The Power of Intention & New Birth
Today, Pastor Jim dives into the book of Exodus and unveils where new birth really comes from BEING INTENTIONAL!
In this week’s Torah portion, Shemot (Exodus), we begin to take a turn in the story of the Israelites toward the beginning of their freedom. Unfortunately, their freedom would begin within the “womb” of Egyptian slavery.
Do you feel like you are not hitting your full potential as a believer in Yeshua?
Do you feel trapped at times inside the confines of your own “prison?”
Then it’s time to GET INTENTIONAL!
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Today, Pastor Jim dives into the book of Exodus and unveils where new birth really comes from BEING INTENTIONAL!
In this week’s Torah portion, Shemot (Exodus), we begin to take a turn in the story of the Israelites toward the beginning of their freedom. Unfortunately, their freedom would begin within the “womb” of Egyptian slavery.
Do you feel like you are not hitting your full potential as a believer in Yeshua?
Do you feel trapped at times inside the confines of your own “prison?”
Then it’s time to GET INTENTIONAL!
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