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Personal Growth

Five Days Of Encouragement – Day 2

I find it astonishing how brave and courageous Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were during those trying and demanding moments with king Nebuchadnezzar. When he demanded them to bow to statues and gods, they did not even have to think twice about what to do. They knew they only worshipped one true, living God – Yahweh […]

Five Days Of Encouragement – Day 3

This entry was from December 14, 2014: As a young person, I ask myself often, “What are God’s plans for my life? What am I to do next?” Sometimes I think I know where God is leading me but then the path that I started walking down slowly comes to a dead end and I […]

Five Days Of Encouragement – Day 4

From January of 2015: When we look into the mirror, what do we see? Do we see ourselves through our eyes, or the way our Heavenly Father sees us? Do we spend enough time with Him to even know what He says about us? Perhaps learning how to think of yourself and your personal life […]

Five Days of Encouragement – Day 5

As we approach the end of this five day Encouragement series, I want to leave you with this: Whether it be your coworkers, friends, family, or perhaps a complete stranger, make it an effort to make a positive difference in their life. Perhaps you have a difficult time putting the focus and “spotlight” on someone […]

The Secret to Victory

Have you ever felt like you are in the middle of a boxing ring and you just continue to get pounded by your enemy with jabs and hooks to the point where you would rather just stay down on the canvas than to get back up and go another round? I sure know that feeling. […]

The Unleavened Bread of Affliction

Why Unleavened Bread? Within the spring season of Passover lies the first significant week-long festival of the year. It’s called Unleavened Bread and it’s a seven-day feast with a high Sabbath on the first day and on the seventh. During this time, no one that calls the name of Yahweh their God is supposed to […]

Creating Space to Work

Have you ever seen an office desk so full of papers that there is literally no room to work? Not even a place to set a single pen down where it’s not touching some papers? For many of us, our lives are just like this out-of-control office desk. They’re so cluttered with papers and there’s […]

Ten Things We Can Learn from Narnia

I just finished watching the film adaptations of C.S. Lewis’s Narnia series, one of my favorites of all time. The movies are meant to tell spiritual messages and the Gospel itself is written all through them. With Aslan representing the Lion of Judah and Yeshua and the children who are the kings and queens of […]

The Master Gardener

You know how I always say, “Whatever happens in the supernatural will manifest itself in the physical?” Well, this past summer I joined the gardening program here and planted twenty-eight tomato plants, some pepper plants, and tasked myself with watching over them the way a mother hen watches over her chicks. I pulled weeds, hoed, […]

The Power of Chazown/Vision

Today I would like to share with you a revelation the Father opened up to us as we were studying in the library one night. Since visions seem to be a common occurrence around here, we decided to dive into the Hebrew of that word and see if the Spirit would have any more to […]
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