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Author: Jim Staley

Jim’s life’s desire is to help believers everywhere draw closer to the Father by understanding the truth of the scriptures from their original cultural context (a Hebraic perspective) and to apply them in faith for today.

Book of Romans – Chapter 6

Decoding Romans Chapter 6 Christians Under the Law Understanding Paul’s Teaching: Are We No Longer Under the Law? The Apostle Paul’s statement that we are “no longer under the law, but under grace” has sparked centuries of debate and misunderstanding...

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Book of Romans – Chapter 5

Decoding Romans Chapter 5 A Second Adam? Introduction What does it mean to have peace with God? What is the true meaning of shalom in its original Hebrew context? Did Paul believe in original sin—that people are born into sin? What role does the Law...

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Book of Romans – Chapter 4

Understanding the Three Types of Righteousness in the Bible Did you know that the Bible speaks of three different types of righteousness? Many Christians have only been taught about the righteousness of Christ, but neglecting the other two leads to...

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Book of Romans – Chapter 3

What are the works of the law? Introduction: The Divide Between Gentile and Jewish Believers In the opening chapters of Romans, Paul addresses the divide between Gentile and Jewish believers, challenging long-held assumptions about identity, law,...

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Book of Romans – Chapter 2

Justified by the Law? Almost every pastor of every Christian denomination interprets Paul as speaking against the Law of God, suggesting it is irrelevant for Christians today. However, in Romans chapter 2, Paul clearly states that the only way to...

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Book of Romans – Chapter 1

Decoding Romans: Chapter 1 Rediscovering Paul’s Message in a Hebraic Context In his groundbreaking teaching, Decoding Romans: Chapter 1 – Christian Slavery?, Jim Staley invites viewers on a transformative journey through the Book of Romans....

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Book of Romans – Intro

A Revolutionary Perspective The entire Christian Church recognizes the Book of Romans as foundational to Christian theology and doctrine. However, what if recently surfaced information challenges everything we thought we understood about the Apostle...

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History of Christmas

Truth or Tradition Christmas is a holiday celebrated by millions worldwide, not only by Christians but by people of various faiths and cultures. It’s a time filled with decorations, feasts, and gatherings—celebrations of love, family, and the spirit...

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Truth or Tradition

Tracing Pagan Symbols in Modern Traditions: A Sobering Revelation In our exploration of holiday customs and their deeper meanings, it becomes clear that the roots of many practices reach far beyond their Christian associations. These symbols, often...

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