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  • Passover - Part 1

    How and why do we still celebrate Passover after Yeshua’s (Jesus’s) resurrection? The reality is Passover, and all the Spring Feasts, point directly TO Yeshua’s death, burial, and resurrection! Pastor Jim Staley’s teaching on Passover goes over some basics about the Passover meal and gets into the deeper significance of this Biblical feast as well, including scientific analysis of when Yeshua actually dies on the cross. Understanding how this Feast Day fits into God’s prophetic calendar will help every Christian connect to the roots of their faith like never before! Published Apr 18, 2014

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  • How and why do we still celebrate Passover after Yeshua’s (Jesus’s) resurrection? The reality is Passover, and all the Spring Feasts, point directly TO Yeshua’s death, burial, and resurrection! Pastor Jim Staley’s teaching on Passover goes over some basics about the Passover meal and gets into the deeper significance of this Biblical feast as well, including scientific analysis of when Yeshua actually dies on the cross. Understanding how this Feast Day fits into God’s prophetic calendar will help every Christian connect to the roots of their faith like never before! Published Apr 18, 2014

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  • Old Testament
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      • Old Testament
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