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  • Understanding the Book of Acts Chapters 5-7


    As Pastor Jim moves through chapters 5, 6 and 7, he uncovers a wealth of information that is critical to understanding the rest of the book. You will learn:

    ~ Why Stephen was really stoned to death.
    ~ What the words “prince” and “witness” mean in the original language.
    ~ The School of Hillel and the School of Shammai and how those two schools of thought shaped and influenced both Judaism and early Christianity.
    ~ Who was Gamaliel and why did Paul sit at his feet?
    ~ The connection of Moses trying to break up the dispute between his two brethren and what Christ did in his ministry.
    ~ And much, much more!

    Understanding the book of Acts is critical and foundational to truly understanding the New Covenant and what the early Church actually believed and practiced. Where is the power in the Church today that existed in the first century? This series will challenge you and encourage you at the same time on how to return back to that power. Pastor Jim dives into the nuances and Hebrew culture of the day to truly understand what is really going on in the book of Acts and by extension the entire New Testament Church.

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    As Pastor Jim moves through chapters 5, 6 and 7, he uncovers a wealth of information that is critical to understanding the rest of the book. You will learn:

    ~ Why Stephen was really stoned to death.
    ~ What the words “prince” and “witness” mean in the original language.
    ~ The School of Hillel and the School of Shammai and how those two schools of thought shaped and influenced both Judaism and early Christianity.
    ~ Who was Gamaliel and why did Paul sit at his feet?
    ~ The connection of Moses trying to break up the dispute between his two brethren and what Christ did in his ministry.
    ~ And much, much more!

    Understanding the book of Acts is critical and foundational to truly understanding the New Covenant and what the early Church actually believed and practiced. Where is the power in the Church today that existed in the first century? This series will challenge you and encourage you at the same time on how to return back to that power. Pastor Jim dives into the nuances and Hebrew culture of the day to truly understand what is really going on in the book of Acts and by extension the entire New Testament Church.

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  • Old Testament
    New Testament
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      • Old Testament
        New Testament


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