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Prayer and Supplication

A New Life Transformed

It’s been a while since I blogged about things happening around here, so I thought I would give you an update on someone the Father has brought into my life. I’m still teaching a Bible study on Wednesday nights and we’re currently going through the fall feast days. The people that come are soaking it […]

S. Slow Down

Well, the saga of my life here at the Marion Prison “Resort” continues! There is no heat anywhere in the camp and I feel like a toucan that has been stripped of his colorful feathers, sent into solitary confinement in a glacier prison in the Antarctic and is day by day becoming more jealous of […]

L. Listen

In our effort to increase our spirit man’s maturity so as to be truly able to become all we are destined to be in Messiah, we are finally coming to the place where the rubber meets the road. In the last article, I spent considerable time talking about how we must slow down in order […]

O. Observe

We have slowed down our lives and carved out time for our King. We have pressed into the spirit, praying like we have never prayed before. We have listened more intently to His still, small voice. Now comes the fun part. Now we start “tracking” what He is doing. The next letter in the acronym […]

W. Wait

The last letter in our acronym S.L.O.W. is “W,” which stands for “Wait on the Lord.” In a fast-paced society where red means stop, green means go, and yellow means go very fast so you beat the red, going slow, listening, observing, and waiting are not exactly character traits that come easily. In fact, in […]

The Two-sided Coin of Relationships

You can’t have heads without having tails at the same time. There is no such thing as a positive without a negative, a villain without a hero, a Ying without a Yang. In our culture, we seem to always be forced to make a choice: black or white, left or right, up or down, Democrat […]

Stop Using the Root Hammer!

Do we have the right to “fix” everyone’s doctrine if it doesn’t line up with what we believe? Should we be actively following people online–or approaching our family and friends–with the intention of pointing out all their mistakes and doctrinal errors? Has the Hebrew Roots Movement gone from a body of people being moved by […]

All You Need Is Grace

I used to cringe when I heard Bible teachers use that phrase. Usually, it was because what followed was a sermon on how you can’t do anything to please God, or you don’t have to do anything to earn His favor, or you don’t have to worry about how you live because everything is covered […]

Public Challenge

I recently was “publicly challenged” on something that was said in one of my articles. And although I and many others strongly disagree with how Christ is portrayed through “publicly challenging” someone instead of privately going to them, addressing them personally in comments, or simply inquiring for more info first before attacking, I can still […]

How to Deal with Public Shame

Public shame is sadly a real thing. It is something that is so easy to do, and sometimes it is done unintentionally. A lot of times, however, it is something people use to cover up something that they don’t want to see, hear, or believe because it will hurt their pride or beliefs. Have you […]
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