L.E.A.D. - A Different Spirit
In this LEAD Lesson, Jim teaches about the parallels of the giants in the land of the Israelites compared to the giants we face in our own lives. By learning from their mistakes, the ‘different spirit’ that Caleb & Joshua possessed will teach us how to rise to true leadership. The emotions of fear and anxiety always present us with a crisis of belief, and that crisis of belief is our test. Will we live by sight or by faith? What will we focus on in that moment of decision? True leadership does not focus on the problem, it only seeks a solution. True leadership does not know fear, it only knows faith.
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In this LEAD Lesson, Jim teaches about the parallels of the giants in the land of the Israelites compared to the giants we face in our own lives. By learning from their mistakes, the ‘different spirit’ that Caleb & Joshua possessed will teach us how to rise to true leadership. The emotions of fear and anxiety always present us with a crisis of belief, and that crisis of belief is our test. Will we live by sight or by faith? What will we focus on in that moment of decision? True leadership does not focus on the problem, it only seeks a solution. True leadership does not know fear, it only knows faith.
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