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Category: Romans

Understanding the Book of Acts

The book of Acts is the first book of the bible that follows the resurrection of Christ. But are we sure that we really understand the power of its record? It is from this book that we learn how the disciples lived out the very gospel that went before...

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Understanding Romans – Part 3

Some of the most difficult passages in the New Testament concerning the Torah (Law of God) can be found in the book of Romans. For instance, Paul tells us in Romans 3:31 that we are to uphold the Law. But he also seems to say in Romans 10:4 that Christ...

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Understanding Romans – Part 2

Some of the most difficult passages in the New Testament concerning the Torah (Law of God) can be found in the book of Romans. For instance, Paul tells us in Romans 3:31 that we are to uphold the Law. But he also seems to say in Romans 10:4 that Christ...

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Understanding Romans – Part 1

Some of the most difficult passages in the New Testament concerning the Torah (Law of God) can be found in the book of Romans. For instance, Paul tells us in Romans 3:31 that we are to uphold the Law. But he also seems to say in Romans 10:4 that Christ...

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