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Total Consecration

In this week’s Torah portion, the instructions continue on the five main sacrifices that were to be made within the temple courts. But what I’d like to focus on is one short verse near the end of the portion – in chapter 8 – that deals with the command of consecration.

The Sacrificial Offerings: Then and Now

The Creator gave instructions on how to build the tabernacle and what the garments and office of the priests look like. Then we spent a considerable amount of time revealing the spiritual connections for our temples today. Now, as we move through the first few chapters of Leviticus, we’ll see the conversation changing from construction […]

Destroying The Power Of Fear In Your Life

I cannot tell you how many times I’ve seen people’s entire lives disrupted and ministries of God completely destroyed when people are moved by fear to do things they would never do without it. We humans are suckers for this spirit of fear. It paralyzes us and takes us over like a tsunami takes over […]

The Path of the Cherubim

There are several places in scripture that describe the magnificent and mysterious creatures called the cherubim (pronounced “kare-oo-beem” in Hebrew). These angelic servants of the Most High are crouched above the mercy seat over the Ark of the Covenant. The instructions given to Moses to have them carved and overlaid with gold are found in […]

Do Not Kindle a Fire on Shabbat!

In this week’s portion, there continues to be more instructions on how to build the items of the tabernacle. Great detail is given about each item and how it is to be used. However, this short article is going to focus on just the first three verses of Exodus 35. Yahweh tells His people to […]

The Hidden Meaning of Golgotha

We come across many important items in this week’s Torah portion as we continue through the book of Exodus. In this article, I’m going to focus on one strange instruction that’s sandwiched in between all of the actual items of the tabernacle. As the text goes into the details of the altar of incense, the […]

Things Aren’t What They Seem

The story of Esther is a story steeped in showcasing the covert power of the Almighty and how He works behind the curtain. How often in our lives do we look at things with our own eyes and formulate a conclusion based on the limited information we have and the facts we can discern with […]

Creating Space to Work

Have you ever seen an office desk so full of papers that there is literally no room to work? Not even a place to set a single pen down where it’s not touching some papers? For many of us, our lives are just like this out-of-control office desk. They’re so cluttered with papers and there’s […]

The Law of Servants

In this week’s Torah portion, the Creator starts to zoom in a bit and provide more detailed laws that deal with several civil issues. We’re going to go through several and not only dispel the myths about Yahweh endorsing slavery, but also pull out the spiritual principle behind those laws, a principle relevant for us […]

The Quest for the Third Day

The mention of that title conjures up visions of a crisp April morning in Jerusalem almost 2000 years ago as the Son of the living God rose from the dead just before the sun dawned over the first-century landscape. It was a dark three days that Passion Week as our Lord lay in that tomb. […]
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