilgrim feast of 1621 and its association with harvest celebrations. But the REAL origins of Thanksgiving lie in a completely different time period under completely different circumstances. Have we been duped into thinking it was all about the Pilgrims and the Indians? In this video, we will debunk myths and explore the historical facts surrounding the holiday’s development, from its early colonial observances to its official establishment as a national holiday. Click Teaching Resources above for Transcripts & Article

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  • The Mystery of the Ancient Well

    The Mystery of the Ancient Well

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    To download transcript and article click the TEACHING RESOURCES tab above. What is the prophetic significance of wells in the Bible? In this week’s teaching, Pastor Jim will explore the powerful symbolism and prophetic importance of these sacred sites and more importantly how they relate to us today. From the encounter with the Samaritan woman to life-changing moments with Isaac, Jacob, Moses, and Hagar, wells serve as more than meeting places—they’re portals of divine connection and purpose. In today’s world, many young people are drawn to the “mainstream media well,” a source that often pours out negativity and harmful influences. Now it is time to seek the well that gives life and truth instead. Discover how choosing what we "drink" from spiritually can transform our lives, guiding us toward a path filled with purpose, hope, and God’s truth. Click Teaching Resources above for Transcripts & Article

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  • Tribulation and The Feast of Tabernacles

    Tribulation and The Feast of Tabernacles

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    The Feast of Tabernacles, or Sukkot, holds a special place in our hearts as it embodies a beautiful blend of gratitude and connection to nature. In this teaching, Pastor Jim goes into the incredible prophetic details of how Sukkot relates to us today, how Christ fulfilled it, and more specifically how the ancient water libation ceremony foreshadowed the Messiah in His first coming. You will be amazed at the prophetic connections that have been right in front of our faces all this time. The water libation ceremony was the pinnacle of the Sukkot experience in the first century and in this video, you will learn why! Click Teaching Resources above for Transcripts & Article

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  • Jesus Judgement and Yom Kippur

    Jesus Judgement and Yom Kippur

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    Is Judgement Day approaching? Are we living in the final days as the End of the Age draws near? Many believe the signs and events we witness today are pointing to the imminent return of Christ. Understanding the significance of Yom Kippur—the Feast of Atonement—is crucial in grasping God's divine timeline for humanity and its connection to the end times. In this powerful teaching, Pastor Jim will break down every detail of the Feast of Atonement and how it relates to Jesus' return, when He will come in the clouds and be crowned King on Earth. What is the Great White Throne Judgement, and how will each of us stand before God on that day? What are the Book of Life and the Book of Works mentioned in Revelation? Do our actions in this life count, and if so, how can we ensure we are storing up treasures in Heaven? Click Teaching Resources above for Transcripts & Article

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  • Trumpets and the Rapture

    Trumpets and the Rapture

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    Is the Rapture Biblical? When will the rapture happen? If you believe in the RAPTURE then you have to watch this now!! The Rapture of the Church is one of the most widely misunderstood theological concepts among Christians today. This confusion largely stems from a lack of understanding regarding the Feasts of the Lord—God’s prophetic calendar, designed to guide us in recognizing His appointed times and seasons. In this teaching, Pastor Jim uncovers the profound connection between the Feast of Trumpets (Yom Teruah) and Jesus’ second coming. Learn how our Messiah will return to be crowned King over all the Earth. Is the rapture truly going to happen as we've been taught? And if so, when will it occur—before, during, or after the Great Tribulation? Find out the answers to these questions and much more in this enlightening session. Click Teaching Resources above for Transcripts & Article

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  • Olympics Unveil the Antichrist

    Olympics Unveil the Antichrist

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    Satan reveals exactly what he plans to do in the end times and how he will unveil the Antichrist, all in plain sight during the Olympics closing ceremony! With the profoundly dark symbolism presented in the Olympics closing ceremony, a compelling question arises: Is the spiritual realm real? If it isn't, why incorporate so much symbolism that seems to echo end-times imagery associated with Satan? Conversely, if it is real, could these symbols be an indication of Satan revealing his role in the end times, as suggested by both the closing ceremonies and the Bible?

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    Should Christians eat pork and shellfish? Did Christ really die so we can eat unclean animals? Does God even really care about what we eat? For centuries well-meaning Christians have believed that the law to not eat unclean animals was only for the Jews. But REVIEWING THE EVIDENCE has revealed that God actually meant what He said and that we have been misinterpreting scriptures like Mark 7, Acts 10, 1 Corinthians 8, Colossians 2, and Romans 14 from our own western bias and not from the original author’s intent. Recognizing this evidence has TENS OF THOUSANDS of pastors, theologians, and ministry leaders from around the world changing their positions! This teaching leaves no stone unturned as EVERY SINGLE SCRIPTURE used by theologians and church-goers alike concerning the subject is thoroughly examined. Modern science is even catching up to what God said in His Word thousands of years ago. Studies have presented conclusive evidence revealing the serious health risks associated with going outside of God’s dietary boundaries. It has been proven that most unclean animals carry parasites, and diseases, and are extremely high in toxicity. Did the Messiah’s work on the cross change the metabolic structure of unclean animals, or have we been misinterpreting the evidence all along? Join Pastor Jim Staley as he unpacks every single verse in the Bible on the topic of “clean” and “unclean” animals. By the end of this message, there will be no doubt in your mind that we have been reading our denominational bias into the scriptures. This teaching will dramatically affect the way you look at food as you learn how so many believers today suffer from the “diseases of Egypt” spoken of in Deuteronomy 28 by breaking God’s dietary instructions.

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  • Begin to Possess Your Land!

    Begin to Possess Your Land!

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    Do you ever feel like your heart is filled with holes from all the things that have happened to you over the years? Do you sometimes feel like people continue to bore holes into you like a drill into a piece of wood? Then this message by Jim Staley is for you! Jim dives into the first few chapters of Deuteronomy and reveals the connection between the Israelites and us today. He shows how the Hebrew word for “begin” is connected to the idea of boring a hole in a piece of wood to make a flute. The holes might be the weakest place but they are the very place that the breath and wind of God come out of the most! So don’t despise your weakness as He is simply building a new sound of freedom in your life!

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  • The Enemy's Plan Revealed

    The Enemy's Plan Revealed

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    It's time to expose Satan! Deceitful and cunning, the Enemy has a plan to destroy humanity and capture as many souls as possible, drawing them away from our Lord Yeshua. Join Pastor Jim Staley as he reveals the schemes that grow bolder with each passing day, and the satanic own final “woke” agenda, hiding in plain sight. We must stand together and demonstrate the full power of the Holy Spirit in our lives by keeping His Commandments and doing Bible things in Bible ways. Let us rejoice in the knowledge that God, in His mercy, has called us to step up, do right, and return to our roots, rewriting the history of the Church with a new chapter of obedience and love for our Creator.

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  • All About Shavuot

    All About Shavuot

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    Shavuot is a multifaceted appointed Feast Day that blends historical remembrance, agricultural celebrations, and deep religious significance to all believers in the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Join Pastor Jim as he delves into the various customs and traditions surrounding this Feast Day; from all-night Torah study, reading the Book of Ruth, and enjoying dairy foods, to the deep spiritual significance in the giving of the Torah at Mt. Sinai to the indwelling of the Holy Spirit to believers in the first century.

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  • Ten Truths Christianity Has Forgotten - Part 3

    Ten Truths Christianity Has Forgotten - Part 3

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    It’s time to answer one of the most important questions for Christians around the world. Does God really want us to keep the Law that He gave us? Or is the Law done away with? For centuries, we have been taught incorrectly about a crucial element involving our relationship with God. Is the Bible lying or contradicting itself? How can we be sure about God’s intentions and truly know His heart if we have discarded the intricate manual He gave us so many years ago? The Bible clearly states that God is not a man, that He should lie, nor the son of man, that He should repent. Are we to believe He said something 1,300 years before Christ and then changed His mind as if He were a mere child, doing things as He goes, without a plan? Or have we been misled by the Enemy to believe the Law of God is done away with? In this teaching, we will go through many of the verses related to the Law in the New Testament to answer this question once and for all. We will revisit the difficult components of theology that the Church has misunderstood for 17 centuries, and we will learn the true meaning of the Law of God, the purpose behind it, and how we can understand and live our lives according to His instructions to receive blessings. You don’t want to miss this!

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  • Ten Truths Christianity Has Forgotten - Part 2

    Ten Truths Christianity Has Forgotten - Part 2

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    This video is CRITICAL if you really want to understand the Bible! Find out what you have likely never been told and learn more in this one video about the history of your faith then probably all the years you've been sitting in a church combined! What is TRUTH? Truth is the single most important word in the universe, and any failure or change in its definition will ultimately change a culture. In this week's broadcast, Pastor Jim unveils the top 10 truths that have largely been forgotten in traditional Christianity and how His Bride has been stripped of her power as a result. Starting off with the most basic truths of all and moving through the historical timeline of Christianity, Jim shows how the truth has been subtly changed, thus changing the entire look of what Christianity was originally supposed to look like. If you are new to this channel, this two-part teaching will make you rethink everything you believe and more as the truth is revealed and the enemy is exposed right before your eyes. If your goal is to truly understand Scripture and to please God in how you live your life then you must understand Scripture from the mindset of the original author. Understanding how we have veered off from that path will drastically assist you in getting back on the ancient path of breakthrough and power by going back to doing Bible things in Bible ways.

