Pastor Jim Staley teaches on the Torah Portion “Korach”.
What is Spiritual Authority? Is it arrogance? Is it being self-appointed or rank? Or rather, is it through humility, through serving and accepting Yahweh’s will for your life that raises you to lead in His Kingdom? Let’s dive a bit deeper and see what the real sin was of Korach and his followers.
Be blessed! Published Jun 11, 2013.
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Pastor Jim Staley teaches on the Torah Portion “Korach”.
What is Spiritual Authority? Is it arrogance? Is it being self-appointed or rank? Or rather, is it through humility, through serving and accepting Yahweh’s will for your life that raises you to lead in His Kingdom? Let’s dive a bit deeper and see what the real sin was of Korach and his followers.
Be blessed! Published Jun 11, 2013.
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