Jethro — יִתְרוֹ
Exodus 18:1-20:23
From the Midst of the Fire
God gives the Ten Commandments to Moses up on the mountain for the benefit of the entire world. But what was it like up there? How did Yahweh speak and present Himself? Under what conditions did the LORD speak to Moses? If we can understand those conditions, perhaps we can better recognize when the All […]
The Quest for the Third Day
The mention of that title conjures up visions of a crisp April morning in Jerusalem almost 2000 years ago as the Son of the living God rose from the dead just before the sun dawned over the first-century landscape. It was a dark three days that Passion Week as our Lord lay in that tomb. […]
The Knife of Presumption
Moses is about to have a conversation with his father-in-law as the entire Egyptian army spends its time getting to know its new fish friends at the bottom of the Sea of Reeds. This simple conversation with Jethro will prove to be one of the most profound and life-impacting conversations Moses will ever have. In […]