AMA - Sabbath Questions
Defending the Sabbath - Part 1
Info about this teachingShould Christians keep the Sabbath? Jim Staley goes live today in this Part 1 of the AMA Defending the Sabbath Series. In this broadcast, he tackles the most difficult questions on the Sabbath. Should Christians keep the Sabbath today? Find out more in this broadcast! Download full transcript under tab Teaching Resources CHAPTERS: 00:00 Defending the Sabbath part 1 - Introduction 02:03 MYTH 1- We should only keep the laws repeated in the NT 11:09 MYTH 2- Acts 15 doesn’t mention the Sabbath as being a requirement for Gentiles 19:10 MYTH 3- The Sabbath can be any day 25:33 MYTH 4- The Sabbath is going under the yoke of bondage 31:31 MYTH 5- The Sabbath was only given to Israel 39:19 MYTH 6- The Sabbath was on the "first day of the week" 47:41 MYTH 7- The New Covenant is for the Gentiles 54:33 MYTH 8- Jesus broke the Sabbath when He healed a man 56:57 MYTH 9- The Sabbath was nailed to the Cross 01:08:50 MYTH 10- The "Lord’s Day" is SundayAnd He Rested - Should Christians Keep the Sabbath?
Info about this teachingAND HE RESTED: An In-depth Look at the Biblical Sabbath in a culture where businesses are open 24 hours a day, fast food is a regular diet and most families have both spouses working around the clock just to make ends meet, a day of rest is not even on the radar for most Christian households. Does God really care when we keep the Sabbath? Published Jun 27, 2011AMA Easter vs Passover
Info about this teachingJoin us live this Saturday April 1st at 11 am CST, as we discuss all things EASTER and PASSOVER. Let's get down to the nitty-gritty about Easter eggs, blood over door posts, the Passover Lamb, and so much more! Please consider partnering with us and paying it forward to others by donating at or texting PayitForward to 801801No Pleasure On the Sabbath?
Info about this teachingJim Staley uncovers the real meaning of Isaiah 58:13 which says we cannot do our own pleasure on the Sabbath. Is God really saying that we can't do anything on the Sabbath that brings us pleasure? But what if I find pleasure in reading the Word or playing with my kids? A careful examination of the original language and ancient documents from 250 B.C. to the first century reveals the real meaning of this verse for us today. If you believe that God meant what He said when He said to remember the Sabbath, then this video is for you!AMA - Halloween Edition
Info about this teachingWith Christians all over the world celebrating Halloween, it's time that we get to the bottom of this debate. Should Christians celebrate any form of Halloween? In this Ask Me Anything (AMA) program, I will be answering any and all questions on this topic. Oct. 29, 2022Red Heifer Transcript from Youtube
Ask Me Anything
Ten Ancient Principles for Conflict Resolution
Info about this teachingThis teaching from Pastor Jim Staley is one of the most practical and “useable” messages we’ve ever heard at PFT! YHVH (God) wants His people to succeed in every relationship, from marriages to business partnerships. Applying these simple Biblical principles to your everyday life will revolutionize how you interact with friends, family, neighbors, and co-workers. Pull out the notepad and study this teaching…and get ready for YHVH to reveal himself in your relationships like never before! Published on Jan 14, 2014Is it a Sin to Curse?
Info about this teachingIs it a Sin to Curse? Can Christians Cuss? Discovering the Power of Your Words - Jim Staley Is it a sin to curse as a Christian? Is it wrong to cuss? In this provocative teaching, Jim Staley pulls out the scriptures and walks through the Bible to find out, not only what the actual text has to say, but what God's actual heart is on the matter. No matter where you land on this subject, you will walk away challenged by just how much every word we speak carries weight and matters in the world around us.How to Enter God's Presence
Info about this teachingHow do I get into the presence of God? That question has been asked by countless people from every tribe and tongue and from every generation throughout time. For modern Christians, if we feel good in a worship service we say that we were in the presence of God. But is it really His presence? How do we really experience Him on a deeper level? In this teaching Jim will reveal for you the parallel between the ancient priestly protocol for going into the Holy of Holies and how we are to enter today. This protocol that God gave for the priests to experience His glory is the very template for His glory to be revealed today. So come expecting to receive your rhema word and learn exactly what He requires to be intimate with your King!All About A Mikvah (Baptism)
Info about this teachingPastor Jim Staley explains in detail the significance of a “Mikvah” (Baptism) in the scriptures. Baptism is a powerful thing and it comes right out of the Torah. This video blog goes over the significance of it in the New Testament and why it was such a big deal. Published on May 14, 2013Ten Truths Christianity Has Forgotten - Part 1
Info about this teachingWhat is TRUTH? Truth is the single most important word in the universe, and any failure or change in its definition will ultimately change a culture. In this week's broadcast, Pastor Jim unveils the top 10 truths that have largely been forgotten in traditional Christianity and how His Bride has been stripped of her power as a result. Starting off with the most basic truths of all and moving through the historical timeline of Christianity, Jim shows how the truth has been subtly changed, thus changing the entire look of what Christianity was originally supposed to look like. If you are new to this channel, this two-part teaching will make you rethink everything you believe and more as the truth is revealed and the enemy is exposed right before your eyes. If your goal is to truly understand Scripture and to please God in how you live your life then you must understand Scripture from the mindset of the original author. Understanding how we have veered off from that path will drastically assist you in getting back on the ancient path of breakthrough and power by going back to doing Bible things in Bible ways.AMA - Do I have to submit to my husband?
Info about this teachingThe Bible tells us that wives must submit to their husbands, but what about when the husband is a non-believer? Submission in a true Biblical sense does not mean that a wife must sacrifice everything of herself for her husband's sake and it is important to remember that the husband cannot simply tell his wife what she can and cannot do. Submission comes from the trust a wife has in her husband to fulfill the needs of the family and ensure a safe and loving environment, but this can sometimes be a struggle, especially when a couple doesn't share the same beliefs. In this video, Jim Staley discusses what it means for a wife to be submitted to her husband without compromising her faith, as well as how to build bridges in conversation so that a strong and godly family environment can be created despite differences in belief.AMA - What does the Bible actually says about Hell?
Info about this teachingYeshua promised eternal life to those who follow Him, but does that mean everyone has eternal life, whether in paradise or hell? There might not be a way of knowing this for sure, but we DO know that the God that we serve is perfect and just! He is the only one that truly knows the conditions of our hearts and the way He has been working with us individually. What we do know from scriptures is that He "will render to each one according to his deeds" and whether if that person is a believer or not, we can trust that He will never over punish someone.