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  • Ten Truths Christianity Has Forgotten - Part 1

    Ten Truths Christianity Has Forgotten - Part 1

    Info about this teaching
    What is TRUTH? Truth is the single most important word in the universe, and any failure or change in its definition will ultimately change a culture. In this week's broadcast, Pastor Jim unveils the top 10 truths that have largely been forgotten in traditional Christianity and how His Bride has been stripped of her power as a result. Starting off with the most basic truths of all and moving through the historical timeline of Christianity, Jim shows how the truth has been subtly changed, thus changing the entire look of what Christianity was originally supposed to look like. If you are new to this channel, this two-part teaching will make you rethink everything you believe and more as the truth is revealed and the enemy is exposed right before your eyes. If your goal is to truly understand Scripture and to please God in how you live your life then you must understand Scripture from the mindset of the original author. Understanding how we have veered off from that path will drastically assist you in getting back on the ancient path of breakthrough and power by going back to doing Bible things in Bible ways.

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  • How To Get Your Prayers Answered

    How To Get Your Prayers Answered

    Info about this teaching
    Have you been speaking to God but you feel like He doesn’t speak to you? Do you desire to experience the presence of God but feel like He’s not there? Then this message is for you! In this broadcast, Pastor Jim unpacks a remote and often overlooked chapter in the book of Leviticus and reveals how what some consider to be ancient and strange laws are actually the roadmap to hear His voice and eat from His table. So, don’t miss this teaching!

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  • The Counting of the Omer Prophecy

    The Counting of the Omer Prophecy

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    How does the Counting of the Omer relate to the 40 days Yeshua spent in the desert before commencing His ministry, the 40 years of the Israelites' journey through the desert, and the descent of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost? In this teaching, Pastor Jim Staley brings powerful insights into the Prophecy concerning this significant aspect of the Feast Days, its correlation with the advent of the Messiah, and its relevance to us today. Discover the authentic meaning behind the Counting of the Omer and understand why the Lord instructed us to engage in this practice every year. Is it merely about tallying days, or does it hold deeper meaning in preparing ourselves for the promotion that follows tarrying, just as Yeshua instructed his disciples before leaving them?

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  • The First Fruits of Prophecies

    The First Fruits of Prophecies

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    Step into a world of prophetic revelation as Pastor Jim unravels the intricate link between the resurrection of Christ and the ancient feast of First Fruits. Through a meticulous exploration of Leviticus 23, he unveils the profound significance of this appointed time, shedding light on its foreshadowing of Christ's victory over death. From decoding the chronology of Jesus' crucifixion to bridging ancient tradition with modern understanding, revealing the intricate symbolism embedded within this appointed time. By decoding the timeline of Jesus' crucifixion and its alignment with the high Sabbath, this teaching offers a fresh perspective that bridges the gap between ancient tradition and contemporary understanding for Christians to learn why and how to celebrate this feast.

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  • Passover Demonstration 2024

    Passover Demonstration 2024

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    Gather around the table for a transformative Passover Seder demonstration by Jim Staley, where the ancient traditions of the festival converge with profound spiritual insights, enriching the lives of families in ways they never imagined. Through engaging storytelling and thoughtful reflection, the demonstration highlights how Jesus (Yeshua), the ultimate Passover Lamb, fulfilled the ancient prophecies and ushered in a new covenant of salvation and freedom. His life, death, and resurrection take on new meaning as participants connect the dots between the Old Testament foreshadowings and the New Testament fulfillment!

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  • Contract or Covenant

    Contract or Covenant

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    Discover the difference between the ancient Middle Eastern covenants and our modern-day contracts as we dissect the profound disparities between the two in our latest teaching! 🌍💼 Delve into the sacred texts of the Bible, where covenantal relationships between humanity and the divine were forged through solemn vows and divine promises. Journey through the narratives of ancient faith, where covenantal fidelity, grace, and moral obligations formed the cornerstone of communal bonds. And as we contrast biblical covenant and secular contract, we will discover what has been missing all along in our own personal relationships with both our fellow man and with God.

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  • Prophetic Power of Passover

    Prophetic Power of Passover

    Info about this teaching
    Discover the POWER of Passover like never before during the opening night from our live conference, "Passion For Passover," with Pastor Jim Staley. Prepare to uncover the profound prophetic connections embedded within this ancient feast and our Messiah Yeshua. From the Exodus to the Last Supper, discover how every element of Passover holds a rich tapestry of meaning that transcends time and connects events that will be reflected in God’s Salvation plan for mankind!

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  • Discoveries from Israel

    Discoveries from Israel

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    Step into the captivating world of archaeology with Eli Shukron, a distinguished figure in the realm of Israeli archaeology, as he unveils the treasures of his illustrious 20-year career. Renowned for his expertise and dedication, Shukron's archaeological endeavors have unearthed some of the most awe-inspiring discoveries, offering glimpses into ancient Biblical stories and unlocking the mysteries buried beneath layers of time!

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  • Past Prison and Prophecy

    Past Prison and Prophecy

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    Don't miss this exclusive interview with Jim Staley conducted by Jennifer Bagnaschi, where Jim opens up about his personal testimony, including his past experiences, and dives deep into profound discussions about Bible prophecy, the significance of the solar eclipse occurring on April 8th, 2024, and the alignment of times and seasons with the word of the Lord. Jim Staley's insights are sure to leave you wanting to know more and inspired as he connects the dots between scripture and real-world events, highlighting the fulfillment of prophecy. Whether you're a believer doing Bible things in Bible ways or just beginning your spiritual journey, this interview offers valuable perspectives on faith and understanding.

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  • You Should Be Concerned!

    You Should Be Concerned!

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    The *CERN* Hadron Collider will be fired up on April 8th in an effort to create dark matter and discover the history of the universe… *NASA* is sending up three rocket ships during the solar eclipse with a mission named after the Egyptian serpent deity, APEP (the god of chaos), who is the nemesis of the solar god Ra. Ironically and incredibly, NASA and CERN both chose to represent their missions with the god of chaos! From schools being closed to state officials recommending people stock up on essentials and a repeat of virtually the *EXACT* conditions that set off the largest earthquake in the history of the continental United States back in 1811, you do *NOT* want to miss this broadcast! Is prophecy coming true right before our eyes? Is the second seal of Revelation about to be released? We will discuss all of that and more in this broadcast!

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  • 2024 Solar Eclipse and Prophecy

    2024 Solar Eclipse and Prophecy

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    This solar eclipse could be THE SOLAR ECLIPSE that unleashes one of the seals of Revelation. I wasn’t a believer at first, but after hundreds of hours of research, I am literally in awe of all the “coincidences.” DO NOT miss this, whatever you do! Along with dozens of INCREDIBLE CONNECTIONS and patterns, I will also be revealing a MAJOR PROPHETIC CONNECTION of how the eclipses of 2017 and 2024 tell us EXACTLY where the Gog/Magog war will start and WHEN the temple sacrifices will begin. When this happens, it will start the time clock for the revealing of the Antichrist! I have truly been in shock as to the mathematical impossibility of all the events that I will be showing you, all happening at the same time! I will be detailing the prophetic implications of how the last 4 sets of blood-red tetrads that land on biblical holidays coincide with world-changing events and how they have set the stage for this monumental “X-marks-the-spot” moment on April 8, 2024. If you’re like me, your heart will be pounding at the end of this video. It’s time for the Church to WAKE UP and start returning to doing Bible things in Bible ways before it’s too late! If there was EVER a time to pay attention, the time is NOW.

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  • Introduction to 2024 Eclipse

    Introduction to 2024 Eclipse

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    The *2024 eclipse* is upon us, and we *NEED TO UNDERSTAND* the prophetic implications! ….Join Pastor Jim Staley as he presents need-to-know introductory comments on the coming solar eclipse and what it may imply for believers in Messiah today. He will be answering all your questions in a live-stream format. This week’s broadcast will serve as a precursor to a much more in-depth documentary to follow on Saturday, March 16th, that will leave you awestruck as to what the Father is doing in the Heavens. You don’t want to miss EITHER of these special broadcasts, as we could very well be standing on the cusp of history, and quite possibly the beginning of the end of days…

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  • How to Enter Holy of Holies

    How to Enter Holy of Holies

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    Is it your desire to have perfect peace in your life? How do we get into the Holy of Holies with God to experience that shalom? In this teaching you will learn the formula that the ancient Levitical priests understood when they wanted to enter into His presence. When God told Moses how to build His house, it was also a formula for how to build our own temples. You will be amazed as Pastor Jim goes through each item of the tabernacle and breaks it down to reveal these ancient secrets that will lead you to success in virtually every area of your life!

