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Book of Romans – Chapter 1

Book of Romans – Chapter 1

Decoding Romans: Chapter 1

Rediscovering Paul’s Message in a Hebraic Context

In his groundbreaking teaching, Decoding Romans: Chapter 1 – Christian Slavery?, Jim Staley invites viewers on a transformative journey through the Book of Romans. This verse-by-verse commentary unpacks Paul’s writings from their original Hebraic-Jewish context, challenging 1,700 years of traditional interpretations shaped by Romanized Christianity.

Paul, a Pharisee of Pharisees, wrote with a depth rooted in Jewish culture, idiomatic expressions, and the Hebrew scriptures. Pastor Staley underscores that to truly grasp Paul’s message, we must shed modern biases and return to the mindset of a 1st-century rabbi. For example, the Greek term Paul uses to describe himself, often softened to “bondservant,” actually means “slave.” Far from diminishing his role, this term emphasizes Paul’s absolute devotion to Yeshua (Jesus) as his master. This call to servanthood challenges believers to similarly surrender their own wills in service to God and others.

Pastor Staley also delves into Paul’s identity as an apostle, a “shaliah” in Hebrew, carrying the same authority as the one who sends him. This authority stems not just from Paul’s calling but from his unique role as a spiritual bridge—much like the Levites, Israel’s priestly tribe—granting Gentiles access to the promises of Israel. Paul’s writings reaffirm that believers are grafted into the commonwealth of Israel, uniting Jews and Gentiles as one people under God.

The teaching raises critical questions about how the faith has evolved, asking: Have we misunderstood the essence of Paul’s gospel? Jim’s analysis of terms like “saints” and “faith” reveals their continuity with Israel’s identity, dismantling misconceptions of a new classification for believers.

Through this series, viewers are encouraged to rediscover Romans as a rich, foundational text that integrates faith and obedience. Whether you’re a seasoned scholar or a curious seeker, this teaching promises to deepen your understanding of Scripture and challenge preconceived notions.

Paul begins his epistle to the Romans by identifying himself as a “slave” of Christ, an apostle set apart for the gospel of God. Jim Staley unpacks this introduction in the first installment of his Decoding Romans series, highlighting its profound implications within its 1st-century Jewish framework.

The term “slave” (Greek: doulos) is crucial. Unlike “servant,” which might imply voluntary service, “slave” denotes complete submission and ownership. Paul’s choice of this term reveals the depth of his commitment to Yeshua (Jesus) as his master. This perspective aligns with Jewish concepts of servitude to God, where one’s identity is defined by obedience and loyalty to the Creator.

Pastor Staley also explores Paul’s role as an apostle, or “shaliah” in Hebrew. In Jewish culture, a shaliah is a representative with the full authority of the one who sends him. Thus, Paul’s apostleship is not self-appointed but divinely ordained, carrying the weight of God’s authority. This designation ties into Paul’s mission to bridge the gap between Jews and Gentiles, bringing them together under the commonwealth of Israel.

The teaching also delves into the meaning of the “gospel of God.” Staley emphasizes that this good news is rooted in the promises given to Israel. The gospel is not a new concept but the fulfillment of God’s covenantal plan, now extended to the nations. Paul’s opening verses in Romans affirm this continuity, grounding his message in the Hebrew scriptures and prophetic tradition.

Staley’s verse-by-verse commentary brings to light the rich, Hebraic context of Paul’s writings, challenging interpretations influenced by centuries of Romanized Christianity. By understanding Paul’s words through the lens of a 1st-century Pharisee steeped in Jewish thought, believers can gain deeper insights into the foundational truths of their faith.

The Decoding Romans series invites viewers to reevaluate long-held assumptions about Paul’s teachings. It encourages a return to the roots of the faith, where obedience to God’s instructions and faith in His promises form a unified whole. Through this journey, Jim aims to equip believers to live out their calling as grafted-in members of Israel, embracing their identity as part of God’s covenant people.

Whether you are new to the Bible or a seasoned student of Scripture, this teaching offers a fresh perspective on the Book of Romans. These are the timeless truths of Paul’s letter, uncovering its relevance for believers today.

Watch full teaching here:

Click here for full transcript of video:

Jim Staley

About The Author
Jim’s life’s desire is to help believers everywhere draw closer to the Father by understanding the truth of the scriptures from their original cultural context (a Hebraic perspective) and to apply them in faith for today.

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