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A New Life Transformed

It’s been a while since I blogged about things happening around here, so I thought I would give you an update on someone the Father has brought into my life. I’m still teaching a Bible study on Wednesday nights and we’re currently going through the fall feast days. The people that come are soaking it […]

Taking It on the Chin

In my last post, I talked about a line out of one of the most recent Rocky movies: “You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life, but it ain’t about how hard you hit, it’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward, how much you can take and […]

S. Slow Down

Well, the saga of my life here at the Marion Prison “Resort” continues! There is no heat anywhere in the camp and I feel like a toucan that has been stripped of his colorful feathers, sent into solitary confinement in a glacier prison in the Antarctic and is day by day becoming more jealous of […]

L. Listen

In our effort to increase our spirit man’s maturity so as to be truly able to become all we are destined to be in Messiah, we are finally coming to the place where the rubber meets the road. In the last article, I spent considerable time talking about how we must slow down in order […]

O. Observe

We have slowed down our lives and carved out time for our King. We have pressed into the spirit, praying like we have never prayed before. We have listened more intently to His still, small voice. Now comes the fun part. Now we start “tracking” what He is doing. The next letter in the acronym […]

W. Wait

The last letter in our acronym S.L.O.W. is “W,” which stands for “Wait on the Lord.” In a fast-paced society where red means stop, green means go, and yellow means go very fast so you beat the red, going slow, listening, observing, and waiting are not exactly character traits that come easily. In fact, in […]

Finding Freedom Through Atonement

Yom Kippur is the highest holy day of the year on God’s calendar. But what makes this day so special? Isn’t every day sacred? Since the Son has come, isn’t every day holy in Him? Imagine a husband trying to tell his wife that there is really no need to celebrate their anniversary anymore. “You […]

Let Them Steal!

Have you ever felt like Pharaoh after the land of Egypt had been ravished by plagues? I know I have. I will never forget that back in 2015, about a month or two into my prison sentence, I came back to my cell only to find it completely destroyed. I had already lost everything I […]

Lunar Sabbath

The Sabbath is not based on the moon. There is no such thing as a lunar Sabbath on God’s calendar. There are many ways to disprove this false teaching and someday I will write an article on this topic. The Sabbath is literally impossible to keep from a lunar counting method as there are not […]

In Defense Of Hanukkah

In Defense of Hanukkah Every year at this time I begin to share with my audience the beauty in the Feast of Dedication (Hanukkah) as Cheryl and I teach our children the power of the light of Scripture for eight days, tracing it through the great men of the Bible and learning many valuable lessons […]
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