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The Struggle – Spiritual Gifts

As I was pondering on what topic to write about, I had a bunch of jumbled up thoughts and ideas of what to write, but nothing became clear as to exactly which one to choose. I began asking The Father what He wanted me to write, and I felt in my spirit that He wanted […]

What Are Trials and Tribulations?

Is this even a question? I think we all know what a trial and hardship is. I think the hardest struggle is knowing how to handle them. Let’s start off by defining both of these words. In term, they are different words but essentially have the same meaning. However, they each have slightly different definitions.

Strength to Press Forward?

Afraid? Tired? Insecure? Uncertain? Doubtful? If you are the least bit of these things, you need to know that Yahweh never desired for you to go through them. Whatever you may be going through, know that Yahweh is allowing you to go through it for a reason. We may not understand His reasons, but we […]

Pathways of God’s Will

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less traveled by. And that has made all the difference. –Robert E. Frost This is a small portion from my favorite poem. The whole poem speaks volumes and has great depth to it. If you’ve never read it you should! Anyway, I’m going to […]

Zoning from Comfort

I chose this topic because I believe a lot of people struggle with stepping out of their comfort zone (myself included). It is often easy to form certain habits or ways to do things at certain times for the Lord. It is easy to sit in the back row and listen to the Pastor speak. […]

Passover – Removing the Sin

Many of you know that we are entering into the season of Passover, which means we have the opportunity to remember the story of what Yahweh did for His people and how He saved them from suffering. But it’s also a good time to do a Spiritual “check” of our temples to make sure that […]


When we look into the mirror, what do we see? Do we see ourselves through our eyes or the way our Heavenly Father sees us? Do we spend enough time with Him to even know what He says about us? Perhaps learning how to think of yourself and your personal life on a deeper level […]
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