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    first fruits

Website search results: first fruits
  • The First Fruits of Prophecies

    The First Fruits of Prophecies

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    Step into a world of prophetic revelation as Pastor Jim unravels the intricate link between the resurrection of Christ and the ancient feast of First Fruits. Through a meticulous exploration of Leviticus 23, he unveils the profound significance of this appointed time, shedding light on its foreshadowing of Christ's victory over death. From decoding the chronology of Jesus' crucifixion to bridging ancient tradition with modern understanding, revealing the intricate symbolism embedded within this appointed time. By decoding the timeline of Jesus' crucifixion and its alignment with the high Sabbath, this teaching offers a fresh perspective that bridges the gap between ancient tradition and contemporary understanding for Christians to learn why and how to celebrate this feast.

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  • Feast of First Fruits 2012

    Feast of First Fruits 2012

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    Pastor Jim Staley teaches on the spring feast day of First Fruits. Published Apr 10, 2012

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    Feast of First Fruits 2012

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    Pastor Jim Staley teaches on the spring feast day of First Fruits. Published Apr 10, 2012

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  • Feast of First Fruits 2013

    Feast of First Fruits 2013

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    Pastor Jim Staley teaches on the importance of Yeshua rising after three days. Published Apr 1, 2013

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  • The Organizational Structure of the First Century Church - Part 6

    The Organizational Structure of the First Century Church - Part 6

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    “Chet”. In this teaching, you will not only learn that a fence both separates and connects, but Jim shows how this letter is really the foundation of understanding the structure of the first-century church. Separation and connection are the foundation of a healthy body of believers. Without the proper understanding of this letter as it relates to a local congregation, we will no doubt be “shooting in the dark” as we all do our best to follow His ways. Discover the Depth of the Hebrew Alphabet It would be an understatement to say that the depth of God’s Word is incredible. In fact, it is life-changing. Every letter of every Hebrew word is not only a picture in the ancient language, but is designed by the Creator to teach us how to live and how to truly connect with The Father. This fifteen-hour teaching series will open your eyes like never before to the depth of God’s language. You will learn each letter of the Hebrew Aleph-Bet in its modern and ancient Paleo picture and meaning. You will also discover the significance of the number to which each letter correlates and how it can radically affect your understanding of the scriptures. If you want to go deeper into the scriptures, this series is definitely for you! Example 1: The Torah is spelled with a Tav (ת), a Vav (ו), a Resh (ר), and a Heh (ה). Tav (ת) means “covenant,” Vav (ו) represents a nail, Resh (ר) means “the head or beginning of,” and Heh (ה) means “revealed or revelation.” So in its original pictograph form, the word “Torah” (הרות) means “The covenant of the nail is the beginning of revelation”! Said backwards it is “Revealed is the head of the nail covenant”. Example 2: The first two letters of the Hebrew aleph-bet are Aleph (א) and Bet (ב). Aleph means “strength, power, leader” and Bet means “house”. Together, those two letters mean “the strength of the house”. Furthermore, together, Aleph and Bet also spell the Hebrew word “Av,” which means Father! Our Father is the “Strength of our House”! Published on Oct 31, 2011 This teaching is also Part 6 of the series "The Organizational Structure of the 1st Century Church"

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  • Passion Points - Your Eyes Must Be Opened First

    Passion Points - Your Eyes Must Be Opened First

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    This is an excerpt from Vayetze 2020 ─ Jim Staley. Watch the full teaching on Torah Portion Vayetze:

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  • Promo Videos - Prophetic Calendar

    Promo Videos - Prophetic Calendar

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    Spring Feasts: When Paul wrote 1 Thessalonians, he knew all about the incredible prophetic value of the Feast Days of the Lord. He knew that the Hebrew word for “seasons” was “moedim,” which means “appointed times or feast days.” He knew that Messiah died on Passover, was buried during the Feast of Unleavened Bread, rose on the Feast of First Fruits and the Holy Spirit came down on the Feast of Shavuot (Pentecost). He knew very well that these were and still are the Spring Feasts of the Lord and that all of the feast days on God’s calendar are all about the Messiah’s first and second coming. he knew that if one did not understand these feasts as it relates to the prophesied Messiah, they would truly be weakling in darkness concerning His return. In this series, Jim dives deep into each spring feast day uncovering the incredible hidden truths that connect each feast to the first coming of Yeshua (Jesus). Your walk will deepen and your hunger for the scriptures will grow as you learn and walk in the Feasts of the Lord. (4 Video DVDs) Fall Feasts: Matthew 24:30-31 - "And then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky with power and great glory. And He will send forth His angels with a great trumpet and they will gather together His elect from the four winds, from one end of the sky to the other." When Yeshua (Jesus) said this, he was looking forward to the events prophesied in the Bible about the things that He would fulfill upon His return to the earth as conquering King. Join Pastor Jim Staley as he dives deep into the fall feasts, uncovering incredible hidden truths. Jim shows how each of the Fall Feasts connects with, and points toward, the second coming of Yeshua (Jesus). Understanding the Feasts Days of the LORD is critical for every believer. In this series, Jim will show how Yom Teruah (Feast of Trumpets), Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement), and Sukkot (Tabernacles) all point to Messiah and His triumphant return. Jim Staley goes deep into the prophetic meaning of the Fall Feasts and the incredible relevance and meaning they hold for us today. Your spiritual walk will never be the same as you learn to walk in the Feasts of the LORD. (3 Video DVDs) Published Sep 28, 2012

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  • Ki Tavoh - When You Enter

    Ki Tavoh - When You Enter

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    This week’s Torah Portion is called Ki Tavo, which is Hebrew for “When you enter.” It is the 50th weekly Torah Portion in the annual cycle. Pastor Jim Staley discusses the Festival of first fruits, tithing, and the blessings for obedience and curses for disobedience of God’s laws.

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  • Sorcerer, Salvation and Saul

    Sorcerer, Salvation and Saul

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    Chapters 8-9: Understanding the Book of Acts from the Original Hebrew Perspective Did you know that Saul’s name was never changed to Paul? For centuries we have been told that God changed Paul’s name when he fell off his horse on the way to Damascus. But this is simply not true! Pastor Jim also dives into what is really going on with Simon the Sorcerer and the power of how Phillip was literally transported to a completely different city after he led the Ethiopian to Christ! There is so much in chapters 8-9 to go through! And it’s time we go through them from the original first-century Hebraic perspective that they were written in! This broadcast will bless you immensely. Take the time out of your day and soak in His word!

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  • Understanding the Book of Acts Chapters 5-7

    Understanding the Book of Acts Chapters 5-7

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    STONED TO DEATH?! As Pastor Jim moves through chapters 5, 6 and 7, he uncovers a wealth of information that is critical to understanding the rest of the book. You will learn: ~ Why Stephen was really stoned to death. ~ What the words “prince” and “witness” mean in the original language. ~ The School of Hillel and the School of Shammai and how those two schools of thought shaped and influenced both Judaism and early Christianity. ~ Who was Gamaliel and why did Paul sit at his feet? ~ The connection of Moses trying to break up the dispute between his two brethren and what Christ did in his ministry. ~ And much, much more! Understanding the book of Acts is critical and foundational to truly understanding the New Covenant and what the early Church actually believed and practiced. Where is the power in the Church today that existed in the first century? This series will challenge you and encourage you at the same time on how to return back to that power. Pastor Jim dives into the nuances and Hebrew culture of the day to truly understand what is really going on in the book of Acts and by extension the entire New Testament Church.

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  • Understanding the Book of Acts Chapters 3-5

    Understanding the Book of Acts Chapters 3-5

    Info about this teaching
    Understanding the book of Acts is critical and foundational in order to truly understand the New Covenant and what the early Church actually believed and practiced. Where is the power in the Church today that existed in the first century? This series will challenge you and encourage you at the same time on how to return back to that power. Pastor Jim dives into the nuances and Hebrew culture of the day to truly understand what is really going on in the book of Acts and by extension the entire New Testament Church. In this week's broadcast, he moves through chapters 3-5 and exposes who the REAL audience is of whom the “promises” given to those who are “near and afar off” really are. It is eye-opening, to say the least as over 1700 years of Catholic and Protestant Greco-Roman Western theology has gotten in the way of understanding this very Jewish book.

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  • Understanding the Book of Acts

    Understanding the Book of Acts

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    The book of Acts is the first book of the bible that follows the resurrection of Christ. But are we sure that we really understand the power of its record? It is from this book that we learn how the disciples lived out the very gospel that went before them. The entire foundation of Christianity rests on how we interpret the “Acts” of the disciples. This broadcast is the first in a series of teachings on the book of Acts aimed at exposing the truth of what was really happening in those first few decades after Christ and how we can get back to the power that the first-century Church actually had.

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  • All About Shavuot

    All About Shavuot

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    Shavuot is a multifaceted appointed Feast Day that blends historical remembrance, agricultural celebrations, and deep religious significance to all believers in the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Join Pastor Jim as he delves into the various customs and traditions surrounding this Feast Day; from all-night Torah study, reading the Book of Ruth, and enjoying dairy foods, to the deep spiritual significance in the giving of the Torah at Mt. Sinai to the indwelling of the Holy Spirit to believers in the first century.

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  • 2024 Solar Eclipse and Prophecy

    2024 Solar Eclipse and Prophecy

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    This solar eclipse could be THE SOLAR ECLIPSE that unleashes one of the seals of Revelation. I wasn’t a believer at first, but after hundreds of hours of research, I am literally in awe of all the “coincidences.” DO NOT miss this, whatever you do! Along with dozens of INCREDIBLE CONNECTIONS and patterns, I will also be revealing a MAJOR PROPHETIC CONNECTION of how the eclipses of 2017 and 2024 tell us EXACTLY where the Gog/Magog war will start and WHEN the temple sacrifices will begin. When this happens, it will start the time clock for the revealing of the Antichrist! I have truly been in shock as to the mathematical impossibility of all the events that I will be showing you, all happening at the same time! I will be detailing the prophetic implications of how the last 4 sets of blood-red tetrads that land on biblical holidays coincide with world-changing events and how they have set the stage for this monumental “X-marks-the-spot” moment on April 8, 2024. If you’re like me, your heart will be pounding at the end of this video. It’s time for the Church to WAKE UP and start returning to doing Bible things in Bible ways before it’s too late! If there was EVER a time to pay attention, the time is NOW.

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  • What is a Covenant Sacrifice?

    What is a Covenant Sacrifice?

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    Do you know what it means to be in covenant? Do you know what the first requirement is by God in order to be in covenant? In this teaching you will learn the real truth of what it takes to begin a covenant with both God and with others. Understanding the principles that will be taught in this video will significantly help you be more successful in every relationship that you have!

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  • All About The Feast Of Trumpets

    All About The Feast Of Trumpets

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    The Feast of Trumpets is the holy day on God’s prophetic calendar when the Messiah is prophesied to return for his bride. It is the first of the fall feast days of the Lord and prophetically it marks the beginning of the end of time. So join Jim Staley as he unpacks for you the history, the traditions, and the power of the Feast of Trumpets. And learn how to practically incorporate this feast day into your own life and family along the way. At 11:20 there is a typo. The correct word is "Blowing". Unfortunately, it's not possible to fix it after posting the video. Thank you for understanding.