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  • How to Enter God's Presence

    How to Enter God's Presence

    Info about this teaching
    How do I get into the presence of God? That question has been asked by countless people from every tribe and tongue and from every generation throughout time. For modern Christians, if we feel good in a worship service we say that we were in the presence of God. But is it really His presence? How do we really experience Him on a deeper level? In this teaching Jim will reveal for you the parallel between the ancient priestly protocol for going into the Holy of Holies and how we are to enter today. This protocol that God gave for the priests to experience His glory is the very template for His glory to be revealed today. So come expecting to receive your rhema word and learn exactly what He requires to be intimate with your King!

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  • What is a Covenant Sacrifice?

    What is a Covenant Sacrifice?

    Info about this teaching
    Do you know what it means to be in covenant? Do you know what the first requirement is by God in order to be in covenant? In this teaching you will learn the real truth of what it takes to begin a covenant with both God and with others. Understanding the principles that will be taught in this video will significantly help you be more successful in every relationship that you have!

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  • Valentine's Day on Trial

    Valentine's Day on Trial

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    Should Christians celebrate Valentine's Day? Is it really about love? Where does Cupid come from, and why is a false god part of a feast celebrated by Christians? How is it connected to the animal sacrifice rituals of ancient Rome, and why did the Catholic Church choose to adopt this holiday, adding a saint to it and making it their own? It's time to go deep into the evidence and discover the REAL origins of Valentine’s Day. Take a step into the pages of history as we journey back in time to the foundation of Rome, uncovering the truth behind this famous love, lust, and sexual desire celebration! We will uncover the dark, bloody, and lesser-known origins of this pagan feast, exposing hidden layers of elements that may seem harmless but pose a spiritual threat to all believers in the Messiah.

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  • Where's Your Refuge

    Where's Your Refuge

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    Deep within the text of the six Biblical cities of refuge lies a concealed message, a secret memo that speaks to our lives today. These cities, established as places of sanctuary and protection for ancient Israel, offer more than historical significance; they carry a timeless wisdom that will resonate with your own personal journey. As we unravel the hidden message within these cities, you may discover parallels that mirror your own quest for refuge and solace. Each city, with its unique purpose, symbolizes facets of life where we seek shelter – be it from adversity, mistakes, or uncertainties. Embracing the essence of the cities of refuge can guide you in navigating the challenges of your own pilgrimage, providing a blueprint for finding sanctuary in times of need. So don’t miss this exciting teaching as it will truly encourage you to find your own place of refuge in Him!

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  • After Intense Prayer

    After Intense Prayer

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    The Lord says, “I am the King of kings; where are My kings?” The horses have been let out of their stalls, and the kings are being called. May the horse and rider become one, and may the earth shake at the power of God. In this prophetic word from the Lord, Pastor Jim shares the things he saw in the Spirit as the Spirit of YHWH drove him to his knees in two hours of deep and intense prayer.

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  • 24 Priestly Divisions Hidden Messge

    24 Priestly Divisions Hidden Messge

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    Embark on an intriguing journey with us as we uncover a remarkable discovery within the ancient temple's 24 priestly divisions! The Bible reveals a secret message concealed within these courses, unveiling a powerful connection to God's plan for our salvation through His Son, the Messiah. By exploring the names within the 24 divisions, we'll discover how these seemingly historical details profoundly connect to God's intentions for the redemption of mankind. This revelation sheds light on how the temple's structure was designed to foreshadow the coming of the Messiah, offering profound insights into the Bible's deeper meanings and God's meticulous plan.

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  • The Power of Intention & New Birth

    The Power of Intention & New Birth

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    Today, Pastor Jim dives into the book of Exodus and unveils where new birth really comes from BEING INTENTIONAL! In this week’s Torah portion, Shemot (Exodus), we begin to take a turn in the story of the Israelites toward the beginning of their freedom. Unfortunately, their freedom would begin within the "womb" of Egyptian slavery. Do you feel like you are not hitting your full potential as a believer in Yeshua? Do you feel trapped at times inside the confines of your own “prison?” Then it's time to GET INTENTIONAL!

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  • 2023 - Behind the Scenes

    2023 - Behind the Scenes

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    It is without a doubt that we have been BLESSED to work with 'Passion For Truth', and we're immensely grateful for your unwavering support throughout this incredible time. As a valued part of our community, we're excited to share our PFT Behind The Scenes video with you! In this video, we will take you on a journey behind the scenes of Passion For Truth Ministries. You'll get an exclusive look at how our content is created, from the initial brainstorming to the final touches that make our messages so impactful. Plus, you'll have the chance to meet the dedicated team behind PFT – the creative minds, technical experts, and passionate individuals who bring our vision to life every day. We'll reflect on the highlights of this past year, revisiting the most memorable and significant moments. But that's not all – we'll also give you a sneak peek into what God has given to PFT for vision, revealing some of the exciting projects and initiatives on the horizon. Please consider partnering with us and paying it forward to others by donating by texting PayitForward to 801801 or visiting:

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  • Defending the Sabbath - Part 4

    Defending the Sabbath - Part 4

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    Get ready for our next episode in the 'Defending The Sabbath Series'! Jim will be delving into the intriguing topic of the Lunar Sabbath. In this session, we'll explore the intricate facts surrounding the belief advocating Shabbat observance according to the lunar calendar, counting the seven-day week after each new moon. We'll dive deep into whether this theory holds up from Biblical and historical perspectives. If you're curious about this thought-provoking aspect of Sabbath practice, this episode is perfect for you!

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  • Defending the Sabbath - Part 3

    Defending the Sabbath - Part 3

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    Join us for the latest installment in our series: "Defending the Sabbath Part 3." Do you know when the Sabbath actually begins? Do you know how to explain why you believe what you believe? There is a growing belief that the Sabbath begins at dawn and Saturday and ends in the evening that day. Could this be the case? Has Judaism for thousands of years calculated the Sabbath incorrectly? Pastor Jim will address the intricate question of when the Sabbath truly begins, exploring notions such as the timing—morning or evening—and at the "end of the day" will put this issue to rest once and for all. OTHER TEACHINGS YOU MIGHT LIKE Part 1-Ten Myths About the Sabbath-Exposed!- Part 2- Addressing Critics About the Sabbath-

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  • Defending the Sabbath - Part 2

    Defending the Sabbath - Part 2

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    Should Christians keep the Sabbath? Does God expect us to keep the Ten Commandments? Is it really true that God took away from all mankind one of the largest blessings that was given to us in creation, a blessing that was specifially “made for man?” In Part 2 of this series, Jim continues to answer the critiques and bring new light to seemingly difficult verses, which then changes the entire end result of the debate. Understanding scripture from the original author’s Hebraic perspective is the key to unlocking the answer to the age-old question of ‘Should Christians Keep the Sabbath?’ Download the full transcript under Teaching Resources 00:00 Defending the Sabbath - Introduction 07:30 Myth 1- Jesus is our rest, so we don’t need the Sabbath 14:35 Myth 2- The Sabbath was given to the Jews 18:20 Myth 3- The Sabbath is the only commandment not found in the NT 24:34 Myth 4- The Sabbath in the New Testament 42:12 Truth- Over 30 nations named their 7th day from the Hebrew word "Shabbat" 45:27 Truth- There is a real historical transition from Saturday to Sunday Sabbath 53:21 Myth 5- The Gregorian Calendar lost track of the Sabbath day 58:55 Myth 6- We should follow the Lunar Sabbath

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  • Defending the Sabbath - Part 1

    Defending the Sabbath - Part 1

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    Should Christians keep the Sabbath? Jim Staley goes live today in this Part 1 of the AMA Defending the Sabbath Series. In this broadcast, he tackles the most difficult questions on the Sabbath. Should Christians keep the Sabbath today? Find out more in this broadcast! Download full transcript under tab Teaching Resources CHAPTERS: 00:00 Defending the Sabbath part 1 - Introduction 02:03 MYTH 1- We should only keep the laws repeated in the NT 11:09 MYTH 2- Acts 15 doesn’t mention the Sabbath as being a requirement for Gentiles 19:10 MYTH 3- The Sabbath can be any day 25:33 MYTH 4- The Sabbath is going under the yoke of bondage 31:31 MYTH 5- The Sabbath was only given to Israel 39:19 MYTH 6- The Sabbath was on the "first day of the week" 47:41 MYTH 7- The New Covenant is for the Gentiles 54:33 MYTH 8- Jesus broke the Sabbath when He healed a man 56:57 MYTH 9- The Sabbath was nailed to the Cross 01:08:50 MYTH 10- The "Lord’s Day" is Sunday

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  • Transform Your Home!

    Transform Your Home!

