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Flies Are from Satan

That’s right. Flies are definitely from Satan. There are two things in life that I can’t stand: flies and mosquitoes. Flies are like satanic helicopters that buzz around your face. They are just fast enough to stay out of reach while making a fool out of you as you slap yourself trying to crush their […]

God Is My New Secretary

On February 17th, Blake, Kevin and I had an anointing ceremony that followed a three-day period of prayer and fasting. Ever since then there has definitely been a shift in the spiritual realm. It was like a graduation happened or something and we were now going to be putting into practice everything that we had […]

The Spirit IS the Answer

Today is the 153rd day since I have been incarcerated. The number 153, as I have stated before, has been a significant number in my journey. My case number was 153, I had the ankle bracelet on for exactly 153 days, so I was excited to see what the Father would have planned on this […]

Seated Together in Heavenly Places

Now that we are starting to understand the difference between the soul and the spirit of a man, the difference between the “spiritual” Word and the “physical” Word, the desire of the Spirit for us to receive the wisdom and revelation of the knowledge of Him, we can continue in Ephesians chapter two and discover […]

The Power of Chazown/Vision

Today I would like to share with you a revelation the Father opened up to us as we were studying in the library one night. Since visions seem to be a common occurrence around here, we decided to dive into the Hebrew of that word and see if the Spirit would have any more to […]

The Two Sided Coin Part 1

I have been fasting for days, truly trying to understand the depth of the submarine vision. I have been asking the Father what I need to do to get the door open and let the water flow into the cabin and flood me completely. Upon hearing my question, the Father laughed and said, “You’re doing […]

God Winks

We all have gone through times in our lives that are so difficult we just need to know that He is there. We beg for billboards, ask for signs, and pray for miracles. But what if the signs are right in front of our faces? What if they are as clear as crystal but we […]

The Gong Show

For the past several days I have been very down. It’s been very difficult to hear, pray, or have the energy to almost do anything. I feel like my head is in the clouds and like my spirit is dizzy or something. I have had almost no desire to do anything.

A Prophet Has Arrived

One night I was laying in my bed reading the Word around 10:30 pm when a guy with thick glasses and dreads hanging over his shoulders poked his head through my hand-made bed sheet of a privacy curtain and asked me quietly if I am the one they call “Preacher.” I said yes and he […]

Get out of the Bulldozer

Before I came in here, a gentleman from Russia had a vision about me that he had to pass on to us. He had no idea that I was indicted or anything of that nature. We hadn’t translated it into Russian yet what was going on at the time. In the vision he said that […]
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