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  • Defending the Sabbath - Part 1

    Defending the Sabbath - Part 1

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    Should Christians keep the Sabbath? Jim Staley goes live today in this Part 1 of the AMA Defending the Sabbath Series. In this broadcast, he tackles the most difficult questions on the Sabbath. Should Christians keep the Sabbath today? Find out more in this broadcast! CHAPTERS: 00:00 Defending the Sabbath part 1 - Introduction 02:03 MYTH 1- We should only keep the laws repeated in the NT 11:09 MYTH 2- Acts 15 doesn’t mention the Sabbath as being a requirement for Gentiles 19:10 MYTH 3- The Sabbath can be any day 25:33 MYTH 4- The Sabbath is going under the yoke of bondage 31:31 MYTH 5- The Sabbath was only given to Israel 39:19 MYTH 6- The Sabbath was on the "first day of the week" 47:41 MYTH 7- The New Covenant is for the Gentiles 54:33 MYTH 8- Jesus broke the Sabbath when He healed a man 56:57 MYTH 9- The Sabbath was nailed to the Cross 01:08:50 MYTH 10- The "Lord’s Day" is Sunday

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  • The Best of Sukkot 2023

    The Best of Sukkot 2023

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    Unforgettable moments from our first Sukkot event open to the public! For nine incredible days, our community came together in a spirit of celebration and unity, embracing the feast of Tabernacles with over 500 people. In this captivating video, we invite you to witness the incredible outpouring of the Holy Spirit that graced our gathering, infusing every moment with divine energy and purpose. From lively festivities to soul-stirring worship, we captured the essence of this significant celebration as we built and dwelled in our symbolic sukkahs. Join us as we relive the joyful dances, heartfelt prayers, and powerful sermons that fuelled our spiritual journey during this sacred event. Our "Passion For Tabernacles" highlights the true essence of Sukkot and the blessings that overflowed, leaving lasting impressions on hearts and souls. Subscribe, like, and share this video to spread the divine energy and inspire others to embrace the beauty of Sukkot for next year. Together, let us continue to strengthen our bond with faith, community, and the everlasting power of the Holy Spirit.

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  • Begin to Possess Your Land! Torah Portion #44 - Devarim - Jim Staley 2023

    Begin to Possess Your Land! Torah Portion #44 - Devarim - Jim Staley 2023

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    Do you ever feel like your heart is filled with holes from all the things that have happened to you over the years? Do you sometimes feel like people continue to bore holes into you like a drill into a piece of wood? Then this message by Jim Staley is for you! Jim dives into the first few chapters of Deuteronomy and reveals the connection between the Israelites and us today. He shows how the Hebrew word for “begin” is connected to the idea of boring a hole in a piece of wood to make a flute. The holes might be the weakest place but they are the very place that the breath and wind of God come out of the most! So don’t despise your weakness as He is simply building a new sound of freedom in your life!

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  • The Red Heifer and The END of The World

    The Red Heifer and The END of The World

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    For 2000 years Christians have been waiting for the return of Christ. For 2000 years the Jewish people have been waiting for the moment they can start sacrificing again. And there is one single event that must take place first in order for both to come true: the sacrificing of a pure red heifer.

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  • The Red Heifer and The END of The World

    The Red Heifer and The END of The World

    Info about this teaching
    For 2000 years Christians have been waiting for the return of Christ. For 2000 years the Jewish people have been waiting for the moment they can start sacrificing again. And there is one single event that must take place first in order for both to come true: the sacrificing of a pure red heifer.

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  • Are The Feasts Only For Jews?

    Are The Feasts Only For Jews?

    Info about this teaching
    Who are the Feasts Really for? Are you curious about the Feast Days of the Lord, but always assumed they were only relevant to Jews? Think again! In this enlightening video, we explore the rich history and significance of the Feast Days of the Lord and their relevance to all believers. From #passover to the Feast of #tabernacles, we delve into the origins of each festival and the biblical significance behind them. You'll discover how these holy days foreshadowed the coming of Jesus Christ and how they continue to hold great spiritual significance for #christians today. Join us as we journey through the feasts and uncover their hidden meanings and powerful messages. Whether you're a long-time believer or new to the faith, this video will deepen your understanding of the Feast Days of the Lord and inspire you to embrace their rich symbolism and spiritual significance. Please consider partnering with us and paying it forward to others by donating at or texting PayitForward to 801801

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  • How to Hanukkah - Day 7

    How to Hanukkah - Day 7

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    Welcome back to our 'How to Hanukkah' Series, tonight is night Seven! I pray that this year's Hanukkah whether this is your first or your 10th, that you're getting some ideas from the Staley house and the Traditions that we do. If you have your own traditions and ideas that you've come up with, please share them with us in the comments! Other people might benefit from your creativity for Hanukkah too. I pray that you will be blessed this night and from our house to yours Happy Hanukkah! 🕎

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  • How to Hanukkah - Day 5

    How to Hanukkah - Day 5

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    We are one day closer to the end of this holiday and I hope you are having an amazing time with your family. If this is the first time you've heard of it, don't wait any longer! Today is the day to start rededicating your temple, so the Father can dwell in it. It is traditions like these that bring us closer to our families and reinforce our communion with the God. There is no better way to spend this time of year than by teaching our children about the importance of God's Word in our lives. Dare to do something different today and add dynamic activities to the fifth day of the festival of lights. From our house to yours, Happy Hanukkah! 🕎

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  • How to Hanukkah - Day 3

    How to Hanukkah - Day 3

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    Are you getting ready for night number 3? Today we are going to talk about the light that was introduced to Abraham and how Abraham's decision to put God first preserved this light for countless generations. Learn with us what the third light means in this short message that you can adapt and share with your family.

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  • The Value of Having Enemies

    The Value of Having Enemies

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    What if we start seeing our struggles today as training or practice for everything we're learning? We could master the areas where we deal the most with our flesh, continue to level up spiritually and strengthen our relationship with God. The value of having enemies is that they turn you into a giant slayer! Just as the 12 spies went to study the land that God had promised to them, we must first study what lives in our promised land and discover what holds that area of our lives captive. Nourish and grow your spirit through every battle with your flesh: every time we remain silent instead of arguing, every time we remain calm in the face of any accusation; every time we hold our tongues before gossip, every time we avert our gaze from provocative images. All these things are spiritually training and strengthening us. Today's struggle will be tomorrow's strength, and with El Shaddai in front of us, those giants will flee like grasshoppers in the presence of YHWH Tzevaot! If you want to learn more about Joseph and Caleb's spirit follow this link:

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  • The REAL meaning of the 6th Commandment

    The REAL meaning of the 6th Commandment

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    After uncovering the true meaning of the first five commandments, Jim Staley dives into the Hebraic culture, context, and language that makes up the sixth commandment. In this teaching, Jim not only uncovers the real meaning of the sixth commandment, but reveals the power of the frequency of our words through scientific discovery, and how they affect the very DNA of our souls. Share this teaching if it blesses you!

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  • The Beginning of the End

    The Beginning of the End

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    The RED HEIFER and the END OF THE WORLD For 2000 years Christians have been waiting for the return of Christ. For 2000 years the Jewish people have been waiting for the moment they can start sacrificing again. And there is one single event that must take place first in order for both to come true: the sacrificing of a pure red heifer. In order for the antichrist to stop the daily sacrifice, which is the event that begins the Great Tribulation, the sacrificial system must begin first. In an order for the sacrificial system to begin, there first must be a sacrifice of a pure red heifer. For the very first time in over 2000 years the perfect red heifer has been found, and the Jewish rabbis in Israel are preparing these red heifers to be sacrificed. This teaching is a MUST-SEE for every believer, as this prophetic event puts us one step closer to the end of the world and to the final return of the Messiah.

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  • No Pleasure On the Sabbath?

    No Pleasure On the Sabbath?

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    Jim Staley uncovers the real meaning of Isaiah 58:13 which says we cannot do our own pleasure on the Sabbath. Is God really saying that we can't do anything on the Sabbath that brings us pleasure? But what if I find pleasure in reading the Word or playing with my kids? A careful examination of the original language and ancient documents from 250 B.C. to the first century reveals the real meaning of this verse for us today. If you believe that God meant what He said when He said to remember the Sabbath, then this video is for you!

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  • The REAL Meaning Of The 1st Commandment

    The REAL Meaning Of The 1st Commandment

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    Are you sure you know the real meaning of the first commandment? Jim Staley unpacks the ancient Hebrew understanding of what God really meant when He said not to have any other gods before Him. The real meaning just might surprise you! This is the first in a ten video series on the real meaning of each of the Ten Commandments.

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  • The Power Of The Third Day

    The Power Of The Third Day

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    Why did the Messiah have to raise from the dead on the third day? Why not the first, second, or fourth day? In this teaching, we will explore the incredible depth of all the scriptures that surround this topic. In the process, we will discover the amazing prophetic nature of how every story that talks about the third day is pointing to the Power of THE third day!

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  • The Gift of Tongues and the High Priest

    The Gift of Tongues and the High Priest

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    What do the High Priest, the book of Enoch, and the first-century historian Philo all have in common? Tongues of fire! In this short teaching, taken from the full teaching below, you will discover the true history behind the gift of tongues!
    Please consider partnering with us and paying it forward to others by donating at PassionForTruth or texting PayitForward to 801801

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  • Top 10 Myths about Tongues

    Top 10 Myths about Tongues

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    There are not too many topics out there more controversial than the gift of tongues. In this teaching, Jim Staley pulls out the Top Ten Myths About Tongues and explains how this topic has been massively misunderstood on both sides of the aisle. While there is no doubt that this gift has been abused and counterfeited by the enemy over the last few decades, it doesn't take away from the fact that it was a powerful gift to spread the gospel in the first century, and is promised in Joel to once again be poured out on His people in the last days. This is one of several major teachings that Jim will be doing on this subject in an effort to bring the proper balance of the Truth and the Spirit!

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  • Family Church Starts Now

    Family Church Starts Now

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    Jim Staley shares a powerful new family leader training program that is revolutionizing families! Do you want to lead your family spiritually but feel like you can never measure up? Do you wish your family had more quality time together spiritually? Then L.E.A.D. is for you! It stands for Lead, Encourage, Anoint, and Disciple. This program is designed to equip and empower family leaders to lead their families spiritually within their own homes. Imagine your entire family getting together for a family bible study and all you have to do is to teach what you’ve been taught in your lesson! You don't have to create the curriculum. You don't have to study for endless hours when you don't have enough time as it is. You just need to attend a zoom call each first and third Monday of the month (or watch the training afterward on your own time), download the free pdf that we will go through, and then teach it to your family! Your family will develop more respect for you. You will feel great that you are following God’s design for your family!

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  • Promo Video - All About Passover

    Promo Video - All About Passover

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    When in history was Passover outlawed and Easter was adopted to take it's place? Why did the blood of the lamb have to be placed only at the threshold? What day did the Messiah actually die and rise from the dead? What is the connection with the red heifer, the kinsman redeemer, the redemption of the first born? Pastor Jim walks you through all of these questions in All About Passover. Published Mar 13, 2015

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  • L.E.A.D. - Atmosphere

    L.E.A.D. - Atmosphere

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    If you are a Dad, a husband, a single mom, or any family leader, and you are wanting to learn how to lead your family on Shabbat in your own home church, then this is for you! Tonight starts the first training in how to lead your family on Shabbat in your own Shabbat service. In this lesson, you will learn all about the power of the atmosphere, how to create it, how to create respect in your home, and what you need to do to prepare your family for Shabbat. PDF FILES

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  • 2021 - Elul Day 23

    2021 - Elul Day 23

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    In this evening's broadcast, Pastor Jim continues his series on Teshuvah (returning) and preparing to meet the Lord by focusing on one of the fruits of the Spirit-gentleness. So open up your Bible to Philippians chapter 4 and hear what the Spirit has to say!

