Dance Upon Disappointment
Dance Upon Disappointment
The title above are words that stuck out to me in a song called Heroes by Amanda Cook. I decided to look up some deeper meanings for the word dance. There are many different Hebrew words for dance. However, the most general word that means to dance or whirl, is karar (kaw-rar’). Next, we will break down the Hebrew word into its letters, and connect the meaning of each letter. Karar is made up of one Kaf and two letters of Resh. The gematria (numerical) value of the letter Kaf is twenty, and its pictograph looks like the palm of a hand. The gematria of the letter Resh is 200, and its pictograph looks like the head of a man.
Hang in there for me for just a while longer. I know this may contain a bit of deep information that may be complicated to some, but it is very important and effective when you look up the deeper meaning of things. It can bring revelation and a deeper understanding and love for the Word of God.
So let’s get back to connecting! The way I look at it is this: as we mentioned earlier, the pictograph for Resh is the head of a man, which can be interpreted as a “chief”, “top”, or “head” of something. To me, this represents the Holy Spirit is the ultimate “chief” over my life. Then, you come to the pictograph for Kaf which is the palm of a hand. In my opinion, this represents the hand of God over my life. I read an interesting paragraph from that said:
“The literal meaning of Kaf is “palm” which is considered the location where the potential of the Yod (hand) is the actual idea (interestingly, the gematria for the word Yod is the same for the letter Kaf). For this reason, we bless the children with palms facing them and we envision God as having His palms over us, for this image suggests the calling forth of the latent power of the spirit within for manifestation in the physical world.”
So if we put the two pictures together we have the “Chief” or the “Head” over our life, understanding that His hand is working in and through us. I think it is interesting that the letters Yod and Kaf have similar pictographs, both revolving around a hand. I think it is also interesting that the letter “Kaf comes from the root word shoresh, turning Kaf into Kafah, meaning to bend down, suggesting the concave shape of the body or the shape of a crown on a king’s head.” So here is my conclusion of everything that we just went through. I hope you could follow okay! Yahweh (God) has crowned us with love and compassion (Psalm 103:4). We have bowed down to Him, with the crown of His promises and worth. We are bowing with humility to His complete and steadfast authority over our life. For who are we without His hand?
So let’s go back to the original word that we started with, karar, which means to dance. How does everything that we just talked about relate to dancing? Let me ask this question: why do we dance? I’m sure there are many reasons, but in my opinion, it’s quite simple! We should dance not just when we are happy and when things are going right. We should always dance because we KNOW that His hand is in EVERYTHING, and is leading and guiding our life, whether it seems like it or not. When things are going downhill, bow before Him in prayer and thanksgiving, and dance before Him in praise for His unimpeachable promises! A huge Scripture that I rely on daily is “We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God; those who are called according to His purpose.” Rom. 8:28 HCSB If we know this, then why NOT dance?! He is worthy! Dance upon disappointment! Dance upon failure! Dance upon the enemy’s tactics! For you will NOT be defeated by the enemy if you choose to bow in humility to His hand, and allow Him to work through your life. Don’t be afraid to dance before your King. Let us dance as David danced, and let us follow after Yahweh’s heart.
Jim Staley