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  • Promo Videos - Prophetic Calendar

    Promo Videos - Prophetic Calendar

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    Spring Feasts: When Paul wrote 1 Thessalonians, he knew all about the incredible prophetic value of the Feast Days of the Lord. He knew that the Hebrew word for “seasons” was “moedim,” which means “appointed times or feast days.” He knew that Messiah died on Passover, was buried during the Feast of Unleavened Bread, rose on the Feast of First Fruits and the Holy Spirit came down on the Feast of Shavuot (Pentecost). He knew very well that these were and still are the Spring Feasts of the Lord and that all of the feast days on God’s calendar are all about the Messiah’s first and second coming. he knew that if one did not understand these feasts as it relates to the prophesied Messiah, they would truly be weakling in darkness concerning His return. In this series, Jim dives deep into each spring feast day uncovering the incredible hidden truths that connect each feast to the first coming of Yeshua (Jesus). Your walk will deepen and your hunger for the scriptures will grow as you learn and walk in the Feasts of the Lord. (4 Video DVDs) Fall Feasts: Matthew 24:30-31 - "And then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky with power and great glory. And He will send forth His angels with a great trumpet and they will gather together His elect from the four winds, from one end of the sky to the other." When Yeshua (Jesus) said this, he was looking forward to the events prophesied in the Bible about the things that He would fulfill upon His return to the earth as conquering King. Join Pastor Jim Staley as he dives deep into the fall feasts, uncovering incredible hidden truths. Jim shows how each of the Fall Feasts connects with, and points toward, the second coming of Yeshua (Jesus). Understanding the Feasts Days of the LORD is critical for every believer. In this series, Jim will show how Yom Teruah (Feast of Trumpets), Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement), and Sukkot (Tabernacles) all point to Messiah and His triumphant return. Jim Staley goes deep into the prophetic meaning of the Fall Feasts and the incredible relevance and meaning they hold for us today. Your spiritual walk will never be the same as you learn to walk in the Feasts of the LORD. (3 Video DVDs) Published Sep 28, 2012

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  • Yom Kippur 2011

    Yom Kippur 2011

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    Pastor Jim preaches on Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. Published Oct 8, 2011

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  • Yom Kippur 2014

    Yom Kippur 2014

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    Discover God's prophetic calendar by joining us in honoring Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement). Pastor Jim Staley teaches on fasting and the Al Chet prayer. We hope that you're blessed by this teaching! Published Oct 6, 2014

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  • God's Prophetic Calendar - Yom Kippur

    God's Prophetic Calendar - Yom Kippur

    Info about this teaching
    In this teaching, Pastor Jim goes deep into the prophetic meaning of the Day of Atonement, the ancient connection to the Messiah and the incredible relevance and meaning for us today. Published Nov 7, 2011

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Finding Freedom Through Atonement

Yom Kippur is the highest holy day of the year on God’s calendar. But what makes this day so special? Isn’t every day sacred? Since the Son has come, isn’t every day holy in Him? Imagine a husband trying to tell his wife that there is really no need to celebrate their anniversary anymore. “You […]

L.E.A.D. - Let The Healing Begin

Let The Healing Begin We not only struggle against the evil and darkness of the world but also against things in our lives and pasts that hold us back from righteousness, such as trauma, depression, emotional wounds, bad relationships, and the consequences of our actions. If we don’t seek freedom from these things, we will […]

L.E.A.D. - A Different Spirit

Leadership With A Different Spirit One of the most significant issues the community of God can face today is its members relinquishing their God-given responsibilities and trying to put authority or obligations of ministry and leadership on a single person or small group of people. Originally every firstborn of Israel was to be part of […]

L.E.A.D. - Kingdom Gospel

The Gospel of the Kingdom The word ‘gospel’ is found ninety-three times in the Bible, all in the New Testament, and means ‘good news. In Greek, the term is ‘euangelion’ (Strong’s, G2098), which is also the root of related words in English like ‘evangelist’ and ‘evangelical.’ We know that the Gospel, ‘the Good News, is […]

L.E.A.D. - What's In Your Sacrifice?