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  • 2021 Elul - Day1

    2021 Elul - Day1

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    This is the first day of a 29-day live broadcast where Jim Staley breaks down what Teshuvah (repentance/returning) is all about. Learn how the word "repentance" is etymologically connected to the word "give" and how we as believers need to learn more about how to prepare to meet our King by taking an audit of our own lives and making changes that will impact the Kingdom.

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  • Where Did The Name Christian Come From?

    Where Did The Name Christian Come From?

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    Did the apostles call themselves “Christians”? Was it a derogatory name? When was it first used and should we use it today? All of these questions and more are answered in this teaching by Pastor Jim.

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  • 12 to 1 Event in Branson, MO 2022

    12 to 1 Event in Branson, MO 2022

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    Welcome to the first-ever 12 to 1 Branson Conference! Jim Staley and the rest of the PFT crew are excited to worship and bless you this day!

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  • Va’etchanan ─ Hold fast to the Lord your God!

    Va’etchanan ─ Hold fast to the Lord your God!

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    Jim Staley is broadcasting a podcast for the first time in this short message focusing on the Torah portion "Va'etchanan" (and He pleaded). This message will challenge you to "hold fast" to the Lord your God in whatever circumstance you find yourself.

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  • Va'etchanan  - 2012

    Va'etchanan - 2012

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    This Torah Portion comes from the book of Deuteronomy is named Va'etchanan (ואתחנן), which means "and I besought." The title comes from the first verse of the reading, which says, "I also pleaded (#vaetchanan) with the LORD at that time" (Deuteronomy 3:23). The portion completes the historical prologue of the Deuteronomy covenant document and begins a rehearsal of the stipulations. Part of that rehearsal is a repetition of the Ten Commandments and the famous first passage of the Shema: Deuteronomy 6:4-9.

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  • Hebrew Alphabet - Chet

    Hebrew Alphabet - Chet

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    “Chet”. In this teaching, you will not only learn that a fence both separates and connects, but Jim shows how this letter is really the foundation of understanding the structure of the first-century church. Separation and connection are the foundation of a healthy body of believers. Without the proper understanding of this letter as it relates to a local congregation, we will no doubt be “shooting in the dark” as we all do our best to follow His ways.

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  • How To Celebrate Passover

    How To Celebrate Passover

    Info about this teaching
    When in history was Passover outlawed and Easter was adopted to take it's place? Why did the blood of the lamb have to be placed only at the threshold? What day did the Messiah actually die and rise from the dead? What is the connection with the red heifer, the kinsman redeemer, the redemption of the first born? Pastor Jim walks you through all of these questions in All About Passover. Published Mar 13, 2015

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  • Understanding Galatians - Part 2

    Understanding Galatians - Part 2

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    Paul was one of the most intelligent rabbis of the first century. In fact, there were few rabbis of his time who could even come close to his knowledge and zeal for the Torah (Law of God). It is critical to understand Paul’s perspective as we read his words in this important letter written to the assembly at Galatia. Unfortunately, over the past 2000 years, Paul’s words have been radically misunderstood. Was Paul really against the Law of God? The same Law that he himself says we are to “uphold” in Romans 3:31? Join Pastor Jim Staley for an in-depth, verse-by-verse study on the Book of Galatians. This teaching will bring to light the history, culture, and nuances that you have likely never seen before. You will be enlightened and shocked at just how much you have missed once you see this letter through the original mindset of the one who penned it! Published on Apr 13, 2012

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  • Understanding Galatians - Part 1

    Understanding Galatians - Part 1

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    Paul was one of the most intelligent rabbis of the first century. In fact, there were few rabbis of his time who could even come close to his knowledge and zeal for the Torah (Law of God). It is critical to understand Paul’s perspective as we read his words in this important letter written to the assembly at Galatia. Unfortunately, over the past 2000 years, Paul’s words have been radically misunderstood. Was Paul really against the Law of God? The same Law that he himself says we are to “uphold” in Romans 3:31? Join Pastor Jim Staley for an in-depth, verse-by-verse study on the Book of Galatians. This teaching will bring to light the history, culture, and nuances that you have likely never seen before. You will be enlightened and shocked at just how much you have missed once you see this letter through the original mindset of the one who penned it! Published on Apr 13, 2012

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  • Understanding Romans - Part 3

    Understanding Romans - Part 3

    Info about this teaching
    Some of the most difficult passages in the New Testament concerning the Torah (Law of God) can be found in the book of Romans. For instance, Paul tells us in Romans 3:31 that we are to uphold the Law. But he also seems to say in Romans 10:4 that Christ is the “end” of the law! Was Paul double-minded? Were the writers of the New Testament confused? Join Pastor Jim Staley for a verse-by-verse look into the book of Romans. This series will attempt to put the difficult passages in the book of Romans back into their context to see them through the eyes of Paul’s audience. Phrases such as “We are no longer under the law, but under grace,” “Christ is the end of the law for righteousness for all those that believe,” and “works of the law” will be examined and placed back into their first-century context, enabling us to truly understand Paul’s message to the church in Rome. This teaching is a must-have for every serious student of the Word! Published on Apr 12, 2012

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  • Understanding Romans - Part 2

    Understanding Romans - Part 2

    Info about this teaching
    Some of the most difficult passages in the New Testament concerning the Torah (Law of God) can be found in the book of Romans. For instance, Paul tells us in Romans 3:31 that we are to uphold the Law. But he also seems to say in Romans 10:4 that Christ is the “end” of the law! Was Paul double-minded? Were the writers of the New Testament confused? Join Pastor Jim Staley for a verse-by-verse look into the book of Romans. This series will attempt to put the difficult passages in the book of Romans back into their context to see them through the eyes of Paul’s audience. Phrases such as “We are no longer under the law, but under grace,” “Christ is the end of the law for righteousness for all those that believe,” and “works of the law” will be examined and placed back into their first-century context, enabling us to truly understand Paul’s message to the church in Rome. This teaching is a must-have for every serious student of the Word! Published on Apr 12, 2012

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  • Understanding Romans - Part 1

    Understanding Romans - Part 1

    Info about this teaching
    Some of the most difficult passages in the New Testament concerning the Torah (Law of God) can be found in the book of Romans. For instance, Paul tells us in Romans 3:31 that we are to uphold the Law. But he also seems to say in Romans 10:4 that Christ is the “end” of the law! Was Paul double-minded? Were the writers of the New Testament confused? Join Pastor Jim Staley for a verse-by-verse look into the book of Romans. This series will attempt to put the difficult passages in the book of Romans back into their context to see them through the eyes of Paul’s audience. Phrases such as “We are no longer under the law, but under grace,” “Christ is the end of the law for righteousness for all those that believe,” and “works of the law” will be examined and placed back into their first-century context, enabling us to truly understand Paul’s message to the church in Rome. This teaching is a must-have for every serious student of the Word! Published on Apr 12, 2012

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The First Night Of Hannukah

Tonight is the first night of the Festival of Lights, a celebration to remember the Temple in Jerusalem being liberated in 167 BC from the hands of the enemy. Although this is not a commanded holiday, it is a wonderful tradition that both Yeshua attended in His time and a celebration that has tremendous relevance […]

My First Yom Kippur in Prison

In my opinion, the words Yom Kippur and prison should not be found in the same sentence. But unfortunately, for now – in my world, at least – they do and that’s just the way it is. To be honest, every day here in prison has been like Yom Kippur. Every day has felt like […]

First Born Inheritance with Two Wives?

Deuteronomy 21:15-17 This week’s parsha seems to be filled with several very strange laws. Many will read quickly through this passage and move on, feeling they cannot relate to this law due to the fact that they do not have two wives. But just like all the scriptures, there is always more than meets the […]

My First Sukkot in Prison

Sukkot. Plural for sukkah: a temporary dwelling place, a tent. In many ways, this prison camp reminds me a lot of the Christian camp our congregation used to rent out every year to celebrate this great feast. It has a lake, a baseball field, sand volleyball, a cafeteria, a gymnasium, a horseshoe pit, and picnic […]

My First Message in Prison

I can’t believe it’s been a year already. In some ways it’s been the fastest year of my life. In others, it’s felt like swimming through molasses.

L.E.A.D.- Bread to Power

Passover Bread to Pentecost Power The spiritual journey from Passover to Shavuot (or Pentecost as it’s also known) can, quite amazingly, be compared to the process of making bread. This is not only because the instructions given for these appointed times in scripture are centered around the baking of specific types of bread, but even […]

Should Christians Celebrate Yom Kippur?

The History, Power, and Connections to our Messiah. Should we celebrate Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, as believers in Christ? Isn’t this a Jewish holiday? Why is this day considered the holiest day of the year in the Bible? This article will discuss the powerful connections and the significant reasons why every believer in […]

The Real Power of Shavuot

Shavuot is one of the only holidays that we are not really told why we are to celebrate it. It is a feast for sure in every sense of the word. It’s a great celebration that initiates the wheat harvest and concludes the Spring feasts of the LORD that started on Nisan 14 with Pesach. […]

What Does it Mean to Serve God?

Several themes show up as the Israelites continue their journey to the Promised Land. These themes give us an inside view of what is truly important to the God they are now serving. This “new” God wants them to follow His commandments because in doing so, they will be blessed. He instructs them to destroy […]

The Quest for the Third Day

The mention of that title conjures up visions of a crisp April morning in Jerusalem almost 2000 years ago as the Son of the living God rose from the dead just before the sun dawned over the first-century landscape. It was a dark three days that Passion Week as our Lord lay in that tomb. […]

The Joseph Formula Part 3

In the first two parts of this series on Joseph, we unpacked quite a bit of information concerning how Joseph not only survived his trial, but thrived in it and was elevated to a higher place in the end. Every true believer can relate to Joseph’s story of pain, betrayal, hurt, and grief…His story is […]

The Two Staffs of Elul

QUESTION: What is a staff used for today? What was it used for in ancient times? Today a staff may be used for walking. But in ancient times, the staff was a critical component and instrument of correction and protection. The shepherd’s staff is the most popular of all the staffs and was used to […]

The Real Meaning of Yom Kippur

Yom Kippur. The Day of Atonement. What does that really mean? When you pull back the veil behind the literal meaning of the words, what do they tell us? How does this day really affect and impact us today? Let’s take a closer look at it in the literal black text and from there we’ll […]

God's Prophetic Calendar

We all have calendars. There’s the regular Gregorian Roman calendar we all use. Then there’s the fiscal year calendar, the school year calendar, religious calendars… But of all the calendars man has come up with, which do you think God uses to plan prophecy and everything else He wants to do? The American calendar? The […]

The Feast of Tabernacles Part 1

The Feast of Sukkot, better known as the Feast of Tabernacles. What is it? Where did it come from? And how does it apply to us today as believers in Jesus/Yeshua? This eight-day holiday is many people’s favorite. It’s a time of celebration, remembrance, feasting, and extended fellowship. Where traditional, modern-day Christians get excited about […]

