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Our Weekly Erev Shabbat Meal

Our Weekly Erev Shabbat Meal

Every Friday at 3 PM we have our weekly Erev Shabbat meal here. Everyone kind of pitches in and I make a meal with the help of brother Mike when he can. But today it was just me at the wheel, and I decided to make egg omelet tostadas. (They’re among the group’s favorites.) We’ve grown to seven now, and I can’t believe how long it takes to put everything together. I can tell you right now I TOTALLY respect my wife more for all the cooking she does for our family and guests. It is a LOT of work! So hat’s off to all those moms out there who feel like they live in the kitchen! And honey, I am so sorry for not helping out more than I did! I will NEVER leave you alone in the kitchen ever again! 😉

Anyway, we had a great time today. We met in the gym and pulled a couple of tables together. Keith prayed and then I led them in the Hebrew blessing over the meal. After dinner, I always open it up for people to share and Juan took the mic and shared how the Father was really moving in his heart about some stuff and convicting him to make some changes during this month of Elul. He did a great job, and it was very impacting to the other guys. Juan has really taken the bull by the horns and is consuming as much material as I can give him. He wants to go into full-time ministry when he gets out. He has a heart for people and has been a great friend. Another guy mentioned that he’s feeling convicted to stop smoking and asked for our prayers. Our little group is really gelling, and it’s just beautiful to watch the Spirit work in each of us. Although we only meet for an hour, it’s everyone’s favorite hour of the week.

Friends, don’t forget to take a moment and break bread with those you love…and cherish every moment as if it were your last.

Shabbat Shalom, everyone. And thanks for keeping us all in your prayers!

September 2017

Jim Staley

About The Author
Jim’s life’s desire is to help believers everywhere draw closer to the Father by understanding the truth of the scriptures from their original cultural context (a Hebraic perspective) and to apply them in faith for today.

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