What’s In Your Sacrifice? There are five main types of sacrifice in the Torah, each one serving a specific purpose: the burnt offering (olah); the meal offering (terumah); the peace offering (shalom); the sin offering (hatat), and the trespass offering (asam). We do not practice these sacrifices today as they are written in the Scriptures […]

Hanukkah 2018 in Prison: Part 2

The Light from Shechem and the Table of Shewbread We’ve been discussing many topics each night as we celebrate this amazingly prophetic and Yeshua-packed feast. One theme seems to be the connection of the Table of Shewbread to the shoulders of the High Priest and to Mts. Ebal and Gerezim in Shechem. I know. Strange […]

Yom Kippur 2018...In Prison, but My Best One Yet!

Well, this is my third Yom Kippur in prison and it was not only the best Yom Kippur I’ve had here so far, it was the best Yom Kippur I have EVER had! As a matter of fact, it was such an extraordinary day that it made me feel like I’ve never celebrated it before! […]

Should Christians Celebrate Yom Kippur?

The History, Power, and Connections to our Messiah. Should we celebrate Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, as believers in Christ? Isn’t this a Jewish holiday? Why is this day considered the holiest day of the year in the Bible? This article will discuss the powerful connections and the significant reasons why every believer in […]

In the Likeness of God

Why is it that so many professed believers feel like God is so distant from them? Why do people across this beautiful planet feel as though God is somewhere “way out there” and that there’s a huge gulf between Him and them? How is it possible for us to feel like we’re far from our […]

Putting Life Back Into Life: Part 4

We’ve come to the final part in this series in the hope of putting life back into our lives and putting back the shattered pieces of the beautiful glass menagerie of our past. The only item left on our agenda is to deal with our own Personal Liabilities and then, from there, we can rewrite […]

How to Stop the Pain Now! Part 5: The Power to Truly Forgive

True forgiveness. What does that really look like? What does it feel like? Can I say that I forgive someone but deep down not really forgive them? In this article, we’re going to tie together many of the concepts in this series and uncover why it’s so difficult to forgive and why most people are […]

Don't Disqualify Yourself!

In chapter 23 of this week’s Torah portion, Emor, which means “say,” we have the main instructions for the Feasts of the LORD. But because that topic has been covered extensively by both me and many other teachers, I’m going to take time to unpack the part of the parsha that deals with the regulations […]

The Azazel Goat and the Leader of the Demons

As we move into Leviticus 16 and following, we start to transition to a different flow as far as what Yahweh is conveying to His people. He has given great detail on how to build His house, how to operate and minister before Him, and has given specific instructions on how His people are to […]

Total Consecration

In this week’s Torah portion, the instructions continue on the five main sacrifices that were to be made within the temple courts. But what I’d like to focus on is one short verse near the end of the portion – in chapter 8 – that deals with the command of consecration.

The Hidden Meaning of Golgotha

We come across many important items in this week’s Torah portion as we continue through the book of Exodus. In this article, I’m going to focus on one strange instruction that’s sandwiched in between all of the actual items of the tabernacle. As the text goes into the details of the altar of incense, the […]

The Two Staffs of Elul

QUESTION: What is a staff used for today? What was it used for in ancient times? Today a staff may be used for walking. But in ancient times, the staff was a critical component and instrument of correction and protection. The shepherd’s staff is the most popular of all the staffs and was used to […]

The Real Meaning of Yom Kippur

Yom Kippur. The Day of Atonement. What does that really mean? When you pull back the veil behind the literal meaning of the words, what do they tell us? How does this day really affect and impact us today? Let’s take a closer look at it in the literal black text and from there we’ll […]

God's Prophetic Calendar

We all have calendars. There’s the regular Gregorian Roman calendar we all use. Then there’s the fiscal year calendar, the school year calendar, religious calendars… But of all the calendars man has come up with, which do you think God uses to plan prophecy and everything else He wants to do? The American calendar? The […]

The Feast of Tabernacles Part 1

The Feast of Sukkot, better known as the Feast of Tabernacles. What is it? Where did it come from? And how does it apply to us today as believers in Jesus/Yeshua? This eight-day holiday is many people’s favorite. It’s a time of celebration, remembrance, feasting, and extended fellowship. Where traditional, modern-day Christians get excited about […]
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