The Shavuot Lampstand Vision

Blake is truly one of the most gifted people in prophecy I have ever seen. He has visions almost daily of dreams and supernatural things that happen around him. One night in our midnight bible study, I was teaching them something and he said he physically saw flowers blooming all over my neck all around […]

Book of Acts - Chapter 10

One of the most controversial chapters! Introduction Acts Chapter 10 is one of the most controversial chapters in the New Testament. Jim Staley of Passion for Truth Ministries dives into this chapter to uncover its true meaning, challenging the traditional Christian interpretations. He emphasizes the importance of understanding the context, culture, and idiomatic expressions of […]

Book of Acts - Chapters 5-7

Understanding Acts ~ Jim Staley 2024 ~ “Understanding Acts – Acts 5-7” by Jim Staley is a deep dive into the early chapters of the Book of Acts, focusing on chapters 5 through 7. Introduction Jim Staley, director of Passion for Truth Ministries, emphasizes the need to understand the Book of Acts from its original […]

Passover Seder Guide

What is the Seder? The Passover Seder is one of the seven ordained feasts that are described in Leviticus 23 and have been given to all of God’s people. It includes the retelling of the story of Israel and the mixed multitude coming out of slavery from Egypt. It includes not only the retelling (Haggadah) […]

No Mixing

NO MIXING! Have you ever had freshly squeezed sweet lemonade or a homemade glass of sweet tea? It certainly doesn’t get much better when quenching your thirst on a hot day, that’s for sure. The combination of sugar and tea or sugar and lemons is always a good thing. On the other hand, have you […]

Seven Feasts of the Lord

If you are a believer in the Messiah, then we are instructed to keep His Commandments if we love him. 1 John 5:2-3 says, “By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God and keep His commandments. For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments. […]

Hanukkah eBook

The story of Hanukkah is not only a beautiful story of the redemption of the temple in Jerusalem from the ones who defiled it, but the parallels to the gospel are just as beautiful. After all, the enemy defiled our own temples and has left each of us without a way to be in the […]

L.E.A.D. - Faith and Doubt

We are instructed frequently throughout the Scriptures that we must have faith and also that we must challenge any doubt in our lives contrary to that faith, as it will end up damaging our relationship with our Father God. It is one thing to say that we have faith or no doubt. Still, it is […]

L.E.A.D. - A Talking Donkey

The Doctrine of Balaam The story of Balaam in the Torah is, in many ways, a shocking digression from what had come before (Numbers 22-24). It is the first time that the action of the story comes away from the nation of Israel itself to reveal an event that, at the time, the people of […]

L.E.A.D. - Let The Healing Begin

Let The Healing Begin We not only struggle against the evil and darkness of the world but also against things in our lives and pasts that hold us back from righteousness, such as trauma, depression, emotional wounds, bad relationships, and the consequences of our actions. If we don’t seek freedom from these things, we will […]

L.E.A.D. - A Different Spirit

Leadership With A Different Spirit One of the most significant issues the community of God can face today is its members relinquishing their God-given responsibilities and trying to put authority or obligations of ministry and leadership on a single person or small group of people. Originally every firstborn of Israel was to be part of […]

L.E.A.D. - Kingdom Gospel

The Gospel of the Kingdom The word ‘gospel’ is found ninety-three times in the Bible, all in the New Testament, and means ‘good news. In Greek, the term is ‘euangelion’ (Strong’s, G2098), which is also the root of related words in English like ‘evangelist’ and ‘evangelical.’ We know that the Gospel, ‘the Good News, is […]

L.E.A.D. - Are You Patient

The Power of Patience Loving others is a significant part of what it means to be an apostle of God’s Kingdom (Leviticus 19:9-18, Mark 12:28-34, John 13:34, 1 Peter 4:7-10), so we must try to follow our Father’s guidance and instructions for how to strengthen the bonds of love that tie us together as people. […]

L.E.A.D. - What's In Your Sacrifice?

What’s In Your Sacrifice? There are five main types of sacrifice in the Torah, each one serving a specific purpose: the burnt offering (olah); the meal offering (terumah); the peace offering (shalom); the sin offering (hatat), and the trespass offering (asam). We do not practice these sacrifices today as they are written in the Scriptures […]

L.E.A.D. - The Cleansing of the Leper

The Cleansing of the Leper Reveals the Gospel To be in communion with God and for Him to dwell with us, being saved, or simply believing in Him is just not enough (James 2:19); there must be a state of cleanness and spiritual purity for the Holy Spirit to reside in us. Many of the […]

L.E.A.D. - Power of Eight

Being Set Apart as Family Leaders For their inauguration in the wilderness, the Levitical priests were commanded to remain at the door of the tabernacle, gathered in the courtyard where they were to stay for seven days, “keeping the charge of YHWH” (Leviticus 8:35). In Hebrew, ‘keeping the charge’ is ‘shamartem et-mishmeret. The root of […]

L.E.A.D. - Atmosphere

The L.E.A.D. training program is all about equipping families to be able to be the spiritual leaders of their own homes. The reason we feel this is so needed in today’s world is that we want each family to reach their full potentional that the Father has placed within each of us. To be fully […]

When Was Jesus Actually Born?

When Was Jesus Actually Born? (This article is part of a 3part series called “Christmas, Hanukkah and the Anti-Christ”) In Part 1 of this series, we went through the story of Hanukkah and unpacked the incredible heroism that arose from the pits of the Greco-pagan influence that almost wiped out the people of God two […]

Building His House Pt 1

In this week’s portion, Moses is given the instructions on how to build the house of God. If you look only at the black text and the literal meaning of the scripture, the real power of the Word is lost. The black textual instructions of the tabernacle are just a pattern of something much higher, […]

Building His House Part 2

As we’ve been learning in this series, when Yahweh gives instructions to Moses on how to build the tabernacle, it is a pattern. And a pattern is meant to be duplicated. And since we are the temple of the Holy Spirit, there is much to glean from this portion of scripture in regard to building […]

Building His House Part 3

In the first two parts of this series, we learned that the real reason Yahweh needed His people to build Him a house was not that He needs one, but because the man had defiled the earth in the Garden. In order for Him to dwell among His people the way He desired, He needed […]

Building His House Part 4

The Breastplate Now that the Father has successfully duplicated his temple all over the earth and has chosen new “sons of God” to be priests in the order of Melchizedek to minister before Him, the priests have to be clothed for war. In this week’s portion, the Creator goes into great detail about what each […]

The Cleansing of the Leper Reveals the Gospel!

Out of all the stories in Scripture that hint at the gospel of the Messiah, this one ranks up there in the top four along with the story of Joseph, Jonah, and the binding of Isaac. But if you ask theologians around the globe to pick their favorite Old Testament foreshadowing of Christ, I doubt […]

Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People? Part 1

Let’s say a friend of yours has something tragic happen to them. Their spouse leaves, or they lose a child, or the one making the only income for the family loses their job. You hear what happened and find yourself wondering why. They’re good people! Why did this happen to them? There can be little […]

Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People? Part 2

In part one of this teaching, we discussed the fact that the number one rule of the character of the Creator is that He is benevolent. He is good and good all the time. We explained how there is no want within Him and He, therefore, has no need to receive anything as He is […]

Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People? Part 3

After discovering the Creator’s motive for allowing traumatic experiences into our lives and realizing the importance of legal jurisdiction in this matter, we can now move toward the finish line. In this final part, we’ll diagram all we’ve discussed so far and then move quickly into the seven steps that we must all take when […]

Taking It on the Chin

In my last post, I talked about a line out of one of the most recent Rocky movies: “You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life, but it ain’t about how hard you hit, it’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward, how much you can take and […]

S. Slow Down

Well, the saga of my life here at the Marion Prison “Resort” continues! There is no heat anywhere in the camp and I feel like a toucan that has been stripped of his colorful feathers, sent into solitary confinement in a glacier prison in the Antarctic and is day by day becoming more jealous of […]

L. Listen

In our effort to increase our spirit man’s maturity so as to be truly able to become all we are destined to be in Messiah, we are finally coming to the place where the rubber meets the road. In the last article, I spent considerable time talking about how we must slow down in order […]

O. Observe

We have slowed down our lives and carved out time for our King. We have pressed into the spirit, praying like we have never prayed before. We have listened more intently to His still, small voice. Now comes the fun part. Now we start “tracking” what He is doing. The next letter in the acronym […]

W. Wait

The last letter in our acronym S.L.O.W. is “W,” which stands for “Wait on the Lord.” In a fast-paced society where red means stop, green means go, and yellow means go very fast so you beat the red, going slow, listening, observing, and waiting are not exactly character traits that come easily. In fact, in […]

Let Them Steal!

Have you ever felt like Pharaoh after the land of Egypt had been ravished by plagues? I know I have. I will never forget that back in 2015, about a month or two into my prison sentence, I came back to my cell only to find it completely destroyed. I had already lost everything I […]

Lunar Sabbath

The Sabbath is not based on the moon. There is no such thing as a lunar Sabbath on God’s calendar. There are many ways to disprove this false teaching and someday I will write an article on this topic. The Sabbath is literally impossible to keep from a lunar counting method as there are not […]

In Defense Of Hanukkah

In Defense of Hanukkah Every year at this time I begin to share with my audience the beauty in the Feast of Dedication (Hanukkah) as Cheryl and I teach our children the power of the light of Scripture for eight days, tracing it through the great men of the Bible and learning many valuable lessons […]

The Fourth Night Of Hanukkah: The Light of Moses

From the light of creation to Noah, to Abraham, we now come to Moses. In the story of Moses, we have all the previous stories put together. In the story of creation we have the separation of light and darkness. In Moses, we have him being separated from his mother, then separated from Egypt, and […]

The Fifth Night Of Hanukkah: The Light of Yeshua

Tonight is the fifth night of the Festival of Lights. And it is appropriate that this night is dedicated to the true Light of the world, Yeshua Himself. In biblical numerology, the number five is the number of grace. Do you know what grace is? What does it mean to be in the “Age of […]

The Seventh Night Of Hanukkah: The Light of the Gentiles

“Arise, shine; For your light has come! And the glory of the LORD is risen upon you. For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and deep darkness the people; But the LORD will arise over you, and His glory will be seen upon you. The Gentiles shall come to your light, and kings to […]

The Eighth Night Of Hanukkah: The Light in The Millenium

After seven full days of the Feast of Dedication, we finally have come to the last day, the eighth great day. The candelabra is full and its beauty shines for all to see. Like the fullness of time being completed by the return of the Messiah for His millennial reign, so the time of the […]

The Two-sided Coin of Relationships

You can’t have heads without having tails at the same time. There is no such thing as a positive without a negative, a villain without a hero, a Ying without a Yang. In our culture, we seem to always be forced to make a choice: black or white, left or right, up or down, Democrat […]

Stop Using the Root Hammer!

Do we have the right to “fix” everyone’s doctrine if it doesn’t line up with what we believe? Should we be actively following people online–or approaching our family and friends–with the intention of pointing out all their mistakes and doctrinal errors? Has the Hebrew Roots Movement gone from a body of people being moved by […]

All You Need Is Grace

I used to cringe when I heard Bible teachers use that phrase. Usually, it was because what followed was a sermon on how you can’t do anything to please God, or you don’t have to do anything to earn His favor, or you don’t have to worry about how you live because everything is covered […]


Hello everyone! Long time no talk to! I think it has been over 5 months since I have really had the chance to write something and post on my own site. I have been on an insane journey these last 5 months, to say the least, filled with mountain top experiences and valley, no, dark […]

What Does the Word Supplication Really Mean?

