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  • Sorcerer, Salvation and Saul

    Sorcerer, Salvation and Saul

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    Chapters 8-9: Understanding the Book of Acts from the Original Hebrew Perspective Did you know that Saul’s name was never changed to Paul? For centuries we have been told that God changed Paul’s name when he fell off his horse on the way to Damascus. But this is simply not true! Pastor Jim also dives into what is really going on with Simon the Sorcerer and the power of how Phillip was literally transported to a completely different city after he led the Ethiopian to Christ! There is so much in chapters 8-9 to go through! And it’s time we go through them from the original first-century Hebraic perspective that they were written in! This broadcast will bless you immensely. Take the time out of your day and soak in His word!

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  • Understanding the Book of Acts Chapters 5-7

    Understanding the Book of Acts Chapters 5-7

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    STONED TO DEATH?! As Pastor Jim moves through chapters 5, 6 and 7, he uncovers a wealth of information that is critical to understanding the rest of the book. You will learn: ~ Why Stephen was really stoned to death. ~ What the words “prince” and “witness” mean in the original language. ~ The School of Hillel and the School of Shammai and how those two schools of thought shaped and influenced both Judaism and early Christianity. ~ Who was Gamaliel and why did Paul sit at his feet? ~ The connection of Moses trying to break up the dispute between his two brethren and what Christ did in his ministry. ~ And much, much more! Understanding the book of Acts is critical and foundational to truly understanding the New Covenant and what the early Church actually believed and practiced. Where is the power in the Church today that existed in the first century? This series will challenge you and encourage you at the same time on how to return back to that power. Pastor Jim dives into the nuances and Hebrew culture of the day to truly understand what is really going on in the book of Acts and by extension the entire New Testament Church.

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  • Understanding the Book of Acts Chapters 3-5

    Understanding the Book of Acts Chapters 3-5

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    Understanding the book of Acts is critical and foundational in order to truly understand the New Covenant and what the early Church actually believed and practiced. Where is the power in the Church today that existed in the first century? This series will challenge you and encourage you at the same time on how to return back to that power. Pastor Jim dives into the nuances and Hebrew culture of the day to truly understand what is really going on in the book of Acts and by extension the entire New Testament Church. In this week's broadcast, he moves through chapters 3-5 and exposes who the REAL audience is of whom the “promises” given to those who are “near and afar off” really are. It is eye-opening, to say the least as over 1700 years of Catholic and Protestant Greco-Roman Western theology has gotten in the way of understanding this very Jewish book.

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  • Contract or Covenant

    Contract or Covenant

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    Discover the difference between the ancient Middle Eastern covenants and our modern-day contracts as we dissect the profound disparities between the two in our latest teaching! 🌍💼 Delve into the sacred texts of the Bible, where covenantal relationships between humanity and the divine were forged through solemn vows and divine promises. Journey through the narratives of ancient faith, where covenantal fidelity, grace, and moral obligations formed the cornerstone of communal bonds. And as we contrast biblical covenant and secular contract, we will discover what has been missing all along in our own personal relationships with both our fellow man and with God.

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  • Understanding the Book of Acts

    Understanding the Book of Acts

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    The book of Acts is the first book of the bible that follows the resurrection of Christ. But are we sure that we really understand the power of its record? It is from this book that we learn how the disciples lived out the very gospel that went before them. The entire foundation of Christianity rests on how we interpret the “Acts” of the disciples. This broadcast is the first in a series of teachings on the book of Acts aimed at exposing the truth of what was really happening in those first few decades after Christ and how we can get back to the power that the first-century Church actually had.

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  • The Enemy's Plan Revealed

    The Enemy's Plan Revealed

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    It's time to expose Satan! Deceitful and cunning, the Enemy has a plan to destroy humanity and capture as many souls as possible, drawing them away from our Lord Yeshua. Join Pastor Jim Staley as he reveals the schemes that grow bolder with each passing day, and the satanic own final “woke” agenda, hiding in plain sight. We must stand together and demonstrate the full power of the Holy Spirit in our lives by keeping His Commandments and doing Bible things in Bible ways. Let us rejoice in the knowledge that God, in His mercy, has called us to step up, do right, and return to our roots, rewriting the history of the Church with a new chapter of obedience and love for our Creator.

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  • All About Shavuot

    All About Shavuot

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    Shavuot is a multifaceted appointed Feast Day that blends historical remembrance, agricultural celebrations, and deep religious significance to all believers in the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Join Pastor Jim as he delves into the various customs and traditions surrounding this Feast Day; from all-night Torah study, reading the Book of Ruth, and enjoying dairy foods, to the deep spiritual significance in the giving of the Torah at Mt. Sinai to the indwelling of the Holy Spirit to believers in the first century.

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  • 8
    Is The Law Done Away?

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    It’s time to answer one of the most important questions for Christians around the world. Does God really want us to keep the Law that He gave us? Or is the Law done away with? For centuries, we have been taught incorrectly about a crucial element involving our relationship with God. Is the Bible lying or contradicting itself? How can we be sure about God’s intentions and truly know His heart if we have discarded the intricate manual He gave us so many years ago? The Bible clearly states that God is not a man, that He should lie, nor the son of man, that He should repent. Are we to believe He said something 1,300 years before Christ and then changed His mind as if He were a mere child, doing things as He goes, without a plan? Or have we been misled by the Enemy to believe the Law of God is done away with? In this teaching, we will go through many of the verses related to the Law in the New Testament to answer this question once and for all. We will revisit the difficult components of theology that the Church has misunderstood for 17 centuries, and we will learn the true meaning of the Law of God, the purpose behind it, and how we can understand and live our lives according to His instructions to receive blessings. You don’t want to miss this!

