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Our Weekly Erev Shabbat Meal

Every Friday at 3 PM we have our weekly Erev Shabbat meal here. Everyone kind of pitches in and I make a meal with the help of brother Mike when he can. But today it was just me at the wheel, and I decided to make egg omelet tostadas. (They’re among the group’s favorites.) We’ve […]

The Sound of Your Trumpet

The first words of the Bible are “In the beginning.” Rasheet means ‘beginning’ and is taken from the root word ‘rosh,’ which means ‘head.’ With this in mind, Rosh Hashanah literally means “head of the year.” Rosh Hashanah, or Tishrei 1 on the Hebrew Calendar, is the beginning of the Biblical civil New Year. This […]

Lesson #425

Lesson #425 here at Marion Camp: I can’t fix everyone, and I’m not the Holy Spirit. (Okay…I’m not exactly sure which number lesson this is, but it’s pretty high up there!) This is a hard one for me. Any of you out there a fixer? Me, too. I know how things are supposed to look […]

Do Not Fear!

Deuteronomy 31:6 “Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them. For the LORD your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you.” If there is one verse in the Bible that could be the contender for the heavyweight champion verse […]


Today I felt a strong urge to fast the morning hours and really dig into prayer. Doing so resulted in a divine appointment that closed with a major God-wink. I finished praying at about 11:45 AM and was writing in my journal about the crazy amazing things that happened this last week, things I’ll get […]

The Secret of Shechem

In Deuteronomy 27 and 28 we see the command Yahweh gave that an altar be made of living stones and placed on Mount Ebal. This mountain tells us the precise location of this event takes place, as Mount Ebal and Mount Gerizim are the primary landmarks for the city of Shechem. Out of every city […]

Finders Keepers, Losers Weepers

We’ve all heard this saying many times over the years. As children we touted it to our siblings time and again. Unfortunately, as adults, it sometimes seems as though we still believe the adage because of the way we live our lives. In this short article we’re going to unravel that saying and find out […]

A Public Hanging

Deuteronomy 21:22-23 There can be no doubt that a public hanging draws a crowd. In the old Wild West, the whole town came out to watch. There is just something about the shock and all about it all that causes us to turn our heads in that direction. This is exactly why the news is […]

Stoning Our Children?

Deuteronomy 21:18-21 As a Bible teacher, I have had countless people ask about the commandment in the Torah that seems to say that when our children become rebellious, we are to stone them. Many times this scripture is used to “prove” that we don’t have to keep God’s instructions anymore. But just like all the […]

Female Captives

Of all the laws that are in the Torah, this has got to be one of the strangest,while at the same time being one of the most ingenious. Our heavenly Father knows how we think and He’s a Master at cutting us off at the pass. This is the beginning of this week’s Torah portion […]
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