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. Philippians 4:6 I think at one time or another we have all heard that verse before. But what does it mean from the original Hebraic perspective of the author? Does the word really mean […]

Public Challenge

I recently was “publicly challenged” on something that was said in one of my articles. And although I and many others strongly disagree with how Christ is portrayed through “publicly challenging” someone instead of privately going to them, addressing them personally in comments, or simply inquiring for more info first before attacking, I can still […]

Only Two Commandments to Obey?

Here is a great question that came in through Facebook: “My pastor tells me that Jesus only told us to keep the two greatest commandments and that Jesus had nothing to do with the Torah. He says that Jesus was the word of John 1:1. What do I say to him?”

Why Is the Manslayer Exiled Until the Death of the High Priest?

The question asked in this article’s title is one many people ask when they come to Numbers 35. When it comes to the Avenger of Blood commandments in the Torah, there are two different scenarios. The first is where someone intentionally takes the life of another. In that case, the person is not allowed to […]

How to Deal with Public Shame

Public shame is sadly a real thing. It is something that is so easy to do, and sometimes it is done unintentionally. A lot of times, however, it is something people use to cover up something that they don’t want to see, hear, or believe because it will hurt their pride or beliefs. Have you […]

What Happened on 2/22!

It started with deciding to fast on 2/21. I wanted to pray for everyone that was going to pray and fast for me on 2/22 since they were taking time out to pray for me. So by the time 2/22 came I was in my bunk ‪around 1 pm‬ and was just laying there and […]

Partnering with God

My daughter recently sent me a great question and I thought there might be a few of you out there who have asked the same thing at one time or another. She asked, “Why did God use Moses at the Red Sea when He could have just made the waters open and close by His […]

Hanukkah 2018 in Prison: Part 1

Last night was our first night of Hanukkah here at the Marion prison camp. It was a great time as we dug deep into the Word and began the process of rededicating our own temples once again during this year’s Festival of Lights. Along the way some cool revelations came that I would like to […]

Hanukkah 2018 in Prison: Part 2

The Light from Shechem and the Table of Shewbread We’ve been discussing many topics each night as we celebrate this amazingly prophetic and Yeshua-packed feast. One theme seems to be the connection of the Table of Shewbread to the shoulders of the High Priest and to Mts. Ebal and Gerezim in Shechem. I know. Strange […]

Hanukkah 2018 in Prison: Part 4

On night four we did a quick review of the Hanukkah story and then dove into the story of Moses at the burning bush. I asked everyone who was talking. The Angel of God or Yahweh? Then I discussed the Angel of Light who speaks in the first person as Yahweh in several other places […]

Hanukkah 2018 in Prison: Part 5

How Do You Wait on The Lord? We had a packed house for Day 5 of our Hanukkah celebration. And what a blessed evening it was! A man from my hometown got radically saved and the Father is delivering him from his drug addictions as we speak. He gave his testimony in front of everyone […]


Faith is a common subject that people teach. It’s a common word that we hear in a sermon or that we read throughout the Bible. F – Focus A – Audit I – Internalize T – Trust H – Hope However, in my opinion, I don’t think it’s a common thing that is practiced enough. […]

Yom Kippur 2018...In Prison, but My Best One Yet!

Well, this is my third Yom Kippur in prison and it was not only the best Yom Kippur I’ve had here so far, it was the best Yom Kippur I have EVER had! As a matter of fact, it was such an extraordinary day that it made me feel like I’ve never celebrated it before! […]


You know what I have learned since being in prison? God loves salsa. Yep, He loves it. How do I know? Well, I just do. Let me explain. I was making some salsa for our Rosh Hashanah service and I while I was making it, I had a revelation that I would like to share […]

Was Balaam a Prophet of God?

Prophets for hire, talking donkeys, seemingly schizophrenic instructions from Yahweh, and blessings coming from a rogue prophet hired to curse Israel. There is no doubt that a cursory look at the Balaam narrative can leave us scratching our heads in many regards. Is Balaam a good guy, a bad guy, or a former good guy […]

What’s the Real Meaning of “No Idols”?

Does the Second Commandment mean our children can’t play with toys? I was asked recently whether or not it was permissible for children to play with dolls since pagans used dolls in their worship practices. Does this break the second commandment? Let’s take a closer look.

In the Likeness of God

Why is it that so many professed believers feel like God is so distant from them? Why do people across this beautiful planet feel as though God is somewhere “way out there” and that there’s a huge gulf between Him and them? How is it possible for us to feel like we’re far from our […]

The Greatest Teacher, Failure Is

Yoda, Star Wars: The Last Jedi They just showed the latest Star Wars film here. This quote from it hit me hard. There are so many spiritual parallels to the biblical record in the Star Wars franchise: how we fight not against flesh and blood but against spiritual principalities in high places, the force being […]

Laws of Communication - Part 1

Do you ever feel like your kids never get what you’re trying to teach them? Are you frustrated because you keep telling them what’s right and what’s wrong but they keep doing the wrong thing? If you’re a minister, do you feel like your congregation keeps going in circles and you can’t seem to get […]

Laws of Communication - Part 2

The Second Law of Communication The second law of communication is: The way people learn determines how you teach. It’s not enough to decide that you’ll teach the way you learn or the way that’s most comfortable to you. In order to be an effective teacher, you must first discover what the best way is […]

Sh'mini (Eighth)

I know I say this a lot, but this week’s Torah portion is one of my favorites to talk about. This is the portion that’s all about something new. Adam lost the priesthood when he sinned in the Garden of Eden. Since then, every historical event of the Bible led up to the inaugural moment […]

Profane Fire Makes Crispy Critters

This week’s portion is called Shemini, which means “eighth.” It comes from the opening part of this parsha where it talks about the priests being inaugurated on the eighth day. And although there is much to be said about that and how it’s connected to us being inaugurated as priests on the prophetic eighth day […]

Prison Passover Update 2018

This year has been the best Passover here yet. Virtually everyone who started with me over the last 2 and a half years had a difficult time giving up their old ways and the cream has risen to the top. It was just four of us this year. We did not invite anyone this year […]

What Does Real Ministry Look Like? Part 1

Theology and ministry are two completely different terms that make up a perfect whole. Theology without ministry is nothing but worthless ideas and philosophy. And ministry without theology is like running a race with no clear finish line. It lacks real purpose because theology defines the parameters for proper ministry. So how do we get […]

What Does Real Ministry Look Like? Part 2

Created in the Image of God What is the image of God? What does it look like? How do we obtain it? Many people interpret it from their own perspective, relying on their own background and context. There is nothing inherently wrong with this because a man can only understand the information he’s presented with […]

What Does Real Ministry Look Like? Part 3: The God of Compassion

In the quest to understand real ministry, it’s important to understand who we are. And in order to understand who we are we need to understand who God is. Knowing who God is and what He desires from us is paramount to properly understanding what our role is in ministering to His people with the […]

What Does Real Ministry Look Like? Part 4: Bringing the Kingdom to Earth

If compassion is the prime attribute of God, then Yeshua is the perfect example and reflection of that characteristic. The power of the incarnation was not in the fact that He became flesh, but in the fact that while we would expect Him to come in glory, prestige, power, and pomp, the Word became poor, […]

What Does Real Ministry Look Like? Part 5: Real Evangelism

When we talk about ministry, we cannot help but end up on the topic of evangelism. What does real evangelism look like in the light of a real ministry based on the compassion of Christ? To understand the answer to this question, we must first understand how the current model of evangelism looks at the […]

Melchizedek Two-Book Theory Refuted: Part 1

Book of the Law vs. Book of the Covenant: Are they two separate books? Those of you who have come into the Hebraic roots of your faith and have embraced the “front of the Book,” as I like to call it, have come to appreciate and love the Torah and its incredible connections to both […]

Melchizedek Two-Book Theory Refuted: Part 2

In the first part of this series, we took the time to unpack the two-book theory and refute some of its basic tenants. We spent time proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that the terms “Book of the Law,” “Book of the Covenant,” “Law of Moses,” “Law of God,” and “the Law” are all […]

Melchizedek Two-Book Theory Refuted: Part 3

I spent a considerable amount of time in the first two parts of this series refuting the claim that there is such a thing as the Book of the Law (BOL) and the Book of the Covenant (BOC). Those who believe this claim say that the BOC and the BOL are two entirely different books […]

My Third Hanukkah in Prison

It’s hard to believe, but I just had my third Hanukkah in prison. It was bittersweet. Sweet from the perspective that it definitely felt more like Hanukkah thanks to the nice silver menorah they gave us (we had a junky wooden one last year) and the two feast days we had with great times of […]

Putting LIFE Back into Life: Part 1

If all is well, why am I like this? Have you ever thought that thought or said those words about yourself or your situation? I certainly have. After all, if you are a child of God and the Holy Spirit is supposed to be living inside you, then why do you feel so frustrated, angry, […]

Putting Life Back into Life Part 2

GENERATIONAL LIABILITIES The Bible says right in the Ten Commandments that the sins of the father can visit the children to the third and fourth generation. God is very clear that there is a DNA transfer at the birth of not just physical traits but in every other category, as well. These “generational curses” are […]

Putting Life Back Into Life: Part 3

Are you ready to put a little more life into your life and be healed of what’s holding you back from being all you know you can be in Christ? Then let’s get started. At this point, you should have filled out the three parts of your history that I had you create from Part […]

Putting Life Back Into Life: Part 4

We’ve come to the final part in this series in the hope of putting life back into our lives and putting back the shattered pieces of the beautiful glass menagerie of our past. The only item left on our agenda is to deal with our own Personal Liabilities and then, from there, we can rewrite […]

Being Aware of The Presence

There are few ideas more comforting ideas than the reality of having an omnipresent God. One of the hallmark differentiation between Yahweh, the God of the Bible, and all other supposed gods is the fact that the Most High God is universally present at all times. We do not have to call Him to come; […]

How To Maintain Shalom After Shabbat

Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy: You are to labor six days and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God….(Ex. 20:8-10 HCSB). So the Bible says that we are to rest on the Lord’s Sabbath. We are not to do any work. It is […]

Meeting Your Destiny

Vayishlach: and He Sent… In this week’s portion, I would like to focus on a couple different topics. At first they may seem disconnected, but I believe the connections will be made the deeper we dive into them. The story starts off with Jacob leaving his uncle Laban’s household. He had worked over 20 years […]

The Position of the Creator and the Creature

In order for there to be proper harmony in a relationship, religious or otherwise, there must be a correct order in it. Any time the proper order is challenged or gets out of balance, the relationship is in jeopardy. In the same way, if we do not understand the difference between who the Creator is […]

The Voice

There are many who read the Bible from cover to cover each and every year. They know the stories and can even tell you chapter and verse of many of the most famous scriptures. But is the Bible just an ancient document that contains words and historical data from times past? Or is it a […]

The True Meaning of Being Poor in Spirit

In our spiritual journey with the Creator, there can be almost nothing more detrimental or more damaging to hitting our full potential than possessing too much of earth. Mathew 5:3 says, “Blessed are the poor in spirit, For theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” These words are not just a theological statement but are a […]

Following Hard After God

Would you characterize yourself as one who follows hard after God? Do you feel like you do your best to learn of Him, study His Word, and know Him more than the average believer? The question I would like to answer here is what does it actually mean to “know Him”? And is following hard […]

The Image of God Test

TEST: After each question, pick the number from 1-10 that best relates to how you act and write it down. Take it yourself and then if you’re married, have your spouse take it for you to ensure accuracy. 😉 The true or false scale will be given after each question. On many of the questions, […]

12 Steps to Finding the Peace of Christ in Your Relationships

The following are 12 steps that I sent to a friend of mine to help him with his marriage. The concepts behind the points come from many of the books that I have read since I have been here. I pray that these points will help you too!