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  • Ten Truths Christianity Has Forgotten - Part 2

    Ten Truths Christianity Has Forgotten - Part 2

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    This video is CRITICAL if you really want to understand the Bible! Find out what you have likely never been told and learn more in this one video about the history of your faith then probably all the years you've been sitting in a church combined! What is TRUTH? Truth is the single most important word in the universe, and any failure or change in its definition will ultimately change a culture. In this week's broadcast, Pastor Jim unveils the top 10 truths that have largely been forgotten in traditional Christianity and how His Bride has been stripped of her power as a result. Starting off with the most basic truths of all and moving through the historical timeline of Christianity, Jim shows how the truth has been subtly changed, thus changing the entire look of what Christianity was originally supposed to look like. If you are new to this channel, this two-part teaching will make you rethink everything you believe and more as the truth is revealed and the enemy is exposed right before your eyes. If your goal is to truly understand Scripture and to please God in how you live your life then you must understand Scripture from the mindset of the original author. Understanding how we have veered off from that path will drastically assist you in getting back on the ancient path of breakthrough and power by going back to doing Bible things in Bible ways.

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  • Ten Truths Christianity Has Forgotten Part 1

    Ten Truths Christianity Has Forgotten Part 1

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    What is TRUTH? Truth is the single most important word in the universe, and any failure or change in its definition will ultimately change a culture. In this week's broadcast, Pastor Jim unveils the top 10 truths that have largely been forgotten in traditional Christianity and how His Bride has been stripped of her power as a result. Starting off with the most basic truths of all and moving through the historical timeline of Christianity, Jim shows how the truth has been subtly changed, thus changing the entire look of what Christianity was originally supposed to look like. If you are new to this channel, this two-part teaching will make you rethink everything you believe and more as the truth is revealed and the enemy is exposed right before your eyes. If your goal is to truly understand Scripture and to please God in how you live your life then you must understand Scripture from the mindset of the original author. Understanding how we have veered off from that path will drastically assist you in getting back on the ancient path of breakthrough and power by going back to doing Bible things in Bible ways.

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Book of Acts - Chapter 10

One of the most controversial chapters! Introduction Acts Chapter 10 is one of the most controversial chapters in the New Testament. Jim Staley of Passion for Truth Ministries dives into this chapter to uncover its true meaning, challenging the traditional Christian interpretations. He emphasizes the importance of understanding the context, culture, and idiomatic expressions of […]

Book of Acts - Chapters 1-2

COME HOLY SPIRIT COME! “Understanding the Book of Acts From the Original Hebrew Perspective” by Jim Staley explores the Book of Acts from a Hebrew perspective, emphasizing the significance of understanding the original context and language in which it was written. Here is a summarized version of the transcript, capturing the main themes and key […]

Book of Acts - Chapters 3-5

“Understanding the Book of Acts From the Original Hebrew Perspective ” by Jim Staley Introduction Jim Staley from Passion for Truth Ministries delves into the Book of Acts, aiming to explore its original Hebrew context. He emphasizes the differences between early disciples’ beliefs and traditional Christianity. Pastor Staley highlights the importance of understanding the Hebrew […]

Book of Acts - Chapters 5-7

Understanding Acts ~ Jim Staley 2024 ~ “Understanding Acts – Acts 5-7” by Jim Staley is a deep dive into the early chapters of the Book of Acts, focusing on chapters 5 through 7. Introduction Jim Staley, director of Passion for Truth Ministries, emphasizes the need to understand the Book of Acts from its original […]

Book of Acts - Chapters 8-9

A Sorcero, Salvation & Saul from an Original Hebrew Perspective Introduction This teaching provides an in-depth exploration of the Book of Acts Chapters 8 and 9, focusing on the Hebrew roots and original context of the narratives. He dispels common misconceptions, particularly about Saul’s conversion to Paul, and examines the events involving Philip, Simon the […]

Passover Seder Guide

What is the Seder? The Passover Seder is one of the seven ordained feasts that are described in Leviticus 23 and have been given to all of God’s people. It includes the retelling of the story of Israel and the mixed multitude coming out of slavery from Egypt. It includes not only the retelling (Haggadah) […]

No Mixing

NO MIXING! Have you ever had freshly squeezed sweet lemonade or a homemade glass of sweet tea? It certainly doesn’t get much better when quenching your thirst on a hot day, that’s for sure. The combination of sugar and tea or sugar and lemons is always a good thing. On the other hand, have you […]

Seven Feasts of the Lord

If you are a believer in the Messiah, then we are instructed to keep His Commandments if we love him. 1 John 5:2-3 says, “By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God and keep His commandments. For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments. […]

Hanukkah eBook

The story of Hanukkah is not only a beautiful story of the redemption of the temple in Jerusalem from the ones who defiled it, but the parallels to the gospel are just as beautiful. After all, the enemy defiled our own temples and has left each of us without a way to be in the […]

L.E.A.D. - Faith and Doubt

We are instructed frequently throughout the Scriptures that we must have faith and also that we must challenge any doubt in our lives contrary to that faith, as it will end up damaging our relationship with our Father God. It is one thing to say that we have faith or no doubt. Still, it is […]

Shavuot Conference June 14-16 with Jim Staley

YOU’RE INVITED! Join us for a POWERFUL Shavuot weekend (June 14th-16th 2024) at a quick conference down in Oklahoma!This Shavuot, we are counting on The HOLY SPIRIT, to COME! Friday, June 14th, 6pm-10pmSaturday, June 15th, 4pm-8pmGateway International Church 785 W. Ray Fine Blvd. Roland, OK 74948Sunday, June 16th, 10am-12:30pmLiving Word Fellowship 205 Thorton St.Vian, OK […]
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