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    unleavened bread

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  • Unleavened Bread

    Unleavened Bread

    Info about this teaching
    Pastor Jim Staley teaches on leaven and the Feast days. Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread have huge prophetic meaning for modern we better understand what "leaven" is and what it isn't, both physically and spiritually. This teaching gives definition and practical application for how all of God's people can honor these amazing Feasts of our Lord! Published Apr 8, 2014

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  • L.E.A.D. -Bread To Power

    L.E.A.D. -Bread To Power

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    Join Jim Staley as he uncovers the hidden connection between the Unleavened Bread of Passover and the leavened loaves of Pentecost. You will discover in this teaching how the entire process of counting the Omer leading up to Shavuot/Pentecost is all about how to make bread. And WE are the bread! This teaching will definitely leave you inspired and hungry for more of HIS bread! Make sure you stick around till the end as the Holy Spirit definitely shows up near the close of this message! PDF FILES

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  • The Connection of Passover to Pentecost

    The Connection of Passover to Pentecost

    Info about this teaching
    Join Pastor Jim Staley as he uncovers the hidden connection between the Unleavened Bread of Passover and the leavened loaves of Pentecost. You will discover in this teaching how the entire process of counting the Omer leading up to Shavuot/Pentecost is all about how to make bread. And WE are the bread! This teaching will definitely leave you inspired and hungry for more of HIS bread! Make sure you stick around till the end as the Holy Spirit definitely shows up near the close of this message!

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  • What is Leaven?

    What is Leaven?

    Info about this teaching
    Pastor Jim Staley teaches on leaven and the Feast days. Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread have huge prophetic meaning for modern we better understand what "leaven" is and what it isn't, both physically and spiritually. This teaching gives definition and practical application for how all of God's people can honor these amazing Feasts of our Lord! Published Apr 8, 2014

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  • Removing the Leaven from Your Life

    Removing the Leaven from Your Life

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    In this Feast of Unleavened Bread teaching, Pastor Jim Staley dives into the meaning of leaven and how to remove it from your life. Published Apr 3, 2012

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  • Promo Videos - Prophetic Calendar

    Promo Videos - Prophetic Calendar

    Info about this teaching
    Spring Feasts: When Paul wrote 1 Thessalonians, he knew all about the incredible prophetic value of the Feast Days of the Lord. He knew that the Hebrew word for “seasons” was “moedim,” which means “appointed times or feast days.” He knew that Messiah died on Passover, was buried during the Feast of Unleavened Bread, rose on the Feast of First Fruits and the Holy Spirit came down on the Feast of Shavuot (Pentecost). He knew very well that these were and still are the Spring Feasts of the Lord and that all of the feast days on God’s calendar are all about the Messiah’s first and second coming. he knew that if one did not understand these feasts as it relates to the prophesied Messiah, they would truly be weakling in darkness concerning His return. In this series, Jim dives deep into each spring feast day uncovering the incredible hidden truths that connect each feast to the first coming of Yeshua (Jesus). Your walk will deepen and your hunger for the scriptures will grow as you learn and walk in the Feasts of the Lord. (4 Video DVDs) Fall Feasts: Matthew 24:30-31 - "And then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky with power and great glory. And He will send forth His angels with a great trumpet and they will gather together His elect from the four winds, from one end of the sky to the other." When Yeshua (Jesus) said this, he was looking forward to the events prophesied in the Bible about the things that He would fulfill upon His return to the earth as conquering King. Join Pastor Jim Staley as he dives deep into the fall feasts, uncovering incredible hidden truths. Jim shows how each of the Fall Feasts connects with, and points toward, the second coming of Yeshua (Jesus). Understanding the Feasts Days of the LORD is critical for every believer. In this series, Jim will show how Yom Teruah (Feast of Trumpets), Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement), and Sukkot (Tabernacles) all point to Messiah and His triumphant return. Jim Staley goes deep into the prophetic meaning of the Fall Feasts and the incredible relevance and meaning they hold for us today. Your spiritual walk will never be the same as you learn to walk in the Feasts of the LORD. (3 Video DVDs) Published Sep 28, 2012

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The Unleavened Bread of Affliction

