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The Only Way Up is Down

I was recently listening to a song, and part of the lyrics in the song were “the only way up is down”. I have heard that particular song many times over again, but for some reason those lyrics stuck out to me and created a deeper meaning for me. One can easily question this statement […]

Treasured Obedience

John 14:15 says, “If you love Me, keep my commandments.” What do you think this verse means? God desires obedience. When we are obedient, He feels loved and valued. We cannot simply say that we love God if we do not show Him. God desires to feel valued and loved also. He will love and […]

Inner Turmoil

There is a daily devotional that I read by Joyce Meyer that inspired me to write this article. The title of her small article that I read is called God Lives In You. There are some people that search and search for God and don’t hear a reply, or don’t get to experience an encounter […]

Release the Whirlwinds

God has designed such a beautiful world, that we often take for granted. We often get too caught up with what we have going on, that we forget to take a deep breath and breathe in the fresh air that He so freely provides for us. It is man that has corrupted what God has […]

In the Stillness

It’s another restless night, as I stare out my window into the stillness of the night. A rush of emotions come over me, unable to hold back the tears that seem to fall like rain. Memories flash within my mind of the past, causing me to break even more. Weakness begins to creep its way […]

The Power of God’s Love

What is hindering you from experiencing the full power of God’s love? From my past experiences, it’s always boiled down to being myself – I am the one who is blocking the way for God’s love to fully penetrate and have power in my life. How? The biggest step to understanding God’s love is accepting […]

Piercing Light

Taking this picture, I did not realize the significance and meaning that I would later see. It looks like a simple picture of somewhat stormy clouds. In my imagination I see something much deeper than just some stormy clouds. I’m always fascinated with nature but I love to find the deeper spiritual meanings behind it […]

Starting Your Day in a Positive Way

I am reminded of Yah’s beautiful, wondrous nature once again as I lay awake in the early hours of the morning. My intention of getting up extra early was to work on a research paper and try to get my schoolwork finished for the year. Yahweh apparently had other plans because I felt so strongly […]

The Struggle – Spiritual Gifts

As I was pondering on what topic to write about, I had a bunch of jumbled up thoughts and ideas of what to write, but nothing became clear as to exactly which one to choose. I began asking The Father what He wanted me to write, and I felt in my spirit that He wanted […]

What Are Trials and Tribulations?

Is this even a question? I think we all know what a trial and hardship is. I think the hardest struggle is knowing how to handle them. Let’s start off by defining both of these words. In term, they are different words but essentially have the same meaning. However, they each have slightly different definitions.
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