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Website search results: trumpets
  • All About The Feast Of Trumpets

    All About The Feast Of Trumpets

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    The Feast of Trumpets is the holy day on God’s prophetic calendar when the Messiah is prophesied to return for his bride. It is the first of the fall feast days of the Lord and prophetically it marks the beginning of the end of time. So join Jim Staley as he unpacks for you the history, the traditions, and the power of the Feast of Trumpets. And learn how to practically incorporate this feast day into your own life and family along the way. At 11:20 there is a typo. The correct word is "Blowing". Unfortunately, it's not possible to fix it after posting the video. Thank you for understanding.

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  • The Sound of Trumpets - Yom Teruah

    The Sound of Trumpets - Yom Teruah

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    Filmed in "Passion For Truth" on Yom Teruah (Feast of Trumpets) ─ 2015.

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  • God's Prophetic Calendar - Yom Teruah - Trumpets

    God's Prophetic Calendar - Yom Teruah - Trumpets

    Info about this teaching
    Pastor Jim Staley teaches on Yom Teruah (Feast of Trumpets). Understanding the Feast Days of the LORD is critical for every believer. In this teaching, Jim Staley goes deep into the prophetic meaning of the Feast of Trumpets, the ancient connection to the Messiah and the incredible relevance and meaning for us today. Join Pastor Jim as he dives deep into the fall feast days, uncovering incredible hidden truths, and showing how each feast connects to the second coming of Yeshua (Jesus). Your spiritual walk will never be the same as you learn to walk in the Feasts of the LORD. Published Oct 6, 2011

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  • Who Are The Two Witnesses?

    Who Are The Two Witnesses?

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    Have you ever wondered who the two witnesses are in the Book of Revelation? In Revelation 11:3 God states: “I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophecy 1260 days, clothed in sackcloth.” Who are these two witnesses? And what is the real symbol of Israel that comes out of Zechariah 4? How is the Feast of Trumpets connected to all of this? There has been much speculation throughout the centuries on all of this. Let’s review the scriptures with Jim Staley, as he leaves no stone unturned! You will not only learn a bit more about who the two witnesses are but you will be challenged with a powerful prophetic statement at the very end! Version en español:

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  • Who are the 2 Witnesses?

    Who are the 2 Witnesses?

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    Have you ever wondered who the two witnesses are in the Book of Revelation? In Revelation 11:3 God states: “I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophecy 1260 days, clothed in sackcloth.” Who are these two witnesses? And what is the real symbol of Israel that comes out of Zechariah 4? How is the Feast of Trumpets connected to all of this? There has been much speculation throughout the centuries on all of this. Let’s review the scriptures with Jim Staley, as he leaves no stone unturned! You will not only learn a bit more about who the two witnesses are but you will be challenged with a powerful prophetic statement at the very end!

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  • Promo Videos - Prophetic Calendar

    Promo Videos - Prophetic Calendar

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    Spring Feasts: When Paul wrote 1 Thessalonians, he knew all about the incredible prophetic value of the Feast Days of the Lord. He knew that the Hebrew word for “seasons” was “moedim,” which means “appointed times or feast days.” He knew that Messiah died on Passover, was buried during the Feast of Unleavened Bread, rose on the Feast of First Fruits and the Holy Spirit came down on the Feast of Shavuot (Pentecost). He knew very well that these were and still are the Spring Feasts of the Lord and that all of the feast days on God’s calendar are all about the Messiah’s first and second coming. he knew that if one did not understand these feasts as it relates to the prophesied Messiah, they would truly be weakling in darkness concerning His return. In this series, Jim dives deep into each spring feast day uncovering the incredible hidden truths that connect each feast to the first coming of Yeshua (Jesus). Your walk will deepen and your hunger for the scriptures will grow as you learn and walk in the Feasts of the Lord. (4 Video DVDs) Fall Feasts: Matthew 24:30-31 - "And then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky with power and great glory. And He will send forth His angels with a great trumpet and they will gather together His elect from the four winds, from one end of the sky to the other." When Yeshua (Jesus) said this, he was looking forward to the events prophesied in the Bible about the things that He would fulfill upon His return to the earth as conquering King. Join Pastor Jim Staley as he dives deep into the fall feasts, uncovering incredible hidden truths. Jim shows how each of the Fall Feasts connects with, and points toward, the second coming of Yeshua (Jesus). Understanding the Feasts Days of the LORD is critical for every believer. In this series, Jim will show how Yom Teruah (Feast of Trumpets), Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement), and Sukkot (Tabernacles) all point to Messiah and His triumphant return. Jim Staley goes deep into the prophetic meaning of the Fall Feasts and the incredible relevance and meaning they hold for us today. Your spiritual walk will never be the same as you learn to walk in the Feasts of the LORD. (3 Video DVDs) Published Sep 28, 2012

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  • Yom Teruah 2020

    Yom Teruah 2020

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    Pastor Jim Staley is teaching on Yom Teruah (Feast of Trumpets) 2020. This video was recorded on Sep 19, 2020.

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  • God's Prophetic Calendar - Yom Teruah

    God's Prophetic Calendar - Yom Teruah

    Info about this teaching
    Pastor Jim Staley teaches on Yom Teruah (Feast of Trumpets). Understanding the Feast Days of the LORD is critical for every believer. In this teaching, Jim Staley goes deep into the prophetic meaning of the Feast of Trumpets, the ancient connection to the Messiah and the incredible relevance and meaning for us today.