Why Unleavened Bread? Within the spring season of Passover lies the first significant week-long festival of the year. It’s called Unleavened Bread and it’s a seven-day feast with a high Sabbath on the first day and on the seventh. During this time, no one that calls the name of Yahweh their God is supposed to […]

L.E.A.D.- Bread to Power

Passover Bread to Pentecost Power The spiritual journey from Passover to Shavuot (or Pentecost as it’s also known) can, quite amazingly, be compared to the process of making bread. This is not only because the instructions given for these appointed times in scripture are centered around the baking of specific types of bread, but even […]

December 25 on Trial

Was Jesus Actually Born on December 25th? Why do we celebrate Christmas on the winter solstice? Did the Catholic Church originally choose December 25th just because it was an existing pagan holiday to a Roman solar god? We’re going to find out all of this and more as we travel back in time over 4,000 […]

Identity Crisis

How many of you can pinpoint a moment, a defining moment where something happened that radically changed your life? For some of you, this message is that moment. As Christians, we’ve always been told that our faith starts in the New Testament and so our entire lives had been fashioned from that idea. But what […]

Book of Acts - Chapters 20-21

In this reflection on Acts chapters 20 and 21, we delve into Paul’s unwavering commitment to sharing the gospel and his dedication to observing God’s appointed times and traditions. Through Paul’s journey, we uncover significant insights into early Christian practices, the role of Jewish customs, and the courage it took to serve amid adversity. Paul’s […]

Book of Acts Chapter 17-18

Understanding Acts Chapters 17-18 A Lesson on Jealousy, Power, and Purpose Introduction The Book of Acts provides a powerful narrative about the early Christian church and its rapid growth amidst significant challenges. As we delve into Acts 17-18, we will explore not only the events but also the underlying emotions and spiritual battles that shaped […]

L.E.A.D. - What's In Your Sacrifice?

What’s In Your Sacrifice? There are five main types of sacrifice in the Torah, each one serving a specific purpose: the burnt offering (olah); the meal offering (terumah); the peace offering (shalom); the sin offering (hatat), and the trespass offering (asam). We do not practice these sacrifices today as they are written in the Scriptures […]

Should Christians Celebrate Yom Kippur?

The History, Power, and Connections to our Messiah. Should we celebrate Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, as believers in Christ? Isn’t this a Jewish holiday? Why is this day considered the holiest day of the year in the Bible? This article will discuss the powerful connections and the significant reasons why every believer in […]

Yeast In the Soul

During this feast of Unleavened Bread, we take the time to truly reflect on the depth and meaning that goes into why we observe it. We have a full week to reflect. A full week of not eating any leaven. Why? “You must not eat leavened bread with it. For seven days you are to […]

Easter or Passover?

Should Christians celebrate Easter or Passover? Does it even matter? In this article, I’m going to let history and the Bible answer both of those questions. Once you have all the information, you can decide for yourself. If you’re a follower of the Way and a student of the Book, you should want to know […]

Did Jesus Really Die on a Friday?

For almost 1800 years now, one myth has been more promulgated more than any other: the idea of “Good Friday.” The idea that Christ died on a Friday and rose on Sunday goes as far back as the Catholic Church itself. In this article we’re going to uncover how this error came about, discover the […]

The Quest for the Third Day

The mention of that title conjures up visions of a crisp April morning in Jerusalem almost 2000 years ago as the Son of the living God rose from the dead just before the sun dawned over the first-century landscape. It was a dark three days that Passion Week as our Lord lay in that tomb. […]

The Purpose of Affliction

But the more they afflicted them, the more they multiplied and grew. That’s how verse 12 starts in the book of Shemot (Exodus). The people of Israel were blessed immensely in Egypt under Joseph’s reputation. But “now there arose a new king over Egypt, who did not know Joseph.” That’s where the affliction begins and […]

The Two Staffs of Elul

QUESTION: What is a staff used for today? What was it used for in ancient times? Today a staff may be used for walking. But in ancient times, the staff was a critical component and instrument of correction and protection. The shepherd’s staff is the most popular of all the staffs and was used to […]