Update from Prison - October 2017

Hey everyone! Just wanted to give you a quick update from camp. The Father is doing great things here. Sukkot was amazing—one of the best I have ever celebrated. In the last month, two guys have been saved and another has rededicated his life to Christ. The other guys are growing strong and our Messianic […]

How to Stop the Pain Now! Part 1

There are two kinds of pain: Physical pain and emotional pain. One deals with the body and the other deals with the mind. Everyone knows how to deal with physical pain, but dealing with psychological and emotional pain is something altogether different. Instead of writing one very long article on this topic, I will break […]

How to Stop the Pain Now! Part 2

In part 1 of this series we learned that most all of our pain originates in our mind with its perceptions of situations, people and things that come into our life. We unpacked the idea that our thoughts cause most of the pain that we experience and that we do indeed need to do what […]

How to Stop the Pain Now! Part 3

In the first two parts of this series we learned that most of the pain we experience in life is due to our own minds and the perceptions we experience through them. Then we learned that as new creations in Christ, we are no longer slaves to what our carnal minds want to think and […]

How to Stop the Pain Now! Part 4

At this point in our journey we’ve learned that many times, pain is induced by our own minds and really doesn’t come from others at all. It’s all about how we perceive our situations and the things that happen to us rather than the situations themselves being the root of all pain. We then learned […]

How to Stop the Pain Now! Part 5: The Power to Truly Forgive

True forgiveness. What does that really look like? What does it feel like? Can I say that I forgive someone but deep down not really forgive them? In this article, we’re going to tie together many of the concepts in this series and uncover why it’s so difficult to forgive and why most people are […]

The Power of a Famine

This week’s Torah portion begins in Genesis 12 with God calling Abram out of his homeland to a spiritual journey—a journey with more twists and turns than a roller-coaster. Yahweh told him, “Get out of your country, from your family and from your father’s house, to a land that I will show you.” We have […]

What a Sukkot!-Another Person Gets Saved!

This has been one unbelievable week. Just two weeks ago on the same day my brother passed away, Mr. T gave his life to the Lord and has been on fire ever since. Today, on the eighth day, the last great day of the Feast, another guy gave his life to the Lord…right in the […]

God is Really a Woman

Mr. T is hilarious.   He is not only a brand new Believer but is like a kid right out of the womb exploring all the neat new stuff in his new world. Today, in the sukkah, we were talking about the dietary laws and I glanced over at him cause I knew that he […]

No More Port-A-Potty Sukkah!

Today was one of the most amazing days I’ve had since I’ve been here. It was the first day of Sukkot and we had an incredible time celebrating it as a group. Last year, we had to share the sukkah the Bureau of Prisons (BOP) provided with the rabbi that’s here. That didn’t work out […]

Lesson #425

Lesson #425 here at Marion Camp: I can’t fix everyone, and I’m not the Holy Spirit. (Okay…I’m not exactly sure which number lesson this is, but it’s pretty high up there!) This is a hard one for me. Any of you out there a fixer? Me, too. I know how things are supposed to look […]

The Sound of Your Trumpet

The first words of the Bible are “In the beginning.” Rasheet means ‘beginning’ and is taken from the root word ‘rosh,’ which means ‘head.’ With this in mind, Rosh Hashanah literally means “head of the year.” Rosh Hashanah, or Tishrei 1 on the Hebrew Calendar, is the beginning of the Biblical civil New Year. This […]

Do Not Fear!

Deuteronomy 31:6 “Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them. For the LORD your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you.” If there is one verse in the Bible that could be the contender for the heavyweight champion verse […]

The Secret of Shechem

In Deuteronomy 27 and 28 we see the command Yahweh gave that an altar be made of living stones and placed on Mount Ebal. This mountain tells us the precise location of this event takes place, as Mount Ebal and Mount Gerizim are the primary landmarks for the city of Shechem. Out of every city […]


Today I felt a strong urge to fast the morning hours and really dig into prayer. Doing so resulted in a divine appointment that closed with a major God-wink. I finished praying at about 11:45 AM and was writing in my journal about the crazy amazing things that happened this last week, things I’ll get […]

A Public Hanging

Deuteronomy 21:22-23 There can be no doubt that a public hanging draws a crowd. In the old Wild West, the whole town came out to watch. There is just something about the shock and all about it all that causes us to turn our heads in that direction. This is exactly why the news is […]

Finders Keepers, Losers Weepers

We’ve all heard this saying many times over the years. As children we touted it to our siblings time and again. Unfortunately, as adults, it sometimes seems as though we still believe the adage because of the way we live our lives. In this short article we’re going to unravel that saying and find out […]

Solving Conflict Before It Starts

One of the guys here wanted me to keep him accountable to stop smoking. He told a group of us that if we see him smoking to come up and say something. So, yesterday, I saw him smoking and decided to approach him and only say “what’s up?” My hope was that he would get […]

Female Captives

Of all the laws that are in the Torah, this has got to be one of the strangest,while at the same time being one of the most ingenious. Our heavenly Father knows how we think and He’s a Master at cutting us off at the pass. This is the beginning of this week’s Torah portion […]

Stoning Our Children?

Deuteronomy 21:18-21 As a Bible teacher, I have had countless people ask about the commandment in the Torah that seems to say that when our children become rebellious, we are to stone them. Many times this scripture is used to “prove” that we don’t have to keep God’s instructions anymore. But just like all the […]

To Judge or Not to Judge

Did you hear about Mr. Jones? I can’t believe that he did that. He deserves whatever he’s got coming to him.” Have you ever heard someone say something like this? Many times we hear things and react harshly and judgmentally, even though we have no verified facts and are not in a position to make […]

Crazy Total Eclipse Connections!

Most of you know certain parts of the United States will experience a major total solar eclipse on August 21st, 2017. It has been almost 40 years since this has happened in the country. Because I am in the #1 spot in the US to view it, I have compiled for my own personal records […]

28 Year Old Drug Dealer Gets Saved!

My name is Chadwin Burke. This is how I finally committed myself to Jesus Christ. It was a long road of pure wickedness before I found Him. Here is my story: My dad was in prison most of my life, so I lived with my mother most of my life. I hated my dad because […]

Remember This! Zakar!

Have you ever walked into a room and completely forgotten why? Sure you have. We all have. Forgetting things seems to be a common illness for us humans. So much so that there are countless products on the market to help improve memory. We are amazed by and jealous of those that have photographic memories. […]

From the Midst of the Fire

God gives the Ten Commandments to Moses up on the mountain for the benefit of the entire world. But what was it like up there? How did Yahweh speak and present Himself? Under what conditions did the LORD speak to Moses? If we can understand those conditions, perhaps we can better recognize when the All […]

Fear-The Arch Nemesis of Belief

Devarim – Fear: The Arch Nemesis of Belief The book of Devarim (Deuteronomy) is referred to by the Sages as “Mishneh Torah,” which is commonly interpreted as the “review/repetition of the Torah.” The entire book was written in the last five weeks of Moses’ life. Of all the books of the Torah, this one is […]

Got a Mole Problem?

Numbers 31 Have you ever had a mole problem? One that just keeps coming back and ruining your yard or garden? They seem to go away for a while and then come back with vengeance. I recently learned that moles love grub worms and they seek them more than any other food. I personally have […]

Vow vs. Oath

MAKING A VOW OR OATH – Read Numbers 30. What immediately jumps out at you from reading this chapter? What seems to be the driving point that Yahweh is wanting to impress upon them? And finally, what is the original intent behind the plain black text that we can apply for today? I think it’s […]

The Righteous Anger of Phineas

Pinchas-Numbers 25 Balaam, the powerful and experienced pagan prophet that was hired by king Balak to curse Israel, failed at every attempt. Every single time he opened his mouth to curse the people of God, nothing but blessings came out. This not only infuriated king Balak, but embarrassed Balaam, as well. It started to become […]

Balaam's Big Mistake

So here is the context: The children of Israel were making their way through the Promised Land and were destroying every army that was in their way. With Yahweh on their side, they could not be beat, no matter what the odds. In Numbers 22, after they had utterly destroyed the Amorites, Balak, the king […]

Balak's Sin of Presumption

Have you ever been at a place in your life where you felt like someone was intentionally trying to hurt you, to curse you? Have you ever felt like they were going out of their way to cause you misery? What do we do when we are at a place so low that we just […]

The Enemy Loses Another Prisoner to the Light!

I have some exciting news, everyone! There’s a man here from Puerto Rico – Juan, who looks a bit like a long-haired surfer from California – who’s starting to cross over into the light! He asked me if we could talk last week so we did…for THREE HOURS. He told me all about his life […]

What is Freedom...Really?

Are you free? Are you sure? People think that because they live in America or aren’t in prison that they’re “free.” So let’s talk about that. Does freedom mean that you can do whatever you want to do? Is a prisoner less free than someone in the “outside world” because he has restrictions placed on […]

The Power of the Red Heifer

The first chapter of this Torah portion (Numbers 19) contains one of the greatest mysteries in all of Judaism: the sacrifice of the Red Heifer. It is unlike any other sacrifice. Even the instructions seem to contradict themselves. But when looked at through the lens of the Ruach HaKodesh (the Holy Spirit), the mystery is […]

To Remove One's Covering-The Rebellion

Korah’s Rebellion This is no doubt one of the most famous portions of the entire Torah cycle. Let’s dive into the story and see exactly what lessons we can learn from how Korah, Moses, and the congregation acted under such circumstances.

Send Forth - Numbers 15

Now it’s time to move on to chapter 15! Shalach: Send Forth-Numbers 15 Read Numbers 15 as an overview. The beginning of chapter 15 seems to be strangely placed. It’s sandwiched between the Twelve spies incident and Korah’s rebellion and is almost a transition between the two, trying to tell us, in a way, what […]

Send Forth - Numbers 14

This chapter deals with the power of human emotion and the mistakes men make when they face their fears, then realize their mistakes, then try to fix it themselves without the “right-hand power of God.” The continuation of the story of the twelve spies not only gives us the biblical historical record but tells us […]

Send Forth - Numbers 13

Torah Portion Shalach: He Sent Part 1: Numbers 13 There is so much in the story about the twelve spies it’s almost overwhelming. A small book would have to be written to unpack it all! Let’s take it one chapter at a time.

The Only Census That Matters

This week’s Torah portion is called Bamidbar, which means “in the wilderness.” Although much of it deals with the census of each tribe, how they were camped, and the choosing of the Levites, we’re going to focus mainly on the latter of these topics and reveal how they relate to us today and even how […]

Does the Bible Condone Slavery

This is a good question. In this week’s study, we are going to look into this question and see exactly what we can learn or “unlearn” of what we have been taught about this topic. Some have suggested that the idea of slavery came from the Bible and that the Bible actually supports this. So […]

The Best Things Come to Those Who Wait

Life can be hard in prison. Every little thing can be a big thing and if you didn’t have patience when you came in, you’ll definitely have it when you leave…or you’ll go insane. Your choice. But in those moments of frustration, my King continues to wink in the most incredible ways. Let me give […]

Five Days Of Encouragement - Day 1

I have recently discovered some older writings from my journal that I wrote several years ago, and they have never been shared, so I thought I’d create several days’ worth of encouragement for those that may need it. Even if you don’t necessarily “need” it, in my humble opinion, everyone needs encouragement! Let’s begin with […]

Don't Disqualify Yourself!