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Our Feast of Trumpets and Love

We had our Feast of Trumpets service last night and it was beautiful. We had seven people from our group there and I had everyone dress in our uniforms with a white t-shirt. They were each to bring a letter to the Lord that had both a deep heart request to Him as well as […]

L.E.A.D. - Atmosphere

The L.E.A.D. training program is all about equipping families to be able to be the spiritual leaders of their own homes. The reason we feel this is so needed in today’s world is that we want each family to reach their full potentional that the Father has placed within each of us. To be fully […]

Finding Freedom Through Atonement

Yom Kippur is the highest holy day of the year on God’s calendar. But what makes this day so special? Isn’t every day sacred? Since the Son has come, isn’t every day holy in Him? Imagine a husband trying to tell his wife that there is really no need to celebrate their anniversary anymore. “You […]

Should Christians Celebrate Yom Kippur?

The History, Power, and Connections to our Messiah. Should we celebrate Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, as believers in Christ? Isn’t this a Jewish holiday? Why is this day considered the holiest day of the year in the Bible? This article will discuss the powerful connections and the significant reasons why every believer in […]

Yom Teruah's Transition From Peasants To Kings

Chag Sameach Yom Teruah (Happy Feast of Trumpets) Everyone from Marion Camp! Today was an absolutely gorgeous day and the sun was shining beautifully all day. I slept in today and then prepared for our 2:30 service. It was just me and Juan. We had a great feast and topped it off with a homemade […]


You know what I have learned since being in prison? God loves salsa. Yep, He loves it. How do I know? Well, I just do. Let me explain. I was making some salsa for our Rosh Hashanah service and I while I was making it, I had a revelation that I would like to share […]

Lesson #425

Lesson #425 here at Marion Camp: I can’t fix everyone, and I’m not the Holy Spirit. (Okay…I’m not exactly sure which number lesson this is, but it’s pretty high up there!) This is a hard one for me. Any of you out there a fixer? Me, too. I know how things are supposed to look […]

The Sound of Your Trumpet

The first words of the Bible are “In the beginning.” Rasheet means ‘beginning’ and is taken from the root word ‘rosh,’ which means ‘head.’ With this in mind, Rosh Hashanah literally means “head of the year.” Rosh Hashanah, or Tishrei 1 on the Hebrew Calendar, is the beginning of the Biblical civil New Year. This […]

Tradition or No Tradition?

It seems every year when holidays come around, there’s this cloud of controversy as to whether today’s believers today should celebrate them or not. In this short article, I hope to provide you with a real standard to help you discern between something that should be celebrated and something that shouldn’t. To determine the answer, […]

The Two Staffs of Elul

QUESTION: What is a staff used for today? What was it used for in ancient times? Today a staff may be used for walking. But in ancient times, the staff was a critical component and instrument of correction and protection. The shepherd’s staff is the most popular of all the staffs and was used to […]

Numbers 8-12

What does He mean when He says “arrange the lamps” so that the lights “give light in front of the lampstand”? Why does it matter which way the flames from the lamps face? The Menorah itself is highly symbolic. It represents the entire Word of God, which, according to Psalm 119:105 is the “Lamp unto […]

The Trumpet Blast of God

The trumpet is, without question, the most popular instrument mentioned in the bible. In ancient Israel the trumpet was not only a musical instrument, it was an instrument that represented both celebration and war. What is this instrument’s significance today? What can we learn from this ancient symbol? Let’s start by taking a look at […]

The Real Meaning of Yom Kippur

Yom Kippur. The Day of Atonement. What does that really mean? When you pull back the veil behind the literal meaning of the words, what do they tell us? How does this day really affect and impact us today? Let’s take a closer look at it in the literal black text and from there we’ll […]

God's Prophetic Calendar

We all have calendars. There’s the regular Gregorian Roman calendar we all use. Then there’s the fiscal year calendar, the school year calendar, religious calendars… But of all the calendars man has come up with, which do you think God uses to plan prophecy and everything else He wants to do? The American calendar? The […]

The Feast of Tabernacles Part 1

The Feast of Sukkot, better known as the Feast of Tabernacles. What is it? Where did it come from? And how does it apply to us today as believers in Jesus/Yeshua? This eight-day holiday is many people’s favorite. It’s a time of celebration, remembrance, feasting, and extended fellowship. Where traditional, modern-day Christians get excited about […]

The Feast of Tabernacles Part 3

The Water Libation Ceremony This ceremony is quite possibly one of the most powerful and incredibly prophetic ceremonies in all of biblical times: the water libation ceremony. It happened during the Feast of Sukkot and was unquestionably the most popular part of the week-long celebration. As a matter of fact, the ancient Jewish sages emphatically […]

A Rabbi, a Muslim, and Me

What do you get when you put a Rabbi, a Muslim and a Messianic pastor in one place? The same thing you get when you put a lion, a tiger, and a bear in one cage with one piece of meat: the potential for a free-for-all wrestling match! That’s pretty much what’s happening around here.

The Shavuot Lampstand Vision

Blake is truly one of the most gifted people in prophecy I have ever seen. He has visions almost daily of dreams and supernatural things that happen around him. One night in our midnight bible study, I was teaching them something and he said he physically saw flowers blooming all over my neck all around […]
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