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    Join us for an empowering journey on our next teaching: "L.E.A.D. The Way: Transform Your Family Through Family Church." Pastor Jim passionately explores the significance of bringing church into your home, shedding light on why it's crucial for the spiritual development of our youth. In this session, we address the alarming trend of young Christians distancing themselves from their faith as they grow older. Pastor Jim will share profound insights on the role parents play in leading their children on the path of faith. It's not just about attending church; it's about creating a sacred space in your home for spiritual growth. Discover not only why establishing a family church is vital but also gain practical tips on how to implement it in your daily life. Let's break the mold together and cultivate a home environment where faith flourishes.

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  • Lead Your Family

    Lead Your Family

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    Lead Your Family!

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  • Teshuvah Will Fix Every Relationship

    Teshuvah Will Fix Every Relationship

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    What Is REAL Repentance? - understanding the power behind the Hebrew word Teshuvah What is Teshuvah? What is real repentance? Let's look at it from the original Hebrew perspective and how can it truly impact your relationships with both God and others. Most people have been taught a very watered-down version of repentance that is not quite what the Bible actually teaches. In this week’s message, the true depth of repentance is revealed and you will be left with a simple 4-step protocol of how to make things right with both God and man.

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  • All About Tabernacles 2023

    All About Tabernacles 2023

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    The Feast of Sukkot, better known as the Feast of Tabernacles. What is it? Where did it come from? And how does it apply to us today as believers in Jesus/Yeshua? This eight-day holiday is many people’s favorite. It’s a time of celebration, remembrance, feasting, and extended fellowship. Where traditional, modern-day Christians get excited about celebrating a single holiday or two during the year, early believers were accustomed to celebrating seven holidays consisting of almost twenty days of unparalleled joy, feasting, remembrance, and reflection toward the King of kings and Lord of lords. This is a feast with prophetic power and points to the Second Coming of the Messiah. Watch full video here;

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  • All About Yom Kippur

    All About Yom Kippur

  • Apology From The Heart

    Apology From The Heart

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    A PERSONAL NOTE FROM JIM STALEY: Although many people believe it is unnecessary for me to do such a video due to just how long ago the events took place, I believe that it is important to go above and beyond to make things right, especially during the Hebrew month of Elul, where repentance is the focus. With that in mind, I want everyone to know that I deeply regret the mistakes of my past that led to not only my own incarceration for five years but the hurt that was cast upon my clients, my family, my congregation, and countless thousands who believed in me online. I apologize from the bottom of my heart for any hurt, disappointment, or suffering I have caused any of you because of my actions so many years ago. I am only grateful for the blood of Christ and the grace that He offers all of us when we choose to repent. I pray that this video can begin the process of healing in all of us. Shalom.

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  • Is it a Sin to Curse?

    Is it a Sin to Curse?

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    Is it a Sin to Curse? Can Christians Cuss? Discovering the Power of Your Words - Jim Staley Is it a sin to curse as a Christian? Is it wrong to cuss? In this provocative teaching, Jim Staley pulls out the scriptures and walks through the Bible to find out, not only what the actual text has to say, but what God's actual heart is on the matter. No matter where you land on this subject, you will walk away challenged by just how much every word we speak carries weight and matters in the world around us.

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  • The Sound of FREEDOM!

    The Sound of FREEDOM!

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    In this podcast, Jim and Cheryl Staley describe the impact the movie Sound of Freedom had on them and their family. They give their honest review of the movie and don't hold back their frustration with the sexualization of our children worldwide that has led to such an epidemic of child sex trafficking. Then in the second half, Jim interviews his 16-year-old daughter, Meleah, and gets her take on not only the movie but why it's so important as a teenager today to live for God, dress modestly, and stop thinking about the opposite sex during the most critical years of lives. It's candid, real, and raw. Don't miss this podcast! This is a MUST WATCH!

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  • How To Have Breakthrough In Your Life - Joshua 5

    How To Have Breakthrough In Your Life - Joshua 5

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    When the Israelites crossed over the Jordan, there was ONE SINGLE ACT they were told to do that set them up for their Jericho breakthrough. When we discover what this act is and how we can apply it to our lives today, we will discover the healing and the breakthrough that we have been praying for. Join Pastor Jim as he shares a prophetic revelation from the Lord from the book of Joshua on what God says about having a breakthrough in your life! Download the transcript by clicking the TEACHING RESOURCES TAB above.

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  • Are The Feasts Only For Jews?

    Are The Feasts Only For Jews?

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    Who are the Feasts Really for? Are you curious about the Feast Days of the Lord, but always assumed they were only relevant to Jews? Think again! In this enlightening video, we explore the rich history and significance of the Feast Days of the Lord and their relevance to all believers. From #passover to the Feast of #tabernacles, we delve into the origins of each festival and the biblical significance behind them. You'll discover how these holy days foreshadowed the coming of Jesus Christ and how they continue to hold great spiritual significance for #christians today. Join us as we journey through the feasts and uncover their hidden meanings and powerful messages. Whether you're a long-time believer or new to the faith, this video will deepen your understanding of the Feast Days of the Lord and inspire you to embrace their rich symbolism and spiritual significance. Please consider partnering with us and paying it forward to others by donating at or texting PayitForward to 801801

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  • The Prophetic Call of Manasseh

    The Prophetic Call of Manasseh

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    Jim Staley brings forth a POWERFUL and prophetic connection of how Manasseh and Ephraim relate to the End Days Revival. Understanding the REAL reason why Jacob crossed his hands when he blessed the two sons of Joseph and how that blessing is still being fulfilled today, is the key to comprehending why Christians worldwide are drawn to Israel. This short message from Torah portion Vayechi will excite you to look deeper into the Word of God in these last days!

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  • The Power Of The Third Day

    The Power Of The Third Day

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    Why did the Messiah have to raise from the dead on the third day? Why not the first, second, or fourth day? In this teaching, we will explore the incredible depth of all the scriptures that surround this topic. In the process, we will discover the amazing prophetic nature of how every story that talks about the third day is pointing to the Power of THE third day!

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  • The Truth About Tongues

    The Truth About Tongues

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    Did you know that the Dead Sea Scrolls talk about the same tongues of fire that are mentioned in Acts chapter 2? Did you know that Enoch and Philo mention them as well? If you’ve ever wondered whether or not the gift of tongues is for today, then this teaching is definitely for you! This very in-depth teaching covers virtually every single verse on the topic and will finally bring us to the Truth About Tongues!

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  • The Gift of Tongues and the High Priest

    The Gift of Tongues and the High Priest

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    What do the High Priest, the book of Enoch, and the first-century historian Philo all have in common? Tongues of fire! In this short teaching, taken from the full teaching below, you will discover the true history behind the gift of tongues!
    Please consider partnering with us and paying it forward to others by donating at PassionForTruth or texting PayitForward to 801801

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  • Top 10 Myths about Tongues

    Top 10 Myths about Tongues

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    There are not too many topics out there more controversial than the gift of tongues. In this teaching, Jim Staley pulls out the Top Ten Myths About Tongues and explains how this topic has been massively misunderstood on both sides of the aisle. While there is no doubt that this gift has been abused and counterfeited by the enemy over the last few decades, it doesn't take away from the fact that it was a powerful gift to spread the gospel in the first century, and is promised in Joel to once again be poured out on His people in the last days. This is one of several major teachings that Jim will be doing on this subject in an effort to bring the proper balance of the Truth and the Spirit!

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  • Shemini - The Power of 8

    Shemini - The Power of 8

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    Have you always wondered why the number eight is so important in the Bible? Did you know that in Hebrew the number eight is connected to new beginnings? Have you been waiting for YOUR new beginning but just haven't been able to grasp what God has in store for you? Then this message is for you!! Join Pastor Jim as he explains the significance of the Number 8 in scripture. All through the Bible, and even science, we see the tremendous emphasis and importance of this number. From the eight people on Noah’s boat, to being circumcised on the eighth day, to Yeshua raising on the eighth day of the week, to a new heaven and earth being created at the beginning of the eighth millennium, there is something special about this number that YHWH is trying to convey. So join Pastor Jim as he teaches you how to apply the Power of 8 to your life!

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  • Beshalach - Hold The Line

    Beshalach - Hold The Line

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    Torah Portion: Beshalach - "When He sent", Exodus 13:17-17:16. Pastor Jim goes through this week's portion and reveals some incredible insights into the Hebrew that drastically change the depth of the meaning of the text. You will be very challenged to "hold the line" after hearing this message.

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Book of Romans

  • Decoding Romans - Chapter 6

    Decoding Romans - Chapter 6

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    What does “Under the Law” really mean? For centuries, the phrase “Under the Law” has been misinterpreted, leading to confusion about Paul’s true message. But what if understanding his words requires a deep dive into the Hebrew and Jewish background of the Apostle himself? In this week's episode, Pastor Jim Staley unpacks Romans 6 like never before, revealing the historical and cultural context that reshapes how we see grace, obedience, and the Torah. Are we truly free from the law, or have we misunderstood Paul’s intent? The answer might surprise you.