In chapter 23 of this week’s Torah portion, Emor, which means “say,” we have the main instructions for the Feasts of the LORD. But because that topic has been covered extensively by both me and many other teachers, I’m going to take time to unpack the part of the parsha that deals with the regulations […]

My Second Prison Passover

Well, we finished our second Passover Seder here in my current home at the Marion Federal Prison Camp. The Bureau of Prisons provides us with a cheap plastic Seder plate complete with shot-glass-sized plastic dishes filled with all the necessary components of a Seder. We also had a 1-2 inch-long shank bone. I didn’t know […]

Tradition or No Tradition?

It seems every year when holidays come around, there’s this cloud of controversy as to whether today’s believers today should celebrate them or not. In this short article, I hope to provide you with a real standard to help you discern between something that should be celebrated and something that shouldn’t. To determine the answer, […]

Obtaining A Sound Mind

Preparation If we ever need to do something, normally one will prepare for it. Sometimes we need to physically prepare and other times we may need to prepare emotionally, spiritually, or mentally. In either instance, it is important to start off with preparation. Without it, in most cases, nothing will happen! Spiritually speaking, however, it […]

Necessary Praise

Psalm 145:18-19 says, “The Lord is near all who call out to Him, all who call out to Him with integrity. He fulfills the desires of those who fear Him; He hears their cry for help and saves them.”

The Secret to Victory

Have you ever felt like you are in the middle of a boxing ring and you just continue to get pounded by your enemy with jabs and hooks to the point where you would rather just stay down on the canvas than to get back up and go another round? I sure know that feeling. […]

No Pain, No Gain

I have really been pressing into the Lord and doing a lot more praying and fasting than normal over this past winter. Apparently, a bit too much as I didn’t realize that I’ve lost almost 15 pounds and am back to my high school weight. I felt like before I turned into a prune completely, […]

The Azazel Goat and the Leader of the Demons

As we move into Leviticus 16 and following, we start to transition to a different flow as far as what Yahweh is conveying to His people. He has given great detail on how to build His house, how to operate and minister before Him, and has given specific instructions on how His people are to […]

The Unleavened Bread of Affliction

Why Unleavened Bread? Within the spring season of Passover lies the first significant week-long festival of the year. It’s called Unleavened Bread and it’s a seven-day feast with a high Sabbath on the first day and on the seventh. During this time, no one that calls the name of Yahweh their God is supposed to […]

Easter or Passover?

Should Christians celebrate Easter or Passover? Does it even matter? In this article, I’m going to let history and the Bible answer both of those questions. Once you have all the information, you can decide for yourself. If you’re a follower of the Way and a student of the Book, you should want to know […]

How to be Perfect

This week’s portion of scripture details the global catastrophe of Noah’s flood. There are so many lessons to be learned from this historical event that one could spend weeks just studying its powerful influence into all humanity. If you would like to follow along, the story is found in Genesis chapter six and following. So, […]

Did Jesus Really Die on a Friday?

For almost 1800 years now, one myth has been more promulgated more than any other: the idea of “Good Friday.” The idea that Christ died on a Friday and rose on Sunday goes as far back as the Catholic Church itself. In this article we’re going to uncover how this error came about, discover the […]

Suburbanitis Has Got to STOP

If there is one thing I’ve learned since I’ve been in prison it’s that people living in the suburbs going to suburban churches are so stuck in our suburban bubbles and mindset that the second something doesn’t go our way or someone comes into our bubble who doesn’t fit our suburban, elitist, all-about-me-and-my-profile attitude, we […]

Christmas, Hanukkah, and the Anti-Christ Part 1

Okay, I admit, it’s a strange title. How on earth could all three of those topics be connected? Well, as you are about to see, not only are they connected, they’re all related…blood related. Before we talk about Christmas, let’s talk about a holiday that is far less known to the Christian world but is […]

Christmas, Hanukkah, and the Anti-Christ Part 2

Part 2: When Was Jesus Actually Born? In Part 1 of this series, we went through the story of Hanukkah and unpacked the incredible heroism that arose from the pits of the Greco-pagan influence that almost wiped out the people of God two hundred years before Christ was born. We showed how this story truly […]

Christmas, Hanukkah, and the Anti-Christ Part 3

Part 3: The Christmas and Antichrist Connection THE CHRISTMAS CONNECTION Now that you know the story of Hanukkah, how it was celebrated in the first century by our Messiah, and how we’ve used it to discover when He was actually born, we can turn our attention to the Christmas part of this story and unveil […]

Christmas, Hanukkah, and the Anti-Christ Part 4

Hanukkah Traditions We’ve learned much in the first three parts of this series. We started in Part 1 with the historical account of Hanukkah and discovered the incredible story of how one man, with God’s help, stood up to evil, triumphed against all odds, and saved an entire people in the process. In Part 2 […]

The Sacrificial Offerings: Then and Now

The Creator gave instructions on how to build the tabernacle and what the garments and office of the priests look like. Then we spent a considerable amount of time revealing the spiritual connections for our temples today. Now, as we move through the first few chapters of Leviticus, we’ll see the conversation changing from construction […]

Total Consecration

In this week’s Torah portion, the instructions continue on the five main sacrifices that were to be made within the temple courts. But what I’d like to focus on is one short verse near the end of the portion – in chapter 8 – that deals with the command of consecration.

The Path of the Cherubim

There are several places in scripture that describe the magnificent and mysterious creatures called the cherubim (pronounced “kare-oo-beem” in Hebrew). These angelic servants of the Most High are crouched above the mercy seat over the Ark of the Covenant. The instructions given to Moses to have them carved and overlaid with gold are found in […]

Do Not Kindle a Fire on Shabbat!

In this week’s portion, there continues to be more instructions on how to build the items of the tabernacle. Great detail is given about each item and how it is to be used. However, this short article is going to focus on just the first three verses of Exodus 35. Yahweh tells His people to […]

The Hidden Meaning of Golgotha

We come across many important items in this week’s Torah portion as we continue through the book of Exodus. In this article, I’m going to focus on one strange instruction that’s sandwiched in between all of the actual items of the tabernacle. As the text goes into the details of the altar of incense, the […]

Creating Space to Work

Have you ever seen an office desk so full of papers that there is literally no room to work? Not even a place to set a single pen down where it’s not touching some papers? For many of us, our lives are just like this out-of-control office desk. They’re so cluttered with papers and there’s […]

The Law of Servants

In this week’s Torah portion, the Creator starts to zoom in a bit and provide more detailed laws that deal with several civil issues. We’re going to go through several and not only dispel the myths about Yahweh endorsing slavery, but also pull out the spiritual principle behind those laws, a principle relevant for us […]

The Knife of Presumption

Moses is about to have a conversation with his father-in-law as the entire Egyptian army spends its time getting to know its new fish friends at the bottom of the Sea of Reeds. This simple conversation with Jethro will prove to be one of the most profound and life-impacting conversations Moses will ever have. In […]

I Hardened Pharaoh's Heart

In this week’s Torah portion, we run across one of the most confusing scriptures in the entire Bible. If Yahweh gives man free choice, then why does He say that He hardened Pharaoh’s heart? It’s a fair question, but one that’s easily answered when we take things back to the original language. Let’s take a […]

Ten Things We Can Learn from Narnia

I just finished watching the film adaptations of C.S. Lewis’s Narnia series, one of my favorites of all time. The movies are meant to tell spiritual messages and the Gospel itself is written all through them. With Aslan representing the Lion of Judah and Yeshua and the children who are the kings and queens of […]

The Purpose of Affliction

But the more they afflicted them, the more they multiplied and grew. That’s how verse 12 starts in the book of Shemot (Exodus). The people of Israel were blessed immensely in Egypt under Joseph’s reputation. But “now there arose a new king over Egypt, who did not know Joseph.” That’s where the affliction begins and […]

There's a Snake in My Staff

Blake and I were having one of our late night Bible studies recently and got to talking about the dawning of Moses’ and Aaron’s ministry. Because Yahweh operates in patterns and is always trying to teach us something, we should be able to learn a lot from their opening act. Let’s take a look into […]

The Joseph Formula Part 1

This week’s Torah portion is one of the most beautiful stories of reconciliation, healing, and true forgiveness in all of Holy Writ. It is not only the climax of the epic journey of one of the most-loved bible characters of all time, but it is the exact template, a perfect blueprinted foreshadowing, of the life […]

The Joseph Formula Part 2

In Part 1 of our study, we discovered the true desire of the “Man” behind the curtain and why He allows calamities on the yellow brick road of our lives. We learned that His sole desire is for us to create utter dependence on Him so as to produce the necessary trust and faith that […]

The Fire of God

When we think of light, we often think of light bulbs, turning on the light, no darkness, et cetera. Our western minds quickly go to the most familiar part of what light is to us. But if you lived in the first century, the word “light” brought a single word to mind….fire. Fire was the […]

Saying Goodbye to a Friend

Today was one of the most beautiful days I’ve had since I’ve been here. If you’ve read my post Cashing in on God’s Grace then you know my friend Cash and how God changed a former gang leader from the Crips into a true man of God. From fighting the Bloods to pleading THE Blood, […]

The Waters of Promotion

The details found within the story of Noah are like the foundation stones of a great castle. With them intact, the king can be firmly established. If they’re unstable, it’s just another kingdom bound to fall. The entire Bible is written with the Messiah in mind and with the intent of restoring mankind to perfect […]

The Science of Noah's Flood

The story of Noah is one of the most popular stories of all time and is littered with one lesson after another. It is from this section of scripture in Genesis 6-9 that the gospel is foreshadowed, baptism is pictured for us, and we see death, new life, the coming nation of Israel, the New […]

Of No Reputation

Have you ever had someone say something about you that was untrue? Have you ever felt the pain of the knife sticking out of your back when someone tells others things about you that are false? The pain of being falsely accused, slandered, gossiped about and your character maligned by people that spread twisted facts […]

No Mixing

Have you ever had freshly squeezed sweet lemonade or a homemade glass of sweet tea? It certainly doesn’t get much better when quenching your thirst on a hot day, that’s for sure. The combination of sugar and tea or sugar and lemons is always a good thing. On the other hand, have you ever had […]

Elul-Time to Prepare

When a bride and groom have planned a wedding day, do they just show up on the day or do they spend months planning out every last detail? When you are scheduled to go on vacation on May 1st, do you wait until the morning of to purchase your airline tickets and make reservations for […]

Numbers 8-12

What does He mean when He says “arrange the lamps” so that the lights “give light in front of the lampstand”? Why does it matter which way the flames from the lamps face? The Menorah itself is highly symbolic. It represents the entire Word of God, which, according to Psalm 119:105 is the “Lamp unto […]

The Trumpet Blast of God

The trumpet is, without question, the most popular instrument mentioned in the bible. In ancient Israel the trumpet was not only a musical instrument, it was an instrument that represented both celebration and war. What is this instrument’s significance today? What can we learn from this ancient symbol? Let’s start by taking a look at […]

