How To Hanukkah - Day 1
How to Hanukkah – Day 1
Are you looking for how to celebrate Hanukkah with your family? This short series is designed to help give you ideas on how you and your family can incorporate this amazing Feast of Dedication into your home this year. Each night we will learn what each candle represents as we walk through the Bible over the next eight days to discover the power of the true Light! Tonight we will discuss the light of creation, the history of the holiday, and some traditions that you can do with you and your family!
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How to Hanukkah – Day 1
Are you looking for how to celebrate Hanukkah with your family? This short series is designed to help give you ideas on how you and your family can incorporate this amazing Feast of Dedication into your home this year. Each night we will learn what each candle represents as we walk through the Bible over the next eight days to discover the power of the true Light! Tonight we will discuss the light of creation, the history of the holiday, and some traditions that you can do with you and your family!
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