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Levels of Faith

Levels of Faith

You’ve been told at one point in your life (or perhaps even many) to have faith and God will come through. Have faith in the most complicated situations and you will be blessed. How often have you been able to prove those correct? At the moment, in the situation, it’s so difficult to act upon your faith that God is greater, and His plans are better. It’s so *easy* to get flustered and worried. We often take things into our own hands and the outcome usually becomes worse than how the problem actually started. In our hearts, we know what we should do. But our mind wanders from what our heart is saying and goes in the wrong direction. We need to learn how to distinguish our self-seeking, fleshly thoughts and start listening to what our heart is telling us to do.

This may sound silly, but it is actually something that can be done. It would be like doing something and committing sin knowing deep down that it’s wrong, but you do it anyway because it satisfies *you* or makes you feel good about yourself. Or maybe you have a Word that you feel led to share to a specific person, but you become afraid because you don’t know how they will respond, or you’re afraid it’s not from the Lord, etc. You know what you should do and what’s in your heart, but you let fear, doubt, and selfishness win because you just “don’t know” or you don’t care enough to step out and trust.

As I mentioned in my last post, each one of us are at different levels Spiritually. We also all have different levels of faith. Faith is not to be taken shallow. It is deep. It will only be shallow if we make it shallow in our lives. If we choose to take things into our own hands instead of trusting the One who allowed us life, to begin with, we will be living a hard life. Seek to take the next step up the ladder to have a new level of faith. Grow deeper in the sense that your faith will grow stronger and deeper each time you allow Yahweh to take control. Don’t just walk a straight and narrow path. Broaden your walkways and seek for more. Seek for those deeper, intimate relationships with God. He’s waiting for you each day to talk to Him and progress to a new level of faith as you walk diligently and obediently.


Jim Staley

About The Author
Jim’s life’s desire is to help believers everywhere draw closer to the Father by understanding the truth of the scriptures from their original cultural context (a Hebraic perspective) and to apply them in faith for today.

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