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The Two-sided Coin of Relationships

You can’t have heads without having tails at the same time. There is no such thing as a positive without a negative, a villain without a hero, a Ying without a Yang. In our culture, we seem to always be forced to make a choice: black or white, left or right, up or down, Democrat […]

Stop Using the Root Hammer!

Do we have the right to “fix” everyone’s doctrine if it doesn’t line up with what we believe? Should we be actively following people online–or approaching our family and friends–with the intention of pointing out all their mistakes and doctrinal errors? Has the Hebrew Roots Movement gone from a body of people being moved by […]

All You Need Is Grace

I used to cringe when I heard Bible teachers use that phrase. Usually, it was because what followed was a sermon on how you can’t do anything to please God, or you don’t have to do anything to earn His favor, or you don’t have to worry about how you live because everything is covered […]

Public Challenge

I recently was “publicly challenged” on something that was said in one of my articles. And although I and many others strongly disagree with how Christ is portrayed through “publicly challenging” someone instead of privately going to them, addressing them personally in comments, or simply inquiring for more info first before attacking, I can still […]

How to Deal with Public Shame

Public shame is sadly a real thing. It is something that is so easy to do, and sometimes it is done unintentionally. A lot of times, however, it is something people use to cover up something that they don’t want to see, hear, or believe because it will hurt their pride or beliefs. Have you […]

Partnering with God

My daughter recently sent me a great question and I thought there might be a few of you out there who have asked the same thing at one time or another. She asked, “Why did God use Moses at the Red Sea when He could have just made the waters open and close by His […]

In the Likeness of God

Why is it that so many professed believers feel like God is so distant from them? Why do people across this beautiful planet feel as though God is somewhere “way out there” and that there’s a huge gulf between Him and them? How is it possible for us to feel like we’re far from our […]

The Greatest Teacher, Failure Is

Yoda, Star Wars: The Last Jedi They just showed the latest Star Wars film here. This quote from it hit me hard. There are so many spiritual parallels to the biblical record in the Star Wars franchise: how we fight not against flesh and blood but against spiritual principalities in high places, the force being […]

Laws of Communication – Part 1

Do you ever feel like your kids never get what you’re trying to teach them? Are you frustrated because you keep telling them what’s right and what’s wrong but they keep doing the wrong thing? If you’re a minister, do you feel like your congregation keeps going in circles and you can’t seem to get […]

Laws of Communication – Part 2

The Second Law of Communication The second law of communication is: The way people learn determines how you teach. It’s not enough to decide that you’ll teach the way you learn or the way that’s most comfortable to you. In order to be an effective teacher, you must first discover what the best way is […]
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