The Real Meaning of Yom Kippur

Yom Kippur. The Day of Atonement. What does that really mean? When you pull back the veil behind the literal meaning of the words, what do they tell us? How does this day really affect and impact us today? Let’s take a closer look at it in the literal black text and from there we’ll […]

God's Prophetic Calendar

We all have calendars. There’s the regular Gregorian Roman calendar we all use. Then there’s the fiscal year calendar, the school year calendar, religious calendars… But of all the calendars man has come up with, which do you think God uses to plan prophecy and everything else He wants to do? The American calendar? The […]

The Feast of Tabernacles Part 1

The Feast of Sukkot, better known as the Feast of Tabernacles. What is it? Where did it come from? And how does it apply to us today as believers in Jesus/Yeshua? This eight-day holiday is many people’s favorite. It’s a time of celebration, remembrance, feasting, and extended fellowship. Where traditional, modern-day Christians get excited about […]

The Shavuot Lampstand Vision

Blake is truly one of the most gifted people in prophecy I have ever seen. He has visions almost daily of dreams and supernatural things that happen around him. One night in our midnight bible study, I was teaching them something and he said he physically saw flowers blooming all over my neck all around […]

All About the Feast of Tabernacles

Celebrating Sukkot and its Deep Spiritual Meaning Hello everyone, Jim Staley here from Passion for Truth Ministries. Today’s broadcast is especially exciting as we wrap up our series on the Feast Days of the Lord. We’re diving into the final, and most exciting of them all—the Festival of Sukkot, also known as the Feast of […]

Passover - Removing the Sin

Many of you know that we are entering into the season of Passover, which means we have the opportunity to remember the story of what Yahweh did for His people and how He saved them from suffering. But it’s also a good time to do a Spiritual “check” of our temples to make sure that […]

Book of Acts Chapter 26-28

Navigating Life’s Storms Have you ever felt like your life was caught in the middle of a storm—a spiritual hurricane, perhaps—where every direction feels uncertain, and no matter how hard you try, you seem to be tossed around? If you have, you’re not alone. The Apostle Paul’s journey in Acts 27-28 offers profound insights into […]

God's Prophetic Calendar - Sukkot

GOD’S PROPHETIC CALENDAR THE FEAST OF SUKKOT The Feast of Sukkot, or the Feast of Tabernacles, is one of the most significant festivals in the Jewish calendar, rich with symbolism, history, and prophetic meaning. This autumn festival has been celebrated for thousands of years, yet it continues to resonate deeply with both ancient traditions and […]

To Eat or Not to Eat

Pastor Jim Staley challenges the common interpretation of God’s intent regarding clean and unclean animals in the Bible, arguing that God originally intended for no one to eat unclean animals before the fall of Adam. He provides examples from various scriptures to support his argument and discusses the cultural and religious context of the early […]

Book of Acts - Chapters 8-9

A Sorcero, Salvation & Saul from an Original Hebrew Perspective Introduction This teaching provides an in-depth exploration of the Book of Acts Chapters 8 and 9, focusing on the Hebrew roots and original context of the narratives. He dispels common misconceptions, particularly about Saul’s conversion to Paul, and examines the events involving Philip, Simon the […]

L.E.A.D. - Atmosphere

The L.E.A.D. training program is all about equipping families to be able to be the spiritual leaders of their own homes. The reason we feel this is so needed in today’s world is that we want each family to reach their full potentional that the Father has placed within each of us. To be fully […]

Building His House Part 3

In the first two parts of this series, we learned that the real reason Yahweh needed His people to build Him a house was not that He needs one, but because the man had defiled the earth in the Garden. In order for Him to dwell among His people the way He desired, He needed […]

In Defense Of Hanukkah

In Defense of Hanukkah Every year at this time I begin to share with my audience the beauty in the Feast of Dedication (Hanukkah) as Cheryl and I teach our children the power of the light of Scripture for eight days, tracing it through the great men of the Bible and learning many valuable lessons […]

The Real Power of Shavuot

Shavuot is one of the only holidays that we are not really told why we are to celebrate it. It is a feast for sure in every sense of the word. It’s a great celebration that initiates the wheat harvest and concludes the Spring feasts of the LORD that started on Nisan 14 with Pesach. […]

