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Send Forth – Numbers 13

Torah Portion Shalach: He Sent Part 1: Numbers 13 There is so much in the story about the twelve spies it’s almost overwhelming. A small book would have to be written to unpack it all! Let’s take it one chapter at a time.

The Only Census That Matters

This week’s Torah portion is called Bamidbar, which means “in the wilderness.” Although much of it deals with the census of each tribe, how they were camped, and the choosing of the Levites, we’re going to focus mainly on the latter of these topics and reveal how they relate to us today and even how […]

Does the Bible Condone Slavery

This is a good question. In this week’s study, we are going to look into this question and see exactly what we can learn or “unlearn” of what we have been taught about this topic. Some have suggested that the idea of slavery came from the Bible and that the Bible actually supports this. So […]

The Best Things Come to Those Who Wait

Life can be hard in prison. Every little thing can be a big thing and if you didn’t have patience when you came in, you’ll definitely have it when you leave…or you’ll go insane. Your choice. But in those moments of frustration, my King continues to wink in the most incredible ways. Let me give […]

No Beards? No Way!

Almost inevitably when a man tells his friend that he believes in the Torah, that friend responds with something like, “If you’re following Torah then why do you shave? God told the Israelites that they weren’t allowed to cut their beards.” If I’ve heard this once, I’ve heard it a thousand times. The passage that […]

Five Days Of Encouragement – Day 1

I have recently discovered some older writings from my journal that I wrote several years ago, and they have never been shared, so I thought I’d create several days’ worth of encouragement for those that may need it. Even if you don’t necessarily “need” it, in my humble opinion, everyone needs encouragement! Let’s begin with […]

Five Days Of Encouragement – Day 2

I find it astonishing how brave and courageous Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were during those trying and demanding moments with king Nebuchadnezzar. When he demanded them to bow to statues and gods, they did not even have to think twice about what to do. They knew they only worshipped one true, living God – Yahweh […]

Five Days Of Encouragement – Day 3

This entry was from December 14, 2014: As a young person, I ask myself often, “What are God’s plans for my life? What am I to do next?” Sometimes I think I know where God is leading me but then the path that I started walking down slowly comes to a dead end and I […]

Five Days Of Encouragement – Day 4

From January of 2015: When we look into the mirror, what do we see? Do we see ourselves through our eyes, or the way our Heavenly Father sees us? Do we spend enough time with Him to even know what He says about us? Perhaps learning how to think of yourself and your personal life […]

Five Days of Encouragement – Day 5

As we approach the end of this five day Encouragement series, I want to leave you with this: Whether it be your coworkers, friends, family, or perhaps a complete stranger, make it an effort to make a positive difference in their life. Perhaps you have a difficult time putting the focus and “spotlight” on someone […]
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