Tag: belief
If you know your Bible, then when I say the word “faith” you will most likely think of the fifteen-word definition found in Hebrews 11:1: “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” But...
Apprehending the Divine
Written by Jim Staley. No Comments on Apprehending the Divine
What is “real”? How do we humans determine what’s real and what isn’t? Do we not define it with our five senses of touch, taste, hear, smell, and sight? As beings of a physical world, we’re entrenched in the idea that...
The Power of Pain
Written by Jim Staley. No Comments on The Power of Pain
Faith is not meant for times of comfort and ease, when all is in our control and life is sweet. Faith proves its very essence at the times where you cannot stand because of the pain, when you have no idea which way to go, when the road seems so long...
What Does it Mean to Serve God?
Written by Jim Staley. No Comments on What Does it Mean to Serve God?
Several themes show up as the Israelites continue their journey to the Promised Land. These themes give us an inside view of what is truly important to the God they are now serving. This “new” God wants them to follow His commandments because in doing...
Ten Things We Can Learn from Narnia
Written by Jim Staley. No Comments on Ten Things We Can Learn from Narnia
I just finished watching the film adaptations of C.S. Lewis’s Narnia series, one of my favorites of all time. The movies are meant to tell spiritual messages and the Gospel itself is written all through them. With Aslan representing the Lion...
Dividing Soul and Spirit
Written by Jim Staley. No Comments on Dividing Soul and Spirit
Today, the average believer spends all of his time trying to “please God” by DOING things (Bible study, going to church, being obedient, memorizing scripture, etc.) that all grow the SOUL of a man closer to what it was in the beginning but leave the...