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The Sixth Night Of Hanukkah: The Light of Disciples

While day five commemorates the earthly ministry of Yeshua and His powerful and unending grace, it is apropos for day six to represent man, specifically the men who were entrusted with carrying the Light to the world. In Matthew chapter 5 it says in verse 14-16, “You are the light of the world. A city […]

The Seventh Night Of Hanukkah: The Light of the Gentiles

“Arise, shine; For your light has come! And the glory of the LORD is risen upon you. For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and deep darkness the people; But the LORD will arise over you, and His glory will be seen upon you. The Gentiles shall come to your light, and kings to […]

The Eighth Night Of Hanukkah: The Light in The Millenium

After seven full days of the Feast of Dedication, we finally have come to the last day, the eighth great day. The candelabra is full and its beauty shines for all to see. Like the fullness of time being completed by the return of the Messiah for His millennial reign, so the time of the […]

The Two-sided Coin of Relationships

You can’t have heads without having tails at the same time. There is no such thing as a positive without a negative, a villain without a hero, a Ying without a Yang. In our culture, we seem to always be forced to make a choice: black or white, left or right, up or down, Democrat […]

Stop Using the Root Hammer!

Do we have the right to “fix” everyone’s doctrine if it doesn’t line up with what we believe? Should we be actively following people online–or approaching our family and friends–with the intention of pointing out all their mistakes and doctrinal errors? Has the Hebrew Roots Movement gone from a body of people being moved by […]

All You Need Is Grace

I used to cringe when I heard Bible teachers use that phrase. Usually, it was because what followed was a sermon on how you can’t do anything to please God, or you don’t have to do anything to earn His favor, or you don’t have to worry about how you live because everything is covered […]


Hello everyone! Long time no talk to! I think it has been over 5 months since I have really had the chance to write something and post on my own site. I have been on an insane journey these last 5 months, to say the least, filled with mountain top experiences and valley, no, dark […]

What Does the Word Supplication Really Mean?

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. Philippians 4:6 I think at one time or another we have all heard that verse before. But what does it mean from the original Hebraic perspective of the author? Does the word really mean […]

Public Challenge

I recently was “publicly challenged” on something that was said in one of my articles. And although I and many others strongly disagree with how Christ is portrayed through “publicly challenging” someone instead of privately going to them, addressing them personally in comments, or simply inquiring for more info first before attacking, I can still […]

Only Two Commandments to Obey?

Here is a great question that came in through Facebook: “My pastor tells me that Jesus only told us to keep the two greatest commandments and that Jesus had nothing to do with the Torah. He says that Jesus was the word of John 1:1. What do I say to him?”
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