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Category: Torah Portions

No Pain No Gain

Discover the formula for how to truly get to the next level in your spiritual life. Watch as Pastor Jim Staley unpacks one of the most impactful messages of the year. You will never look at music and the number 8 the same again as he shows the hidden...

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Torah Portion Vayakhel/Pekudei

Pastor Jim Staley teaches on this week’s Torah portion (Vayak’hel/Pekudei). As he explains the various ways words were changed in translations we see that assemblies, congregations, and ekklesia are all intertwined and the same throughout...

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The Power of Intention & New Birth

Today, Pastor Jim dives into the book of Exodus and unveils where new birth really comes from BEING INTENTIONAL! In this week’s Torah portion, Shemot (Exodus), we begin to take a turn in the story of the Israelites toward the beginning of their freedom....

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Vayetze 2012

Pastor Jim Staley is teaching on the Torah portion “Vayetze” (He Went – Genesis 28:10 – 32:3). A deeper look at Jacob’s Ladder. Published Nov 24th, 2012

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Is it a Sin to Curse?

Is it a Sin to Curse? Can Christians Cuss? Discovering the Power of Your Words – Jim Staley Is it a sin to curse as a Christian? Is it wrong to cuss? In this provocative teaching, Jim Staley pulls out the scriptures and walks through the Bible...

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The Red Heifer and The END of The World

For 2000 years Christians have been waiting for the return of Christ. For 2000 years the Jewish people have been waiting for the moment they can start sacrificing again. And there is one single event that must take place first in order for both to...

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The Red Heifer and The END of The World

For 2000 years Christians have been waiting for the return of Christ. For 2000 years the Jewish people have been waiting for the moment they can start sacrificing again. And there is one single event that must take place first in order for both to...

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The Prophetic Call of Manasseh

Jim Staley brings forth a POWERFUL and prophetic connection of how Manasseh and Ephraim relate to the End Days Revival. Understanding the REAL reason why Jacob crossed his hands when he blessed the two sons of Joseph and how that blessing is still...

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