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  • The World’s Holidays


  • Should Christians Celebrate Halloween

    Should Christians Celebrate Halloween

    Info about this teaching
    Dive with us as we explore the dark origins and meaning behind Halloween in our teaching: "Should Christians Celebrate Halloween?" We shed light on the unsettling, demonic background of this festivity and delve into why believers in Christ may find it important to refrain from engaging in any form of its celebration. 🙏 As followers of Christ, understanding the spiritual implications of our choices is vital. Halloween's roots lie in practices that stand contrary to our faith and values. In this teaching, we present a compelling case for why it's crucial for Christians to steer clear of this holiday and seek alternative ways to honor our beliefs while upholding love, light, and purity. 💡 Let's embark on this educational journey together, seeking discernment and aligning our actions with the teachings of Christ. Watch the video and share your thoughts as we contemplate how to navigate this season in a way that honors our faith and reflects the love of our Savior.

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  • The Truth About Halloween

    The Truth About Halloween

    Info about this teaching
    Should Christians Celebrate Any Version of Halloween? — Passion For Truth Ministries

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  • Can We Redeem Pagan Holidays

    Can We Redeem Pagan Holidays

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    From “Truth or Tradition”. Watch the full teaching here:

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  • Did early Christians celebrate Halloween as a way to mock death?

    Did early Christians celebrate Halloween as a way to mock death?

    Info about this teaching

    This is an excerpt from the video "Should Christians Celebrate Any Version of Halloween". To watch full teaching follow this link

    Stay connected with Jim Staley and Passion For Truth Ministries at: Website Facebook Twitter

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  • When Was Jesus Really Born?

    When Was Jesus Really Born?

    Info about this teaching
    It's time to tackle the intriguing question of "When Was Jesus Really Born?" This immersive discussion will explore biblical, historical, and extra-biblical evidence to uncover the truth behind Jesus' birth. Determining the precise moment of Jesus' birth is a captivating quest. Pastor Jim will guide us through an array of sources, navigating biblical texts, historical records, and extra-biblical evidence to unravel this intriguing topic. Brace yourself as we explore the different theories, the evidence and get to the conclusion of when was Jesus really born.

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  • Pastors Who Don't Celebrate Christmas

    Pastors Who Don't Celebrate Christmas

    Info about this teaching
    Many years ago, our family arrived at a pivotal decision—a decision that seemed unthinkable at the time. Despite the significance of Christmas in our family's tradition, we made a choice to step away from its celebration. It was a momentous shift, one that stirred up emotions and challenged the very core of our beliefs. In our upcoming teaching, we will share our family's remarkable journey of ceasing to celebrate Christmas. We'll delve into the profound reasons that led us to this transformative decision, the hurdles we faced, and the deep insights that shaped our perspective, understanding the pagan roots behind the feast.

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  • Truth or Tradition

    Truth or Tradition

    Info about this teaching
    This is the video "Truth or Tradition" Pastor Jim Staley teaches on Truth or Tradition. Should Christians celebrate Christmas and Easter? It sounds sacrilegious to even ask the question, doesn’t it? You might be surprised to find out that God actually has an opinion when you consider the origins of these holidays…and that opinion might not be what you expect! “Well, that’s not what it means to me”, most people say. But since when does it matter what it means to us! We are not the ones being worshiped!

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  • Why Do We Have Christmas Tree

    Why Do We Have Christmas Tree

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    From “Truth or Tradition”. Watch the full teaching here:

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  • Why Is Christmas on December 25

    Why Is Christmas on December 25

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    From “Truth or Tradition”. Watch the full teaching here:

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  • Christmas, Hanukkah & the Anti-Christ

    Christmas, Hanukkah & the Anti-Christ

    Info about this teaching
    Pastor Jim talks about the Feast of Dedication and how it relates to us as believers today. Published Dec 19, 2011

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    This is an excerpt from a longer live Q&A with Pastor Jim. Find out what we can and can not do on the Sabbath.

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Valentine's Day

  • Valentine's Day on Trial

    Valentine's Day on Trial

    Info about this teaching
    Should Christians celebrate Valentine's Day? Is it really about love? Where does Cupid come from, and why is a false god part of a feast celebrated by Christians? How is it connected to the animal sacrifice rituals of ancient Rome, and why did the Catholic Church choose to adopt this holiday, adding a saint to it and making it their own? It's time to go deep into the evidence and discover the REAL origins of Valentine’s Day. Take a step into the pages of history as we journey back in time to the foundation of Rome, uncovering the truth behind this famous love, lust, and sexual desire celebration! We will uncover the dark, bloody, and lesser-known origins of this pagan feast, exposing hidden layers of elements that may seem harmless but pose a spiritual threat to all believers in the Messiah.

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