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Faith is a common subject that people teach. It’s a common word that we hear in a sermon or that we read throughout the Bible. F – Focus A – Audit I – Internalize T – Trust H – Hope However, in my opinion, I don’t think it’s a common thing that is practiced enough. […]

I’m Right, You’re Wrong…Now What?

Okay. So we probably don’t say the title of this article in those exact words, but I can bet you we sometimes think it when we’re in the middle of a heated debate with someone we strongly disagree with! There seems to be more arguing, slander, gossip, and mean-spirited talk among those who consider themselves […]

Yom Kippur 2018…In Prison, but My Best One Yet!

Well, this is my third Yom Kippur in prison and it was not only the best Yom Kippur I’ve had here so far, it was the best Yom Kippur I have EVER had! As a matter of fact, it was such an extraordinary day that it made me feel like I’ve never celebrated it before! […]

Should Christians Celebrate Yom Kippur?

The History, Power, and Connections to our Messiah. Should we celebrate Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, as believers in Christ? Isn’t this a Jewish holiday? Why is this day considered the holiest day of the year in the Bible? This article will discuss the powerful connections and the significant reasons why every believer in […]

My First Yom Kippur in Prison

In my opinion, the words Yom Kippur and prison should not be found in the same sentence. But unfortunately, for now – in my world, at least – they do and that’s just the way it is. To be honest, every day here in prison has been like Yom Kippur. Every day has felt like […]

Yom Teruah’s Transition From Peasants To Kings

Chag Sameach Yom Teruah (Happy Feast of Trumpets) Everyone from Marion Camp! Today was an absolutely gorgeous day and the sun was shining beautifully all day. I slept in today and then prepared for our 2:30 service. It was just me and Juan. We had a great feast and topped it off with a homemade […]


You know what I have learned since being in prison? God loves salsa. Yep, He loves it. How do I know? Well, I just do. Let me explain. I was making some salsa for our Rosh Hashanah service and I while I was making it, I had a revelation that I would like to share […]

Was Balaam a Prophet of God?

Prophets for hire, talking donkeys, seemingly schizophrenic instructions from Yahweh, and blessings coming from a rogue prophet hired to curse Israel. There is no doubt that a cursory look at the Balaam narrative can leave us scratching our heads in many regards. Is Balaam a good guy, a bad guy, or a former good guy […]

What’s the Real Meaning of “No Idols”?

Does the Second Commandment mean our children can’t play with toys? I was asked recently whether or not it was permissible for children to play with dolls since pagans used dolls in their worship practices. Does this break the second commandment? Let’s take a closer look.

In the Likeness of God

Why is it that so many professed believers feel like God is so distant from them? Why do people across this beautiful planet feel as though God is somewhere “way out there” and that there’s a huge gulf between Him and them? How is it possible for us to feel like we’re far from our […]
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