What Does Real Ministry Look Like? Part 1

Theology and ministry are two completely different terms that make up a perfect whole. Theology without ministry is nothing but worthless ideas and philosophy. And ministry without theology is like running a race with no clear finish line. It lacks real purpose because theology defines the parameters for proper ministry. So how do we get […]

Melchizedek Two-Book Theory Refuted: Part 2

In the first part of this series, we took the time to unpack the two-book theory and refute some of its basic tenants. We spent time proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that the terms “Book of the Law,” “Book of the Covenant,” “Law of Moses,” “Law of God,” and “the Law” are all […]

To Judge or Not to Judge

Did you hear about Mr. Jones? I can’t believe that he did that. He deserves whatever he’s got coming to him.” Have you ever heard someone say something like this? Many times we hear things and react harshly and judgmentally, even though we have no verified facts and are not in a position to make […]

Remember This! Zakar!

Have you ever walked into a room and completely forgotten why? Sure you have. We all have. Forgetting things seems to be a common illness for us humans. So much so that there are countless products on the market to help improve memory. We are amazed by and jealous of those that have photographic memories. […]

Vow vs. Oath

MAKING A VOW OR OATH – Read Numbers 30. What immediately jumps out at you from reading this chapter? What seems to be the driving point that Yahweh is wanting to impress upon them? And finally, what is the original intent behind the plain black text that we can apply for today? I think it’s […]

Balak's Sin of Presumption

Have you ever been at a place in your life where you felt like someone was intentionally trying to hurt you, to curse you? Have you ever felt like they were going out of their way to cause you misery? What do we do when we are at a place so low that we just […]

Send Forth - Numbers 15

Now it’s time to move on to chapter 15! Shalach: Send Forth-Numbers 15 Read Numbers 15 as an overview. The beginning of chapter 15 seems to be strangely placed. It’s sandwiched between the Twelve spies incident and Korah’s rebellion and is almost a transition between the two, trying to tell us, in a way, what […]

Things Aren't What They Seem

The story of Esther is a story steeped in showcasing the covert power of the Almighty and how He works behind the curtain. How often in our lives do we look at things with our own eyes and formulate a conclusion based on the limited information we have and the facts we can discern with […]

The Joseph Formula Part 1

This week’s Torah portion is one of the most beautiful stories of reconciliation, healing, and true forgiveness in all of Holy Writ. It is not only the climax of the epic journey of one of the most-loved bible characters of all time, but it is the exact template, a perfect blueprinted foreshadowing, of the life […]

First Born Inheritance with Two Wives?

Deuteronomy 21:15-17 This week’s parsha seems to be filled with several very strange laws. Many will read quickly through this passage and move on, feeling they cannot relate to this law due to the fact that they do not have two wives. But just like all the scriptures, there is always more than meets the […]

Elul-Time to Prepare

When a bride and groom have planned a wedding day, do they just show up on the day or do they spend months planning out every last detail? When you are scheduled to go on vacation on May 1st, do you wait until the morning of to purchase your airline tickets and make reservations for […]

Numbers 8-12

What does He mean when He says “arrange the lamps” so that the lights “give light in front of the lampstand”? Why does it matter which way the flames from the lamps face? The Menorah itself is highly symbolic. It represents the entire Word of God, which, according to Psalm 119:105 is the “Lamp unto […]

The Feast of Tabernacles Part 2

When Was Jesus Born? First of all, why is this even an important question? Well, how well would it go for you to celebrate your spouse’s birthday, or one of your kids’ birthdays, on a wrong day? Worse yet, what if you chose to celebrate your wife’s birthday on the same day as one of […]

The Feast of Tabernacles Part 3

The Water Libation Ceremony This ceremony is quite possibly one of the most powerful and incredibly prophetic ceremonies in all of biblical times: the water libation ceremony. It happened during the Feast of Sukkot and was unquestionably the most popular part of the week-long celebration. As a matter of fact, the ancient Jewish sages emphatically […]

Keys to the Kingdom Part 1

In the last post we talked about how, according to 1 Corinthians 12, the Spirit only gives His gifts to spiritual “idiots,” those who choose to learn only from Him. Unfortunately, we are so programmed to think of “learning” with our physical minds that we will completely miss what He is saying. He is not […]
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