The Merger

As the Torah Portions come to an end and we reach the closing chapters of the final book of the Torah here in Deuteronomy, Moses once again does a recap from a 30,000 foot view. From this vantage point he can help the children of Israel completely understand all that is required of them as […]

The Living Stones of Shechem

Shechem is one of the most amazing cities in the Bible, but it’s far more than just a city. It’s like a portal on the earth where the Kingdom of Heaven and the people of the earth meet. It has spiritual and prophetic overtones written on every stone, making it far more than just an […]

Flies Are from Satan

That’s right. Flies are definitely from Satan. There are two things in life that I can’t stand: flies and mosquitoes. Flies are like satanic helicopters that buzz around your face. They are just fast enough to stay out of reach while making a fool out of you as you slap yourself trying to crush their […]

The Feast of Tabernacles Part 2

When Was Jesus Born? First of all, why is this even an important question? Well, how well would it go for you to celebrate your spouse’s birthday, or one of your kids’ birthdays, on a wrong day? Worse yet, what if you chose to celebrate your wife’s birthday on the same day as one of […]

The Feast of Tabernacles Part 3

The Water Libation Ceremony This ceremony is quite possibly one of the most powerful and incredibly prophetic ceremonies in all of biblical times: the water libation ceremony. It happened during the Feast of Sukkot and was unquestionably the most popular part of the week-long celebration. As a matter of fact, the ancient Jewish sages emphatically […]

The Feast of Tabernacles Part 4

The Light of the World The Feast of Sukkot, or Tabernacles, is known by and encompasses many different attributes. One of the most powerful and often overlooked attributes is the Feast’s connection to light. Light is one of those staple items that finds itself vital in both the natural and spiritual world. From day one […]

A Rabbi, a Muslim, and Me

What do you get when you put a Rabbi, a Muslim and a Messianic pastor in one place? The same thing you get when you put a lion, a tiger, and a bear in one cage with one piece of meat: the potential for a free-for-all wrestling match! That’s pretty much what’s happening around here.

And He Shall Direct Your Path

PARTNERING WITH GOD I know I have written several articles in the past with regard to following the Spirit and waiting on Him to move and so forth. But the Father is continuing to teach me about this in deeper and deeper ways, and I want to share with you what He revealed to me […]

"Cashing" in on God's Grace

Here is a fantastic testimony of the power of God in an individual’s life that has been changed by the message of Torah. Within the first few weeks after I got here, there was a large black man named Cash that came up to me and got in my face, and began to tell me […]

Check Mate? Don't Move!

What do you do when your back is up against the wall, you’re out of options, and you don’t know what to do? What do you do when you feel like one false move and you know you’ll find yourself at the bottom of the pit, surrounded by snakes and facing certain destruction? Why does […]

God Is My New Secretary

On February 17th, Blake, Kevin and I had an anointing ceremony that followed a three-day period of prayer and fasting. Ever since then there has definitely been a shift in the spiritual realm. It was like a graduation happened or something and we were now going to be putting into practice everything that we had […]

Why Can't My Friends and Family Get it?

Great question. There is almost nothing more frustrating than coming into the full knowledge of what the Torah is and what a blessing it is to follow God and keep His commandments only to have your family shoot it, and you, down. You go from having a pretty good relationship to feeling like you now […]

Blinded by the Light

Close your eyes. Now think of a cabin in the woods. Visualize your family inside sitting on the couches. You walk in the door, wave at them, and say, “Hi.” Did you see it? How? You saw a real cabin with your family inside, right? How? What did you use inside your mind to picture […]

What About Me?

As soon as we sit down for our midnight Bible study, Blake says, 3…2…1… Lights, camera, ACTION!

The Spirit IS the Answer

Today is the 153rd day since I have been incarcerated. The number 153, as I have stated before, has been a significant number in my journey. My case number was 153, I had the ankle bracelet on for exactly 153 days, so I was excited to see what the Father would have planned on this […]

Seated Together in Heavenly Places

Now that we are starting to understand the difference between the soul and the spirit of a man, the difference between the “spiritual” Word and the “physical” Word, the desire of the Spirit for us to receive the wisdom and revelation of the knowledge of Him, we can continue in Ephesians chapter two and discover […]

Dividing Soul and Spirit

Today, the average believer spends all of his time trying to “please God” by DOING things (Bible study, going to church, being obedient, memorizing scripture, etc.) that all grow the SOUL of a man closer to what it was in the beginning but leave the spirit of a man as weak as a child. (Maybe […]

Keys to the Kingdom Part 1

In the last post we talked about how, according to 1 Corinthians 12, the Spirit only gives His gifts to spiritual “idiots,” those who choose to learn only from Him. Unfortunately, we are so programmed to think of “learning” with our physical minds that we will completely miss what He is saying. He is not […]

Keys to the Kingdom Part 2

In continuing our search for the “Keys to the Kingdom” that are given to a remnant among His people, it’s vital that we understand which group they’re given to. Not everyone has the keys. Prophetically, the Father divides His people up into seven assemblies that are detailed in the beginning of the book of Revelation. […]

The Power of Chazown/Vision

Today I would like to share with you a revelation the Father opened up to us as we were studying in the library one night. Since visions seem to be a common occurrence around here, we decided to dive into the Hebrew of that word and see if the Spirit would have any more to […]

Created in the Shadow of God

Unbelievably, although I have been pressing into understanding more about The Father’s image for weeks and weeks now, I have yet to look into the actual Hebrew Word. So one night, while I was waiting for the 10 pm count (where they come around and make sure everyone is still here), I decided to pull […]

Spiritual Gifts and Idiots

I have been fasting, praying, and seeking the Father to understand how belief, trust, and faith work in the spiritual realm. Ever since I had that experience a couple of months ago of entering into the very image and essence of Yahweh, I have been on a quest to better understand and enter back into […]

The Prophet's Testimony

The Father is doing so much in here that I’m not even sure how to unpack it all. I have been praying and fasting for Part 3 for a while now and have been pressing in to understand His image probably more than any other thing I have ever pursued. And last night, the breakthrough […]

The Two Sided Coin Part 1

I have been fasting for days, truly trying to understand the depth of the submarine vision. I have been asking the Father what I need to do to get the door open and let the water flow into the cabin and flood me completely. Upon hearing my question, the Father laughed and said, “You’re doing […]

The Two Sided Coin Part 2

In the last article we discovered that faith and works are really two sides of the same coin. We can now understand why James can say in his own book that “faith without works is dead.” We conceded that understanding “works” for God is not that difficult. It’s simply doing what He said because we […]

The Power of "Power"

What do you think of when you hear the word “power”? Maybe you think of a very strong man, an army, an explosion, or maybe even God Himself. Today, I would like to share an ancient secret to what it really means from the original Paleo, pictograph meaning.

The Submarine Vision

Hello everyone! I pray the Father is blessing you greatly in whatever He has you doing today for His Kingdom and for those you love around you.

God Winks

We all have gone through times in our lives that are so difficult we just need to know that He is there. We beg for billboards, ask for signs, and pray for miracles. But what if the signs are right in front of our faces? What if they are as clear as crystal but we […]

The Burning Book Vision

Out of all the visions that have happened around here, the one BL had the evening of January 24th tops them all. We had finished our nightly bible study and headed to bed. We have to be at our bunks at 4pm, 10pm, 12am, 3am, and 5am for count. The officials come around and count […]

Torah Has Broken out of Jail

Torah Has Broken out of Jail When I first got here, I had been so blown away at the reception in the county jail and the fact that four people accepted Christ in two days that I continued my evangelism when I got to the prison camp, loving people and telling them about the love […]

A Prophet Has Arrived

One night I was laying in my bed reading the Word around 10:30 pm when a guy with thick glasses and dreads hanging over his shoulders poked his head through my hand-made bed sheet of a privacy curtain and asked me quietly if I am the one they call “Preacher.” I said yes and he […]

Get out of the Bulldozer

Before I came in here, a gentleman from Russia had a vision about me that he had to pass on to us. He had no idea that I was indicted or anything of that nature. We hadn’t translated it into Russian yet what was going on at the time. In the vision he said that […]

Don't Be like King Asa

I have been reading, reading, and reading. With no digital access to any of my study materials, I don’t have much choice but to just read the text and let God speak to me. As I was working through the Old Testament, I came to 2 Chronicles 14 and the Holy Spirit hit me so […]

S.L.O.W. Down

Like me only has one gear and that’s sixth gear. Pedal to the metal. I agreed that I needed to slow down, but didn’t quite know what that looked like. Well now I do. I get it. I have not just slowed down. I am at a pit stop, getting new tires, an oil change […]

Personal Prisons

Prison. What is prison anyway? Is prison an unclean, over-populated building where a person is confined by four lonely walls and guarded by eagle-eyed officers watching his every move? Is it a place for the ultra guilty, the worst of the worst that society has to offer who are locked up like cattle in a […]


Suppose you are or have been going through a hard time and have been very discouraged lately. Maybe you’ve felt a sense of loss, pity, depression, anxiety, worry, or just a very heavy burdened pressure. Have you felt impatient or frustrated? Have you felt de-valued or downtrodden? Or maybe you feel you’re in an odd […]

The Only Way Up is Down

I was recently listening to a song, and part of the lyrics in the song were “the only way up is down”. I have heard that particular song many times over again, but for some reason those lyrics stuck out to me and created a deeper meaning for me. One can easily question this statement […]

Release the Whirlwinds

God has designed such a beautiful world, that we often take for granted. We often get too caught up with what we have going on, that we forget to take a deep breath and breathe in the fresh air that He so freely provides for us. It is man that has corrupted what God has […]

The Struggle - Spiritual Gifts

As I was pondering on what topic to write about, I had a bunch of jumbled up thoughts and ideas of what to write, but nothing became clear as to exactly which one to choose. I began asking The Father what He wanted me to write, and I felt in my spirit that He wanted […]

Strength to Press Forward?

Afraid? Tired? Insecure? Uncertain? Doubtful? If you are the least bit of these things, you need to know that Yahweh never desired for you to go through them. Whatever you may be going through, know that Yahweh is allowing you to go through it for a reason. We may not understand His reasons, but we […]

Zoning from Comfort

I chose this topic because I believe a lot of people struggle with stepping out of their comfort zone (myself included). It is often easy to form certain habits or ways to do things at certain times for the Lord. It is easy to sit in the back row and listen to the Pastor speak. […]

Passover - Removing the Sin

Many of you know that we are entering into the season of Passover, which means we have the opportunity to remember the story of what Yahweh did for His people and how He saved them from suffering. But it’s also a good time to do a Spiritual “check” of our temples to make sure that […]

The Power of Words

The power that words can have upon people is immensely significant, and something to consider giving more thought. Have you ever considered that your words have an effect on people? Of course, you know this. When you’re upset at someone, there are times when you want to “get them back” and often (sometimes too often) […]

Let Us Pray

Prayer is powerful. There are so many benefits to prayer. The Bible says to never stop praying, and pray without ceasing (1 Thess 5:17). Praying continually throughout the day, whether it be a quick, small prayer, or an hour prayer; is important. It helps us keep a positive attitude, and it grows us closer to […]


When we look into the mirror, what do we see? Do we see ourselves through our eyes or the way our Heavenly Father sees us? Do we spend enough time with Him to even know what He says about us? Perhaps learning how to think of yourself and your personal life on a deeper level […]
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