Principalities of Darkness – Picking Up the Pieces – Day 3
Principalities of Darkness – Picking Up the Pieces – Day 3
Ephesians 1:7-8, “We have redemption in Him through His blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of His grace that He lavished on us with all wisdom and understanding.” HCSB
We are redeemed through the blood of the Lamb. We are forgiven because of His sacrifice. You already know this. But do you, truly? Even when your life is full of chaos and everything seems to be going down-hill, do you remember in the midst of it all that you are His? Do you remember that you are alive, forgiven, and free because of His sacrifice? Just something to think about. It’s not always easy to remember such promises in the midst of trial or chaos. In addition, He gives us LIFE, wisdom, and understanding! How blessed are we, praise God.
Picture yourself, with a chaotic life and nothing seems to go right. Each day you are becoming more broken and you become weakened by the worries of life. Each piece that gets broken is given to the enemy. He takes it and throws more darts at you to cause you to break some more. This whole series has been about what you will do and how you will react to the principalities of darkness. Will you put on the armor of God when the fiery darts come flying at you? Why do soldiers wear armor? To be protected. It is the same concept spiritually. God has given us spiritual armor so that we can wear it in confidence to war against the enemy. We were not meant to be defeated by the enemy; the enemy has been defeated by US. Let’s keep that mindset. When a flaming arrow comes your way, don’t be afraid to take it using the armor and Spirit of God! You can overcome by the power of the Lamb. His Word is true, His armor is powerful. The most advice I feel led to leave with you, is to the best of your ability not let this four letter word get to you. Can you guess? Fear. It’s so gripping, and can break you instantly. Don’t let the enemy have your pieces. Pick them up if they fall. Declare that your God is bigger than your fear, and He is certainly bigger than anything trying to stand in your way of victory! When you get knocked down, get back up again. You are strong, and more than capable to conquer. Believe in yourself.
Abba, Father, I pray that whoever is reading this right now will be completely overtaken by Your Spirit. I pray that You will step into their life and bring freedom, strength, and blessings. Whatever is bringing them down or causing them to stumble, I break those chains in the name of Yeshua (Jesus). There is no room for worry, doubt, or fear, because You have placed Your hand in their life and have given them the spirit of peace. Thank You, Lord, for Your steadfast love and forgiveness. Help these beautiful people to pick up the broken pieces in their life with Your help. Help them to allow You to step in and guide accordingly. Thank You, in Yeshua’s name I pray, amen.
Jim Staley