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How To Maintain Shalom After Shabbat

Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy: You are to labor six days and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God….(Ex. 20:8-10 HCSB). So the Bible says that we are to rest on the Lord’s Sabbath. We are not to do any work. It is […]

Dance Upon Disappointment

The title above are words that stuck out to me in a song called Heroes by Amanda Cook. I decided to look up some deeper meanings for the word dance. There are many different Hebrew words for dance. However, the most general word that means to dance or whirl, is karar (kaw-rar’). Next, we will […]

Meeting Your Destiny

Vayishlach: and He Sent… In this week’s portion, I would like to focus on a couple different topics. At first they may seem disconnected, but I believe the connections will be made the deeper we dive into them. The story starts off with Jacob leaving his uncle Laban’s household. He had worked over 20 years […]

The Gaze of Faith

If you know your Bible, then when I say the word “faith” you will most likely think of the fifteen-word definition found in Hebrews 11:1: “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” But what does that mean exactly? There really is no other definition of faith given […]

The Position of the Creator and the Creature

In order for there to be proper harmony in a relationship, religious or otherwise, there must be a correct order in it. Any time the proper order is challenged or gets out of balance, the relationship is in jeopardy. In the same way, if we do not understand the difference between who the Creator is […]

Complete Access – No Hindrance

I live in the basement of our house, and the phone service and internet are often very slow. One morning I woke up and got very frustrated that I couldn’t get access to what I needed at the time (I’m not a morning person, so that could be part of the problem, lol). As I […]

The Voice

There are many who read the Bible from cover to cover each and every year. They know the stories and can even tell you chapter and verse of many of the most famous scriptures. But is the Bible just an ancient document that contains words and historical data from times past? Or is it a […]

Apprehending the Divine

What is “real”? How do we humans determine what’s real and what isn’t? Do we not define it with our five senses of touch, taste, hear, smell, and sight? As beings of a physical world, we’re entrenched in the idea that if we cannot experience something within the confines of those five senses it must […]

Going Behind the Veil

The picture of the temple grounds of ancient Israel is really the picture of our spiritual journeys. There are some who spend their time as Levitical worker bees, making constant sacrifices for God. Then there are some who spend all their time looking into the water of the Word (the Brazen Laver), increasing their knowledge […]

The True Meaning of Being Poor in Spirit

In our spiritual journey with the Creator, there can be almost nothing more detrimental or more damaging to hitting our full potential than possessing too much of earth. Mathew 5:3 says, “Blessed are the poor in spirit, For theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” These words are not just a theological statement but are a […]
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