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  • Decoding Romans - Chapter 5

    Decoding Romans - Chapter 5

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    Is the Original Sin biblical? Are we marked by sin since we’re born? This profound concept in Romans 5 reveals how one man’s disobedience brought sin into the world, while another’s obedience brought redemption. In this teaching, Pastor Jim explores Paul’s comparison between Adam and Jesus, revealing how his message was deeply rooted in the Jewish understanding of covenant and atonement. What did Paul really mean when he called Jesus the Second Adam? And how does this impact our view of sin, grace, and salvation today? Understanding this passage is key to grasping the foundation of the gospel. Was humanity doomed from birth, or is there more to the story? Discover how Paul’s words bring hope, freedom, and a deeper revelation of God’s plan for redemption.

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  • Decoding Romans - Chapter 4

    Decoding Romans - Chapter 4

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    Did you know Abraham wasn’t originally Jewish? Before becoming the father of Israel, he was a Gentile called out by God, making his story even more powerful for both Jews and non-Jews alike. In our next teaching, Decoding Romans Chapter 4, Pastor Jim uncovers the true meaning of Paul’s words by exploring the Jewish culture of the first century and how it shapes our understanding of faith, covenant, and righteousness. Many have misunderstood Romans 4, leading to confusion about salvation and the relationship between faith and works. By looking at Abraham’s journey and Paul’s audience, we’ll break down centuries of misinterpretation and reveal the message Paul intended. Click on TEACHING RESOURCES above for transcript/article.

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  • Decoding Romans - Chapter 3

    Decoding Romans - Chapter 3

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    Do we truly grasp Paul’s perspective and beliefs regarding the law of God? Join Pastor Jim Staley in an in-depth exploration of Romans chapter 3, as he uncovers the apostle Paul’s authentic teachings on this profound topic. In this pivotal chapter, Paul concludes his initial reflections on the relationship between Gentile and Jewish believers, the role of the law, and the source of true righteousness. This scholarly yet deeply thought-provoking verse-by-verse study of the book of Romans will challenge conventional understandings and shed new light on the views of one of the most esteemed apostles regarding the Torah of God. Click on TEACHING RESOURCES above for transcript/article.

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  • Decoding Romans Chapter 2

    Decoding Romans Chapter 2

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    Can we truly be justified by the Law of God? What did Paul mean in Romans 2 when addressing this profound topic? In this episode of Decoding the Book of Romans, Pastor Jim explores the heart of Paul’s message, shedding light on the Jewish culture of the first century and its connection to the Scriptures. Get ready to uncover powerful truths that will deepen your understanding of God’s Word. Don’t miss this journey through Romans Chapter 2. Click on TEACHING RESOURCES above for transcript/article.

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  • Decoding Romans - Chapter 1

    Decoding Romans - Chapter 1

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    What does it truly mean when Paul calls himself a slave of Christ? Is it simply an expression of humility, or is there a profound, transformative truth he’s revealing? Join Pastor Jim Staley for an eye-opening, verse-by-verse journey through Romans, uncovering the original Hebraic context in which it was written. Discover the rich layers of meaning hidden in the Hebrew Scriptures and gain fresh insight into Paul’s message. This study isn’t just about knowledge—it’s about transformation. When we understand the truth Paul shares, it has the power to break the chains we didn’t even realize were holding us back. Don’t miss this opportunity to experience freedom like never before! Click Teaching Resources above for Transcripts & Article

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  • Book of Romans - Intro

    Book of Romans - Intro

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    Why is the Book of Romans one of the most misunderstood texts in the Bible? In this introduction to the series Decoding Romans: A Hebraic Perspective, Pastor Jim Staley invites you to discover the deeper meaning of Paul’s words by exploring their original context. Romans has shaped Christian theology for centuries, yet many overlook the cultural, historical, and spiritual lens through which it was written. Join us as we highlight Apostle Paul’s background as a Jew and a Pharisee, emphasizing his deep knowledge of the Torah and his unique role in bridging Jewish and Gentile believers. This episode sets the stage for a verse-by-verse journey through Romans, uncovering how Paul’s identity and education inform his teachings and message. Whether you’re new to studying the Bible or have been reading it for years, this series will provide fresh insights into the text and its application to our lives today. Click Resources for Transcripts & Article

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Book of Acts

  • Book of Acts 1-2

    Book of Acts 1-2

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    Holy Spirit Come

    The book of Acts is the first book of the bible that follows the resurrection of Christ. But are we sure that we really understand the power of its record? It is from this book that we learn how the disciples lived out the very gospel that went before them. The entire foundation of Christianity rests on how we interpret the “Acts” of the disciples. This broadcast is the first in a series of teachings on the book of Acts aimed at exposing the truth of what was really happening in those first few decades after Christ and how we can get back to the power that the first-century Church actually had.

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  • Book of Acts Chapters 3-5

    Book of Acts Chapters 3-5

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    Peter Said What?!

    Understanding the book of Acts is critical and foundational in order to truly understand the New Covenant and what the early Church actually believed and practiced. Where is the power in the Church today that existed in the first century? This series will challenge you and encourage you at the same time on how to return back to that power. Pastor Jim dives into the nuances and Hebrew culture of the day to truly understand what is really going on in the book of Acts and by extension the entire New Testament Church. In this week's broadcast, he moves through chapters 3-5 and exposes who the REAL audience is of whom the “promises” given to those who are “near and afar off” really are. It is eye-opening, to say the least as over 1700 years of Catholic and Protestant Greco-Roman Western theology has gotten in the way of understanding this very Jewish book.

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  • Book of Acts - Chapters 5-7

    Book of Acts - Chapters 5-7

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    As Pastor Jim moves through chapters 5, 6 and 7, he uncovers a wealth of information that is critical to understanding the rest of the book. You will learn: ~ Why Stephen was really stoned to death. ~ What the words “prince” and “witness” mean in the original language. ~ The School of Hillel and the School of Shammai and how those two schools of thought shaped and influenced both Judaism and early Christianity. ~ Who was Gamaliel and why did Paul sit at his feet? ~ The connection of Moses trying to break up the dispute between his two brethren and what Christ did in his ministry. ~ And much, much more! Understanding the book of Acts is critical and foundational to truly understanding the New Covenant and what the early Church actually believed and practiced. Where is the power in the Church today that existed in the first century? This series will challenge you and encourage you at the same time on how to return back to that power. Pastor Jim dives into the nuances and Hebrew culture of the day to truly understand what is really going on in the book of Acts and by extension the entire New Testament Church.

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  • Book of Acts - Chapters 8-9

    Book of Acts - Chapters 8-9

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    Chapters 8-9: Understanding the Book of Acts from the Original Hebrew Perspective Did you know that Saul’s name was never changed to Paul? For centuries we have been told that God changed Paul’s name when he fell off his horse on the way to Damascus. But this is simply not true! Pastor Jim also dives into what is really going on with Simon the Sorcerer and the power of how Phillip was literally transported to a completely different city after he led the Ethiopian to Christ! There is so much in chapters 8-9 to go through! And it’s time we go through them from the original first-century Hebraic perspective that they were written in! This broadcast will bless you immensely. Take the time out of your day and soak in His word!

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  • Book of Acts - Chapter 10

    Book of Acts - Chapter 10

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    Christians SHOULDN'T eat bacon??!!

    I know it sounds CRAZY, but are we sure that God is okay with us eating pork, shellfish and unclean animals? I used to be one of those Christians that thought it was crazy to think that God cared about what we eat, UNTIL I was challenged to support it. And Acts chapter 10 was the #1 scripture I used to support the idea that I can eat whatever I wanted. Then I realized I was WRONG! I was reading into that chapter what I already believed, instead of allowing the context to tell me EXACTLY what the author was trying to say. This teaching is Part 5 in the Understanding the book of Acts series. Understanding Acts from the original Hebraic perspective is critical and foundational to truly understanding the New Covenant and what the early Church actually believed and practiced. Where is the power in the Church today that existed in the first century? This series will challenge you and encourage you at the same time on how to return back to that power. Pastor Jim dives into the nuances and Hebrew culture of the day to truly understand what is really going on in the book of Acts and by extension the entire New Testament Church.

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  • Book of Acts - Chapters 11-12

    Book of Acts - Chapters 11-12

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    The Origins of the word "CHRISTIAN"

    What is the true meaning of the word "Christian" in the original context it was created? In this teaching, we will journey back thousands of years to uncover the origins of this word, exploring its roots in Greek, Hebrew, and Latin, as well as what the Disciples understood about it and much more. Join Pastor Jim as we continue our walk through the Book of Acts, focusing on chapters 11 and 12. Discover the fascinating story of Peter being freed from prison by an angel and how the Ekklesia began spreading to cities outside Judea in the first century.

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  • Book of Acts 13-14 Gentiles in the Synagogue?!

    Book of Acts 13-14 Gentiles in the Synagogue?!

