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  • L.E.A.D. - Faith and Doubt?

    L.E.A.D. - Faith and Doubt?

    Info about this teaching
    Join us as Jim walks through the book of Philippians studying its great meaning to us as believers today. In this lesson, we will discover the Power of Faith and how doubt can blind you. PDF FILES

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  • L.E.A.D. - YES OR NO

    L.E.A.D. - YES OR NO

    Info about this teaching
    If you are a family leader and want to learn how to lead your family in your own family church, then this program is for you! Every 1st & 3rd Monday of the month I go over the lesson plan and teach you how to teach your own family! 2 Timothy 2:2! PDF FILES

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  • L.E.A.D. - A Talking Donkey

    L.E.A.D. - A Talking Donkey

    Info about this teaching
    Join Jim as he teaches family leaders about this important topic on this week's Parashat Balak/Phineas. The L.E.A.D. Training program is designed to help you learn how to teach your own family and lead them into the promised land through the scriptures. PDF FILES

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  • L.E.A.D. - Find Your Healing

    L.E.A.D. - Find Your Healing

    Info about this teaching
    Are you tired of letting your past hold you up from your future? Are you ready to FINALLY be set free from your current struggles, sins, and the lies the enemy has fed you for years? Join Jim as he unveils his private counseling and personal deliverance protocols that will assist you in 1) discovering the root of why generational sins, current struggles, and traumas of your past are holding you back, and 2) how to be completely healed of them once and for all! PDF FILES

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  • L.E.A.D. - A Different Spirit

    L.E.A.D. - A Different Spirit

    Info about this teaching
    In this LEAD Lesson, Jim teaches about the parallels of the giants in the land of the Israelites compared to the giants we face in our own lives. By learning from their mistakes, the ‘different spirit’ that Caleb & Joshua possessed will teach us how to rise to true leadership. The emotions of fear and anxiety always present us with a crisis of belief, and that crisis of belief is our test. Will we live by sight or by faith? What will we focus on in that moment of decision? True leadership does not focus on the problem, it only seeks a solution. True leadership does not know fear, it only knows faith. PDF FILES

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  • L.E.A.D. - Kingdom Gospel

    L.E.A.D. - Kingdom Gospel

    Info about this teaching
    Do you know what the ‘Good News’ means? In this teaching, we dig into the Good News and the Bad News! Let’s understand what the Bible says about this topic so that we are prepared to be a witness for our faith. This teaching not only is a ‘cheat sheet’ for leading someone to Christ, but will give you a burden for the lost. PDF FILES

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  • L.E.A.D. - Are You Patient

    L.E.A.D. - Are You Patient

    Info about this teaching
    In this lesson for the L.E.A.D. Training program, Pastor Jim delves into 'Power of Patience'. Let's walk through some scriptures and find out how to have the power of patience, how to lift up our brother/sister, what to do during times of stress. Pray together and for one another. If you have blown it in this area, admit this to those you love and ask them to forgive you and keep you accountable. PDF FILES

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  • L.E.A.D. - What's In Your Sacrifice?

    L.E.A.D. - What's In Your Sacrifice?

    Info about this teaching
    In this lesson for the L.E.A.D. Training program, Jim delves into 'What is in your sacrifice?'. Jim walks through the 5 main sacrificial offerings of the Torah, how Yeshua fulfilled them and how we can fulfill them today in our own lives. Let's understand our part in the Kingdom and how we can use the blueprint of the temple ministry system to increase it today. PDF FILES

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  • L.E.A.D. -Bread To Power

    L.E.A.D. -Bread To Power

    Info about this teaching
    Join Jim Staley as he uncovers the hidden connection between the Unleavened Bread of Passover and the leavened loaves of Pentecost. You will discover in this teaching how the entire process of counting the Omer leading up to Shavuot/Pentecost is all about how to make bread. And WE are the bread! This teaching will definitely leave you inspired and hungry for more of HIS bread! Make sure you stick around till the end as the Holy Spirit definitely shows up near the close of this message! PDF FILES

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  • L.E.A.D. - Cleansing of the Leper

    L.E.A.D. - Cleansing of the Leper

    Info about this teaching

    In this lesson's teaching, Jim goes into one of his favorite scriptures and shows each family leader how to present it to their own families in a way that will grow them spiritually, emotionally, and relationally. You will leave empowered and excited to teach this to your family as you learn so much more than you ever expected in this week's lesson!


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  • L.E.A.D. - Power of Eight

    L.E.A.D. - Power of Eight

    Info about this teaching
    FAMILY COURT SYSTEM Jim Staley leads family leaders from all over the world in lesson 2 of the L.E.A.D. program. In this lesson, he challenges leaders in what the real definition of leadership is and dives deep into what he calls, The Family Court System. This system brings a sense of structure in the home, allows everyone to have a voice, and puts the focus back on faith in the true Supreme Court Judge Himself. PDF FILES

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  • L.E.A.D. - Atmosphere

    L.E.A.D. - Atmosphere

    Info about this teaching
    If you are a Dad, a husband, a single mom, or any family leader, and you are wanting to learn how to lead your family on Shabbat in your own home church, then this is for you! Tonight starts the first training in how to lead your family on Shabbat in your own Shabbat service. In this lesson, you will learn all about the power of the atmosphere, how to create it, how to create respect in your home, and what you need to do to prepare your family for Shabbat. PDF FILES

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