The Truth About Tongues
Did you know that the Dead Sea Scrolls talk about the same tongues of fire that are mentioned in Acts chapter 2? Did you know that Enoch and Philo mention them as well? If you’ve ever wondered whether or not the gift of tongues is for today, then this teaching is definitely for you! This very in-depth teaching covers virtually every single verse on the topic and will finally bring us to the Truth About Tongues!
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Did you know that the Dead Sea Scrolls talk about the same tongues of fire that are mentioned in Acts chapter 2? Did you know that Enoch and Philo mention them as well? If you’ve ever wondered whether or not the gift of tongues is for today, then this teaching is definitely for you! This very in-depth teaching covers virtually every single verse on the topic and will finally bring us to the Truth About Tongues!
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