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    Why in the world are Gentiles attending synagogue services and not going to their own church? Find out in this week’s broadcast! Also, imagine being stoned to death in a city for preaching the gospel, then being resurrected, only to return to that same city to continue the Lord's work, spreading the good news across the land, overcoming the fear of being persecuted again. What incredible commitment and love! In this week's episode of our series on the Book of Acts, Pastor Jim will cover chapters 13 and 14, where pivotal events unfold that forever shape the future of Christianity.

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  • Book of Acts - Chapter 15

    Book of Acts - Chapter 15

    Info about this teaching
    Do Christians need to keep the law of God? This question has echoed through the centuries, and as the Book of Acts shows us, even the early disciples grappled with this issue. While over 40,000 denominations worldwide may believe they have the answer, is it really as straightforward as it seems? In this teaching, Pastor Jim will explore one of the most misinterpreted passages in scripture with regard toThe Jerusalem Council in Acts 15 where James instructed the Gentiles to “only do these four things.” We will uncover how our understanding of this text has been mistaken for over 1,900 years.

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  • Book of Acts - Chapter 16

    Book of Acts - Chapter 16

    Info about this teaching
    How strong do you believe the foundation of your faith is? Have you ever examined your faith, preconceptions, and interpretations of Scripture? It’s time to shake the structure of what we believe and allow the Lord to bring epignosis into your life—a deeper, more intimate knowledge of His Word that transcends our understanding. In this teaching, Pastor Jim will guide you on a journey that challenges your belief system, testing the message, principles, and the depth of your love. How much of yourself are you willing to sacrifice for Yeshua to truly flourish in your life?

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  • Book of Acts 17-18

    Book of Acts 17-18

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    Did you know that the number one characteristic of Satan isn’t pride or being the master of deceit? It’s something much deeper, found in every human, that can cause conflict, split churches, and hurt one another. In this week’s episode of our series on the Book of Acts, Pastor Jim breaks down Apostle Paul’s journeys in Acts 17-18. As he shares the gospel in synagogues with both Gentiles and Jews, Paul travels through many cities in Europe and Asia Minor. Yet, he faces a familiar response in nearly every destination: he’s kicked out due to jealousy and envy. How can studying these chapters from a Hebrew perspective help us understand the depth of Paul’s actions, his endurance, and the struggles he faced to build human tabernacles for God on earth?

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  • Book of Acts - Chapter 19

    Book of Acts - Chapter 19

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    Acts 19: Casting Demons Out In The Name Of Jesus?

    Acts chapter 19 bursts with intensity, packed with supernatural power, fierce opposition, and life-altering transformation. Paul’s mission in Ephesus kicks off as he baptizes disciples, unleashing the Holy Spirit with a fire that brings speaking in tongues and prophecy. For two years, Paul’s fearless preaching ignites a spiritual revolution that sweeps across Asia, touching every soul. Miracles erupt as healings and exorcisms follow in Paul’s wake, but the spiritual realm strikes back in a thrilling showdown with the sons of Sceva, who dare to misuse Jesus’ name and are brutally overpowered by an evil spirit. The city trembles with awe as believers publicly torch their sorcery scrolls in a stunning renunciation of dark magic. Yet, as the gospel crushes the forces of evil, Paul's unstoppable momentum provokes a riot—furious craftsmen, fearing for their idol trade, clash violently in the streets. This chapter crackles with tension and divine triumph as light collides with darkness, shaking the very foundations of Ephesus. Click Teaching Resources above for Transcripts & Article

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  • Book of Acts - Chapters 20-21

    Book of Acts - Chapters 20-21

    Info about this teaching
    Was the Apostle Paul Against the Law of God? This question, widely accepted in modern Christianity, was actually an accusation made by some first-century Pharisee believers in Yeshua as the Messiah in Jerusalem. To refute this, Paul even took a Nazirite vow to demonstrate his commitment to the Law. In this week’s teaching, Pastor Jim explores Acts chapters 20 and 21 from a Hebraic perspective, examining an important passage that shows Paul upheld the Law of God and never taught others to abandon it. Join us this Saturday at 11 am CST on our YouTube channel to uncover the truth about Paul’s stance on the Law. Click Teaching Resources above for Transcripts & Article

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  • Book of Acts - Chapters 22-23

    Book of Acts - Chapters 22-23

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    What happens when you face a major trial or test in your life? That test has the opportunity to become a TESTimony! This week, Pastor Jim continues our journey through the Book of Acts, highlighting a pivotal moment in Paul’s life: When Paul shared his testimony in front of dignitaries it opened the door to fulfilling his God-given purpose. Facing a test with God in mind sets you up to hit your full potential and purpose in life! Discover what sets apart merely living life from truly giving your life to Christ through your trials and tests. Click Teaching Resources above for Transcripts & Article

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  • Book of Acts 24-26

    Book of Acts 24-26

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    Paul Appeals to Caesar

    What can we do when faced with unfair treatment, false accusations, or challenges that leave us feeling trapped and vulnerable? The Apostle Paul provides a powerful example. After enduring two years of unjust imprisonment in Judea, he courageously appeals to stand trial before Emperor Caesar. These gripping chapters of the Book of Acts (24–26) tell a story of resilience, divine calling, and Paul’s unwavering commitment to spreading the Gospel to the Gentiles—fulfilling Jesus’ promise. In this week’s teaching, Pastor Jim delves into these profound passages, uncovering the rich Jewish culture, meaningful idiomatic expressions, and hidden treasures in the Brit Hadashah (New Testament) that are often overlooked. Click Teaching Resources above for Transcripts & Article

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  • Book of Acts - Chapter 26-28

    Book of Acts - Chapter 26-28

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    Have you ever wondered what to do in the middle of a storm in your life? What do you do when life’s storms feel overwhelming? Discover the three essential keys that the early believers used to build a spiritual connection with the Lord. These early Hebraic disciplines will help you understand and walk in His will, even in the most challenging times. In this final episode of our series on the Book of Acts, Pastor Jim dives deep into chapters 26–28, revealing how the Apostle Paul faced a tempest on his journey to Rome and how it relates to us. What can we learn from Paul’s unwavering faith as he prepared to stand before Caesar and begin his ministry to the Gentiles? Let’s uncover how God’s guidance can transform life’s storms into pathways to His purpose. Don’t miss this powerful teaching! Click Teaching Resources above for Transcripts & Article

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The 10 Commandments

  • Real Meaning of Matthew 18

    Real Meaning of Matthew 18

    Info about this teaching
    Mark Driscoll and Pastor John Lindell from James River Church, (a mega church in Missouri), have just parted ways due to a false walking out of Matthew 18. Join Pastor Jim as he challenges the conventional interpretation of Matthew 18 in light of this recent scandalous event that has been an embarrassment to Christianity as a whole. Pastor Jim exposes the TRUTH of what Matthew 18 really means, through a provocative examination of the Hebrew concept of Beit Din (House of Judgment) and its implications for modern-day conflict resolution within the local assembly. Without a proper Hebraic understanding of what the Matthew 18 protocol actually means in its original context, we will automatically read into the text what we already believe, which paves the way for more disastrous events like this to happen within the body of Christ. The Bible dictates a set of commandments and instructions designed to foster righteousness and harmony among individuals. These timeless directives serve as a moral compass, guiding believers in navigating the complexities of human relationships with integrity and compassion, which is why it is so important to understand the Hebrew context of the New Testament scriptures to get it right or lives could be destroyed in the process.

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  • The Real Meaning of the 10th Commandment

    The Real Meaning of the 10th Commandment

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    Are you sure you know what the real meaning of the 10th commandment is? In this short teaching, Jim Staley dives into the original meaning and brings forth a powerful message on what Thou Shall Not Covet really means. You will be left inspired to watch the whole series all over again! Please consider partnering with us and paying it forward to others by donating by texting PayitForward to 801801 or visit: 🔔Subscribe to this channel to learn more about the Christian Roots of your faith:

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  • The REAL Meaning of the 9th Commandment

    The REAL Meaning of the 9th Commandment

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    “Thou shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.”

    We all know the 9th commandment. Don’t lie, right? But what is the REAL meaning? What’s the deeper meaning? In this teaching, Jim Staley uncovers the original Hebraic understanding of the ninth commandment and in the process brings forth a powerful lesson for all of us. This commandment is far deeper than you might have ever imagined. All of us have dealt with being falsely accused at one time or another. And most of us struggle with what to do when we are faced with such situations. In this passionate teaching, you will not only learn the deeper meaning but in the end, you will learn three powerful secrets on how to deal with being falsely accused.

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  • The REAL Meaning of the 8th Commandment

    The REAL Meaning of the 8th Commandment

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    Are we stealing the heart and the mind of others? The Eighth Commandment says that we shall not steal, but are we sure we know exactly what that means? In this teaching, Jim goes deep into the Hebrew context and reveals just how much all of us are breaking this commandment on a regular basis. When we really understand the Scriptures from their original Hebraic context, the true meaning not only comes alive, but we can better apply them for today.

