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W. Wait

The last letter in our acronym S.L.O.W. is “W,” which stands for “Wait on the Lord.” In a fast-paced society where red means stop, green means go, and yellow means go very fast so you beat the red, going slow, listening, observing, and waiting are not exactly character traits that come easily. In fact, in […]

Finding Freedom Through Atonement

Yom Kippur is the highest holy day of the year on God’s calendar. But what makes this day so special? Isn’t every day sacred? Since the Son has come, isn’t every day holy in Him? Imagine a husband trying to tell his wife that there is really no need to celebrate their anniversary anymore. “You […]

Let Them Steal!

Have you ever felt like Pharaoh after the land of Egypt had been ravished by plagues? I know I have. I will never forget that back in 2015, about a month or two into my prison sentence, I came back to my cell only to find it completely destroyed. I had already lost everything I […]

Lunar Sabbath

The Sabbath is not based on the moon. There is no such thing as a lunar Sabbath on God’s calendar. There are many ways to disprove this false teaching and someday I will write an article on this topic. The Sabbath is literally impossible to keep from a lunar counting method as there are not […]

In Defense Of Hanukkah

In Defense of Hanukkah Every year at this time I begin to share with my audience the beauty in the Feast of Dedication (Hanukkah) as Cheryl and I teach our children the power of the light of Scripture for eight days, tracing it through the great men of the Bible and learning many valuable lessons […]

The First Night Of Hannukah

Tonight is the first night of the Festival of Lights, a celebration to remember the Temple in Jerusalem being liberated in 167 BC from the hands of the enemy. Although this is not a commanded holiday, it is a wonderful tradition that both Yeshua attended in His time and a celebration that has tremendous relevance […]

The Second Night Of Hanukkah: The Light of Noah

Tonight is the second night of Hanukkah and I’d like to connect the second candle to Noah and his family. In Genesis 6:9 it says that “Noah was a just man, perfect in his generations. Noah walked with God.” The word for “perfect” here does not mean without sin or perfection, but rather mature and […]

The Third Night Of Hanukkah: The Light of Abraham

As we move through the days of the Festival of Lights, we come to the third day. And this day I have chosen Abraham to be the representative to continue our theme of the light. We started with the Light of Creation, when the Word of YHWH came into being and the concept of separation […]

The Fourth Night Of Hanukkah: The Light of Moses

From the light of creation to Noah, to Abraham, we now come to Moses. In the story of Moses, we have all the previous stories put together. In the story of creation we have the separation of light and darkness. In Moses, we have him being separated from his mother, then separated from Egypt, and […]

The Fifth Night Of Hanukkah: The Light of Yeshua

Tonight is the fifth night of the Festival of Lights. And it is appropriate that this night is dedicated to the true Light of the world, Yeshua Himself. In biblical numerology, the number five is the number of grace. Do you know what grace is? What does it mean to be in the “Age of […]
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