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  • The REAL Meaning of the 7th Commandment

    The REAL Meaning of the 7th Commandment

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    Adultery? What do you mean by 'In Your Mind'? So how does one commit 'Adultery in their Mind'? Isn't that one of the more physical types of sins? How on earth could you commit a sin 'in your mind'? The 10 Commandment series continues, as we study the REAL meaning of the 7th commandment when it says: "You shall not commit adultery" and how we could be unknowingly breaking it. Please consider partnering with us and paying it forward to others by donating at or texting PayitForward to 801801

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  • The REAL meaning of the 6th Commandment

    The REAL meaning of the 6th Commandment

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    After uncovering the true meaning of the first five commandments, Jim Staley dives into the Hebraic culture, context, and language that makes up the sixth commandment. In this teaching, Jim not only uncovers the real meaning of the sixth commandment, but reveals the power of the frequency of our words through scientific discovery, and how they affect the very DNA of our souls. Share this teaching if it blesses you!

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  • The REAL Meaning Of The 5th Commandment

    The REAL Meaning Of The 5th Commandment

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    Are you sure you know how to honor your parents? What is honor anyway? In this short teaching, Jim dives into the ancient Hebrew to discover some interesting parallels that will help both parents and children alike draw closer to one another and to our heavenly Father.

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  • The REAL Meaning of the 4th Commandment

    The REAL Meaning of the 4th Commandment

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    After a 1700 year old cover up by the Roman Church, Jim Staley reveals in this short teaching exactly where it happened, why it happened, and what the original meaning of the fourth commandment actually is. Be prepared to be shocked about what you’ve been missing your entire life!

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  • The REAL Meaning Of The 3rd Commandment

    The REAL Meaning Of The 3rd Commandment

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    Have you been taught that you are breaking the 3rd Commandment if you swear or curse using the Lord’s Name? Well, think again! Join Jim as he digs deeper into the ancient Hebrew context explaining what this commandment really means.

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  • The REAL Meaning Of The 2nd Commandment

    The REAL Meaning Of The 2nd Commandment

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    Are you SURE you know what the REAL meaning of the 2nd commandment is? In this series, I break down exactly how the ancient Hebrew language and context affects the real meaning of each commandment. While we may not be carving idols anymore, we are definitely at risk of still breaking the 2nd commandment! Find out how in this short teaching!

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  • The REAL Meaning Of The 1st Commandment

    The REAL Meaning Of The 1st Commandment

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    Are you sure you know the real meaning of the first commandment? Jim Staley unpacks the ancient Hebrew understanding of what God really meant when He said not to have any other gods before Him. The real meaning just might surprise you! This is the first in a ten video series on the real meaning of each of the Ten Commandments.

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  • The Counting of the Omer Prophecy

    The Counting of the Omer Prophecy

    Info about this teaching
    How does the Counting of the Omer relate to the 40 days Yeshua spent in the desert before commencing His ministry, the 40 years of the Israelites' journey through the desert, and the descent of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost? In this teaching, Pastor Jim Staley brings powerful insights into the Prophecy concerning this significant aspect of the Feast Days, its correlation with the advent of the Messiah, and its relevance to us today. Discover the authentic meaning behind the Counting of the Omer and understand why the Lord instructed us to engage in this practice every year. Is it merely about tallying days, or does it hold deeper meaning in preparing ourselves for the promotion that follows tarrying, just as Yeshua instructed his disciples before leaving them?

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  • After Intense Prayer

    After Intense Prayer

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    The Lord says, “I am the King of kings; where are My kings?” The horses have been let out of their stalls, and the kings are being called. May the horse and rider become one, and may the earth shake at the power of God. In this prophetic word from the Lord, Pastor Jim shares the things he saw in the Spirit as the Spirit of YHWH drove him to his knees in two hours of deep and intense prayer.

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  • Prophetic Word for 2024

    Prophetic Word for 2024

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    My heart was beating out of my chest to go live and allow the Spirit to speak. It's time that God's people stop holding back and start giving God their best. We have become barren in the Spirit, and the Spirit says in Gal 4:27 that the one who is barren should rejoice because she is about to go into labor. There is a labor and a birth that is coming and it will not happen for us individually or corporately until we put aside what we are holding back and give Him our all!!!!!

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  • The End-Days Judgment Has Begun - Live Word from Jim

    The End-Days Judgment Has Begun - Live Word from Jim

    Info about this teaching
    Live-Uncut-Raw. A prophetic word about the Judgment of God and where it has begun. May every knee bow and every tongue confess that it is the pride of our own hearts that is keeping us from our true potential in Him. All shepherds of God that do not humble themselves before His hand will be stripped of their anointing and it will be given to those who have bowed the knee.

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  • The Prophetic Call of Manasseh

    The Prophetic Call of Manasseh

    Info about this teaching
    Jim Staley brings forth a POWERFUL and prophetic connection of how Manasseh and Ephraim relate to the End Days Revival. Understanding the REAL reason why Jacob crossed his hands when he blessed the two sons of Joseph and how that blessing is still being fulfilled today, is the key to comprehending why Christians worldwide are drawn to Israel. This short message from Torah portion Vayechi will excite you to look deeper into the Word of God in these last days!

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  • The Beginning of the End

    The Beginning of the End

    Info about this teaching
    The RED HEIFER and the END OF THE WORLD For 2000 years Christians have been waiting for the return of Christ. For 2000 years the Jewish people have been waiting for the moment they can start sacrificing again. And there is one single event that must take place first in order for both to come true: the sacrificing of a pure red heifer. In order for the antichrist to stop the daily sacrifice, which is the event that begins the Great Tribulation, the sacrificial system must begin first. In an order for the sacrificial system to begin, there first must be a sacrifice of a pure red heifer. For the very first time in over 2000 years the perfect red heifer has been found, and the Jewish rabbis in Israel are preparing these red heifers to be sacrificed. This teaching is a MUST-SEE for every believer, as this prophetic event puts us one step closer to the end of the world and to the final return of the Messiah.

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  • Powerful and Prophetic Word

    Powerful and Prophetic Word

    Info about this teaching
    An Amazing Word From The Lord! After over 30 minutes of praying in the Spirit this morning, the Holy Spirit came into my room so strongly that I began to shake like I had 10 cups of coffee. He told me to write down what He had just downloaded into my Spirit. I wrote as fast as I could what I was feeling and what I had heard. The following is the result.

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  • Breakdown of Word from Lord

    Breakdown of Word from Lord

    Info about this teaching
    We have literally had scores of people asking for me to go back through this prophetic word and break it down. There have been some amazing things that have happened since this Word was given and I am excited to share them with you. In this broadcast, I will be taking the time to break down each line and discuss what the Spirit might be saying.

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  • Vision Cast - It's Happening!

    Vision Cast - It's Happening!

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    FINALLY! After almost 18 months of groundbreaking and foundation-laying preparation, Jim Staley and the new Passion for Truth team are about to relaunch PFT 2.0! This message details out what has happened, what is happening right now at PFT, and what is likely to come in very short order in 2022! Don't miss out! Published Dec 24, 2021 PLEASE pay it forward to the next generation by going to to partner with us or visit our Amazon wish list to sponsor items for our conference video fundraiser!

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  • How You Can Help in 2022

    How You Can Help in 2022

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    222 is here and we are moving forward with your help! If this ministry has blessed you, PLEASE consider paying it forward to the next generation by going to to partner with us or visit our Amazon wish list to sponsor items for our conference video fundraiser! Published Jan 2, 2022 If you have a problem purchasing a product on Amazon, please call Amazon through your Amazon account at 888-280-4331 and ask for someone in wish list department or email us at! THANK YOU!

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LIVE Broadcasts

  • Past Prison and Prophecy

    Past Prison and Prophecy

    Info about this teaching
    Don't miss this exclusive interview with Jim Staley conducted by Jennifer Bagnaschi, where Jim opens up about his personal testimony, including his past experiences, and dives deep into profound discussions about Bible prophecy, the significance of the solar eclipse occurring on April 8th, 2024, and the alignment of times and seasons with the word of the Lord. Jim Staley's insights are sure to leave you wanting to know more and inspired as he connects the dots between scripture and real-world events, highlighting the fulfillment of prophecy. Whether you're a believer doing Bible things in Bible ways or just beginning your spiritual journey, this interview offers valuable perspectives on faith and understanding.

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  • We stopped celebrating Christmas

    We stopped celebrating Christmas

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    Many years ago, our family arrived at a pivotal decision—a decision that seemed unthinkable at the time. Despite the significance of Christmas in our family's tradition, we made a choice to step away from its celebration. It was a momentous shift, one that stirred up emotions and challenged the very core of our beliefs. In our upcoming teaching, we will share our family's remarkable journey of ceasing to celebrate Christmas. We'll delve into the profound reasons that led us to this transformative decision, the hurdles we faced, and the deep insights that shaped our perspective, understanding the pagan roots behind the feast.

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  • Make Way!

    Make Way!

    Info about this teaching
    To watch the song with lyrics: We are thrilled to invite you to the official presentation of our daughter, Sierra Staley's brand-new prophetic song titled "Make Way." In this exclusive interview, we will dive deep into the creative process behind the song, exploring the profound message it carries, and how the Lord inspired her to compose this powerful anthem of hope during these challenging times of unrest. Together, we'll embark on a journey of faith, inspiration, and musical discovery as we unpack the significance of "Make Way" and its timely message for a world in need of hope and unity. Don't miss out on this heartfelt conversation and the opportunity to experience Sierra's incredible talent and her profound connection with the divine.

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  • The Sound of FREEDOM!

    The Sound of FREEDOM!

    Info about this teaching
    In this podcast, Jim and Cheryl Staley describe the impact the movie Sound of Freedom had on them and their family. They give their honest review of the movie and don't hold back their frustration with the sexualization of our children worldwide that has led to such an epidemic of child sex trafficking. Then in the second half, Jim interviews his 16-year-old daughter, Meleah, and gets her take on not only the movie but why it's so important as a teenager today to live for God, dress modestly, and stop thinking about the opposite sex during the most critical years of lives. It's candid, real, and raw. Don't miss this podcast! This is a MUST WATCH!

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    Learn more about the war in Israel straight from the people that are living there. Join me as I interview Tommy Waller from HaYovel Ministries and Rabbi Yehuda Glick, former Knesset member and founder of Shalom Jerusalem Foundation as we seek the truth of what is really happening in Israel and how it is going to affect biblical prophecy.

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  • Rabbi Glick & Jim Staley - Let's Talk About Passover

    Rabbi Glick & Jim Staley - Let's Talk About Passover

    Info about this teaching
    Join Jim Staley as he interviews Rabbi Yehudah Glick of the Shalom Jerusalem Foundation about the biblical Passover and how it still blesses us today. Rabbi Glick shares his passion for Passover and the call to all people to make Jerusalem the House of Prayer for all nations! This is the heart of God's calling during this Passover season for all of us to stand in the gap and support our brother Judah and to pray for the peace of Jerusalem!

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  • The End-Days Judgment Has Begun - Live Word from Jim

    The End-Days Judgment Has Begun - Live Word from Jim

    Info about this teaching
    Live-Uncut-Raw. A prophetic word about the Judgment of God and where it has begun. May every knee bow and every tongue confess that it is the pride of our own hearts that is keeping us from our true potential in Him. All shepherds of God that do not humble themselves before His hand will be stripped of their anointing and it will be given to those who have bowed the knee.

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  • LIVE! with Jim and Cheryl Staley on the Asbury

    LIVE! with Jim and Cheryl Staley on the Asbury "Revival"

    Info about this teaching
    Join Jim and Cheryl Staley as they unpack what real revival is and how to know when it is real or not. How do we know and discern when something is truly a move from God or a move from the enemy? These questions and many more are answered in this very special live broadcast. Jim also gets very real at one point about his own past and hurt and how God is reviving him in a very deep and supernatural way which started at a conference aimed at spiritual gifts. Don’t miss this broadcast!

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  • Do You Have The Suspension Of The Holy Spirit

    Do You Have The Suspension Of The Holy Spirit

    Info about this teaching
    Are you riding with the suspension of the Holy Spirit? At Sukkot this year I met a guy named Troy that took me on a ride through the woods on his big Texas side-by-side that had a such great suspension that we could not even feel the giant rocks and ruts that were in our way. It reminded me of how smooth life can be when we are riding with the suspension of the Spirit. So, I thought I would make a fun video to demonstrate my point! Filmed October 12, 2022

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  • Bridge the Gap - Full Live Video

    Bridge the Gap - Full Live Video

    Info about this teaching
    Spirit is breaking out! You gotta hear this! There was a tremendous outpouring of the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit) during a 2 1/2 day conference in Ava, MO in May of 2022 as a group of leaders came together to help supply the tools needed to bridge the gap and reach their community. The purpose of this event was to teach others to become more effective in helping every person become interested in the biblical truth and learn how to convey that to friends and family. God is taking believers deeper into His word and bringing us back to the patterns and rhythms of His heart. These 'tent' meetings encourage and help in many areas of growth. There are many roads that lead to Rome, but this road leads to Jerusalem!

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  • Bridge the Gap - Pt 1

    Bridge the Gap - Pt 1

    Info about this teaching
    This man wanted for his entire life just to hear God's voice. He got tired of hearing how others have heard His voice and he wanted what they had. So in a tent meeting in Ava, Mo he asked the Father to allow him the gift of speaking in tongues. It wasn't weird. It wasn't out of order. The Spirit chose to give him this gift and immediately as he began to speak in this heavenly language, he heard an audible voice speak to him. And what YHWH said to him was amazing!

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  • Bridge the Gap - Pt 2

    Bridge the Gap - Pt 2

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    The Spirit moved so mightily in Ava, Mo on May 21, 2022 that Pastor Jim felt led to walk out of the tent and do a live facebook video to share what the Spirit was doing. After prophesying what he feels the Spirit is about to do in this movement, he explains in greater detail what the gift of tongues is, what it is not, and how to receive it. It's balanced, powerful and inspiring. He will be coming out with a full teaching on this subject soon!

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  • Bridge the Gap - Pt 3

    Bridge the Gap - Pt 3

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    Ever had to deal with a child who wants to do things there own way? This short prophetic message will encourage you to keep the mind of the Spirit throughout the process.

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  • Bridge the Gap - Pt 4

    Bridge the Gap - Pt 4

    Info about this teaching
    In this short video, the Spirit unpacks a powerful message on how the truth without the Spirit is no truth at all. Then, Jim Staley prophetically touches on the gift of tongues and how it fits into the whole equation. A must see!

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  • Bridge the Gap - Pt 5

    Bridge the Gap - Pt 5

    Info about this teaching
    Pastor Jim Staley continues this short prophetic message on the gift of tongues that was given at the Bridge the Gap event in Ava, Mo on May 21, 2022.

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  • All About Tabernacles 2023

    All About Tabernacles 2023

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    The Feast of Sukkot, better known as the Feast of Tabernacles. What is it? Where did it come from? And how does it apply to us today as believers in Jesus/Yeshua? This eight-day holiday is many people’s favorite. It’s a time of celebration, remembrance, feasting, and extended fellowship. Where traditional, modern-day Christians get excited about celebrating a single holiday or two during the year, early believers were accustomed to celebrating seven holidays consisting of almost twenty days of unparalleled joy, feasting, remembrance, and reflection toward the King of kings and Lord of lords. This is a feast with prophetic power and points to the Second Coming of the Messiah. Watch full video here;

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  • 2/22 All-Day Podcast with Various Speakers!

    2/22 All-Day Podcast with Various Speakers!

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    On 2-22-22 at 2:22 pm CST, Jim Staley was LIVE with various speakers! It was a great time as Jim interviewed gifted and anointed men and women who are determined to bring the body together and work in unity!
    Speakers included: Rollyn Betts - Hebrew Nation Radio, Cheryl Staley, Brian Serrano-Messiah Texas, Dr. RJ Jackson-Light Among Peers, Hannah & Daniel Karalash on Courtship, Nathan Harmon-Your Life Speaks on Suicide, Chris Franke-Lion & Lamb Ministries, Kevin Jessip-Global Return Conference, Warren Marcus-Creator of Super Book, Rafael Ortega-Outfielder of Chicago Cubs and Moises Terrones-Hispanic Hebrew Rap Artist.

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  • Passover Conference Cancelled!

    Passover Conference Cancelled!

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    I heard the voice of God say, "Cancel Passover." Now what? I share exactly what I heard and that led me to a deeper understanding of how to hit your full potential in Him!

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  • 12 to 1 Event in Branson, MO 2022

    12 to 1 Event in Branson, MO 2022

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    Welcome to the first-ever 12 to 1 Branson Conference! Jim Staley and the rest of the PFT crew are excited to worship and bless you this day!

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  • Hanukkah Conference 2021

    Hanukkah Conference 2021

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    The Live conference recording ─ Part 2. The main service: worship and teaching.

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  • How To Celebrate Passover

    How To Celebrate Passover

    Info about this teaching
    When in history was Passover outlawed and Easter was adopted to take it's place? Why did the blood of the lamb have to be placed only at the threshold? What day did the Messiah actually die and rise from the dead? What is the connection with the red heifer, the kinsman redeemer, the redemption of the first born? Pastor Jim walks you through all of these questions in All About Passover. Published Mar 13, 2015

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  • How to Celebrate Hanukkah

    How to Celebrate Hanukkah

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    Why do we celebrate Hanukkah? How is Hanukkah celebrated? What are the traditional Hanukkah foods? Should we give gifts during Hanukkah? How do you play the Dreidel game? What are the traditions regarding the Hanukkiyah? This step-by-step instructional guide will answer all these questions and more to help you make this amazing celebration part of your life!

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  • How to Celebrate Yom Kippur in Your Home

    How to Celebrate Yom Kippur in Your Home

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    Panel (right to left): Jim Staley, Jake Neeter, Bob Alberico Published Sep 28, 2012

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